The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Emperor’s requies

Winded echoes of a trauma-ridden sigh settled. Heaviness of a sunken heart, the increasingly itching sentiment along her skin, want to scratch and pull blood; pure infused rage and sadness, Valentino breathed her last breath, chilly wind blew, sending chills. ‘-What have I done...’ silent cries rose to a cartoonish sky; muddled colors, no sense of time, all but the faded shadows of her attackers remained still. ‘-I screamed, no one heard, I pled, no one cared, I fought, lost an arm,’ tears rolled; all reached a stand – a pause in an unknown world, tremors rocked her body, fear and flashbacks stormed her mind, one arm rose in a boxer position, the legs wailed – alas, a minute *snap,* fluttered, “-hell has just begun,” said a silently ominous voice. Green hue scanned her body, pain from before vanished, the wounds healed; leaving feathers to linger – she looked, catching a faint glimpse of a gleeful being, arch-angel Raphael.

Meanwhile, cloaked behind gated gates, Emperor Markus Sultria and an entourage of the plaintiffs gathered before the courtroom. Both parties met at the door, “-where’s Dhenrie?” asked Raide.

“I’ll be stepping in his stead,” commented a familiar voice, Lady Maya, Lord Culstan’s attending lawyer, the noble was spotted inside sat at the opposite camp, he rose a familiar wave at Asmodeus.

“Don’t be led astray,” she added, “-we were asked by the emperor to join in the prosecution.”


“We’ll settle,” said a representative of the nobles, “-seeing as tis a crucial moment of the deliberation, we’d ask for the reporter to refrain-”

“We understand,” slashed Kul, “-the quicker the case end, the faster we’ll all be home eating a warm meal.”


“As thee says, lady Kul,” nodded the representative respectfully.

There it was, the closing of the curtains on a heavy affair. Both sides understood who had won and who’d lost. Maya was simple and effective in relaying her demands and went as follows, “-a settlement is best for avoiding an empire-wide scandal. Odgawoan and the chief of police have proven themselves to be dignified. Going from what the police report says of the incident – the lives lost were indeed PMCs of another nation. The teleportation device is heavily damaged for further investigation; thus, we conclude the police force did their duty in maintaining peace. The imperial Department of internal affairs and department of public-order as well as the military will be issued ultimatums to stop any investigations on the matter. The murder of Haania, on inconclusive information, is accidental far as we view it.”

“Alright. For forgetting what’s happened here, and I assume dropping case involved nobles, what’s thy offer?”

“Duchy of Owan,” said the emperor rising from his throne, “-may I have a private moment with King Igna?” collective inner-circle looked at the king of Hidros, “-master,” tapped Medusa, “-pardon me,” he snapped to reality, “-I was thinking about what to wear,” quick on his feet, the duo moved to a back room, leaving the court confused and relieved. No longer did the trial follow tradition; high profile individuals meant more leeway on the methodology.

Raide turned to Bleu, throwing his shoulder in bafflement.

“How did master know?” whispered Bleu.

“I don’t know...” they looked at Starix, “-give me a moment,” he shut his eyes and gathered the events in order. ‘-Knowing the nobles, there’s no way we were going to win. Forget moments before the trial, begin when we arrived – no, after that, remember, subtle clues, changes in emotion, yes,’ he locked onto an event, ‘-no, don’t you dare. I know everything,’

‘There it is, the missing piece. We conveniently forgot about the outburst – felt strange. Armed guards, a disheveled lawyer, and his sudden disappearance. In conclusion, the note, master must have discovered a truth that rattled the noble party to their core – but what? Milo is gone, possibly dead or kidnapped.’

“Figure anything?” whispered Asmodeus. He shot opened his eyes to an array of intrigued faces’ haunted sneer, “-sadly not.”

“What?” disappointed rolls and shrugs swept the attendants.

“A note.”

Curiosity flickered, rekindling flames of intrigue, “-tell us more.”

“All changed when master handed a note to Milo. Notice, he’s not around... we can assume he gave the note and was not well received for it,” a small debate sparked on the nature of why Milo had disappeared.

“Emperor Markus,” bounced around minimally decorated walls, “-I’m here, what is it thee wish to discuss?” A paranoid jitter had the man stare longingly at curtains and walls, “-we’re alone, I assure you.”

“I’m sorry,” he dropped onto the opposite seat, a once lovely full-head of hair laid as faded memory, wrinkles scrapped his forehead and cheeks, despite the heritage – the shell of a man sat with lesser meat on his bone, “-I’m tired.”

“Tired of what?”

“Of being thrown around. My wife kicked me out the manor,” he rose a dejected look, “-all because of the damned Alrosia Alliance.”

Igna tossed his finger in, ‘-don’t,’ motion. “-The alliance was a good idea. You and I are family, memories I share with you during that concert vividly bring a smile. Our intentions were good but the way by which we ran headfirst was idiotic. For once, I didn’t realize how corrupt Alphia was and you didn’t realize how headstrong and vindictive Hidros is. When dealing with my people, one must abide by the long-standing idea of survival of the fittest. Alphia’s backers exploited us for all we had, pushing away Easel Run Gard and Arda in the process.”

“Don’t change narratives,” fired Markus, “-I know we’re corrupt, so do you. Odgawoan, the city of dreams has always been under Raven’s control in legal and illegal matters. I turned a blind eye.”

“For the money,” said Igna, “-with us at the helm, the families are under control and maintain a balance of power where everyone wins. Tell me, I’ve read the reports, Odgawoan pays more tax than any other realm in the empire, money which goes straight into thy coffers. I asked éclair to help the imperial family; Alphia’s ruled by money and I made sure to send a fair share, brother-in-law. What’s happened to the finances? Well, let me guess – conglomerates got wind of the profits and moved against the imperial family. Big sister’s preoccupied with maintaining the status quo, and you, unable to see schemes were led astray. I don’t blame anyone, honestly, what happens happened. I was assassinated, well, faked my death to see the world powers filled their roles.”

“I can’t anymore,” he exhaled, “-I tried to fight against them, the conglomerates, but I couldn’t. When the court order was issued, I knew nothing of the matter – they briefed me five minutes before arrival, and here I learn of a teleportation device being used to instigate war in my domain... what the FUCK?” he cried, dropping clenched fists upon the table, “-I’M DONE!”

“Calm down,” said Igna raising his hand, “-here,” a potion flask manifested, “-drink this.”

Red with frustration, the drink seamlessly shot back; cold refreshment rose from within, “-I feel relaxed,” he blinked, “-what is this?”

“God’s ale, refined to a point of ecstasy. No cause for worry for I brewed the beverage. Tell me, are you calm?”

“Yeah,” a genuine smile curled, “-been a while since I’ve felt free from my troubles. I’m sorry about everything, I never wanted Eira to be in harm’s way – locking her in the manor was the only option. Playing the fool is my only trump card, years of acting like a fool’s made me a fool. Not afraid to admit the scope of intrigue’s far beyond what I can process anymore. I tried to follow thy uncle’s footsteps, the great king Staxius, there was something magical about him, the way he moved and walked, the instant he entered a room – a comforting heaviness gripped the heart for thee knew he was on thy side. Chronicle of the Haggard Dynasty inspired me to walk in his footstep – a true unrivaled genius.”

“I know, and I understand the feeling. My uncle was great but there’s something thee needs to know.”


“He was a fool.”

“If Staxius Haggard is a fool then what am I, what are we?”

“No, not literally, let me explain. My uncle’s story starts as a man born and raised on a battlefield – built to be a killing machine by his father, the experiment sought to turn an elementless kid into a powerhouse; in the end, the loss of his soul, a heart that could feel made him literal death for mages in the battlefield. The story’s long though one commonality remains – he was always alone, never turning to anyone, always keeping his fear and pain to himself. Self-sacrifice, taking hurt for someone else – for those who care for him. What sets my uncle apart wasn’t his strength nor his murderous intent, rather, his intellect; imagine a man creating a whole field of studies without having prior teachings, he founded Magiology, a core research subject in today’s age. Do you want to follow in his footsteps? No, even my big sister – his true successor was unable to reach a fragment of what he was; the thirst to reach her father’s standard eventually led to her downfall. She played an unwilling hand, turned against him, was envious and angry about never achieving her dream of standing by his side, and sadly, the cultivation led to his death. The story’s known too but a few and it’s a sad one. I see the same thing happening to you,” a pensive look held Markus’ face focused, “-tis the Haggard curse. Anyone who follows in his footsteps will see the world turn against them.”

“What about you?”

“Me? I’m Igna Haggard, son of Courtney Haggard. Like big-sister, I have the blood of Staxius Haggard in my vein seeing they were twins. A king’s as strong as the people around him, I vowed not to repeat the mistake my uncle did. Instead, I followed the path of assembling strong people, companions and friends I proudly call family. It’s cliché I know, power of unity and all that – however, there’s a reason why ancient texts speak of unity. I’m no way near as powerful as my uncle, still, I take pride in what I’ve achieved, alone, I’m not that strong; but,” he smirked, “-if the time ever comes when I’m in trouble or at an impasse,” terrifying shadows rose at his back, “-my guardian deities will swoop in and save the day.”

“I’m impressed, yet I fear I’ve already stepped beyond the point of no return. Alphia’s gone – nothing to be done or changed. Eira warned me about signing a deal with the Empire, I heeded her call but not the conglomerates, they willingly expanded into Wracian territory. Trade between our empires strengthens each day – and their influence slowly takes effect on a few of the people converting to Luciferianism. It’s a cultural invasion and I can’t stop it; the imperial family is but for show.”

‘Markus’s not a fool, he knows what’s happening.’

“I’m relinquishing the Duchy of Owan to you, King of Hidros. Develop the land and rise the City of Dreams to heights unseen to us.”

“What about you?”

“I don’t know,” he exhaled, “-the drug will wear off, I feel my paranoia returning,” he gave the same look to when Loftha died, “-take care of Eira.”

Before another word was said, a decree laid upon Igna’s lap and the emperor vanished into the hallway to conclude the trial.

‘-Idiot,’ Igna looked at the ceiling with a hallowed expression, “-Markus, the path you’re about to take will lead to death. I’ve seen that look before,” scroll in hand, “-who am I to get in the way of a courageous man. Know, Markus, for when the time comes, I’ll know,” he exhaled, “-I’ll know when it ends.”

The case ended, leaving representatives of the nobles visibly irritated, Emperor and King locked eyes outside, ‘-Igna, you know, don’t you?’ time slowed, ‘-if the path of the Haggard’s leads to misfortune, tis my fate.’

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