The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 923

Chapter 923: Urgency

Going by the King’s reaction, out of the celebrating party – Medusa took notice of his demeanor. Nothing had changed, for the most part, still, her longing glance couldn’t shake a feeling of unrest. Asmodeus and Mammon eagerly made plans, “-master, let’s go celebrate the acquisition of Owan.”

“No at the moment,” replied Igna, “-I ought to see a matter completed. Would you care to escort the others home?”

“Are you not coming with us?” interjected a somewhat tipsy Kul.

“No, not right now,” he said, breaking from the crowd headed to Odgawoan. Dusk painted the sky a gloomy dark, stars were unseen for the Melmarkian nightlife was loud. Time elapsed, most left – a victory for Raven and Odgawoan.

King found himself strolling up the Monstrio Boulevard, named after the first movie that grossed an enormous hundred million. Shops varied in themes, many focused on current trends, selling merch of popular shows. He watched, drawing some similarities to home. Passed the boulevard, crossing many intersections, a brief hop on a flyover – a five-minute tram ride laid a religious compound. A holy church belonging to God Lucifer. ‘Markus spoke true,’ he shuffled into the courtyard, a security guard nodded for the church took visitors 24/7, amber street lamps added to the rustic Victorian-style borne from the Wracian Empire. Crest of Lucifer carved above the open doorway – he stepped in and immediately sensed a burst of energy; a pair of wings, one of the many signs symbolizing their god glowed, ‘-the energy’s strong,’ shrugged Igna.

“Welcome to our church,” said a sister in religious robe, her fingers interlocked in prayer, “-how can I be of help?” she asked. Over her rather small stature laid others shabbily dressed individuals – attendants graciously guided them through the western door.

“I came for a simple visit,” he smiled, “-might I take a seat?”


“Go on ahead,” she smiled, “-take as long a time as you need, our lord surely watches over thee.”

“Sure, he does,” grinned Igna, “-have a good evening, sister.”

“Thank you, sir.”

‘Something inside forced me to visit the church,’ down upon the cold wooden bench, the focus immediately turned at the upwardly sloped ceiling.

“Igna,” a little figure puffed into reality.


“Ignaaa,” growled another.


“Why are we at the church?” they asked, perched upon his shoulder.

“Thought it was you who asked of me to come here?”

“No, no, no,” they synced, “-Lucifer’s place of worship is the last area we ever want to be.”

“Surely, he’s not that bad?” said rhetoric jest.


“Fine, fine, cut the death stares.”

“If nothing’s of interest, we’re leaving.”

“See you,” they puffed, leaving Igna alone with his thoughts. Strangely, on having some shut-eye, the right palm warmly burned, ‘-what’s this?’ he stared at the mark of Lucifer, the wings, ‘-right, reacting with the church, are we?’ Prayers inside fueled the wings, a burst of energy physically showed their mark – golden lines ran up the arm, into the shoulder, up the neck, and dove into the right eye.

‘My eyes, it hurts,’ reality shattered, ‘-the lenses are unable to control my,’ he shut ’em close, only to reopen after a brief minute, the thudding pain at the back of the pupils eased, ‘-where am I?’ area altered into a break within space and time. Lucifer’s wings flourished at his back, the bench shortly turned dust – a massive castle of golden glow hovered in the distance, below laid nothing, the wings flapped, he blinked, the emptiness turned mana, mana turned element, and elements brought forth a countryside, rooftops dotted about, tiny heads moved to and fro, large fields of crops headed into the distance only to be stopped by forests, dips in the ground, or mountains. More importantly, whistles passed his ear and fluttered for the castle, rather, behind the massive structure. ‘-I can tell that thing isn’t small nor big, from here it looks immense – up close I shudder.’

Drawn by curiosity and the pulsing of the crest, Igna flapped – shot across the skies akin to a bullet, he passed the previous whistles, ‘-angels?’ massive walls rose in height, he slowed to a halt and landed – seeing there were angel-like figures following said path. The wings beautiful folded in resting position, many of the bystanders looked at him strangely, to which he returned at them with equal strangeness. Sunlight snuffed, shadows of the gigantic walls swallowed the ground in a darker hue, he followed the geometrically pleasing arrangement of bricks eventually arriving at the foot of the archway.

Senior staff pointed at a few unruly angels, ‘-this is all too similar to a school...’ he cringed and skipped to the staff, “-pardon me,” asked Igna, the sterner looking of the trio rose his head, thrusting upon the barrel-like figure, “-what!”

“You see, I’m lost and in need of direction.”

Silence, the figures lowered his gaze and dropped in prostration, “-my lord, thee’ve come,” he sobbed, “-at last, the city of angels is cleansed. My liege, my lord, my savior, welcome home,” they cried, “-we’re pleased to see you again, it’s been so long, so long indeed,” they cried, “-Lord Lucifer, welcome home.”

‘Lord Lucifer?’ he reached for his phone, nothing, a downward glance showed completely differing clothes, he tapped around, ‘-everything’s gone, medals and the shows, a military outfit?’

“Please follow us,” a squad of imposing auras dropped, “-my liege, follow us.”

A large office rose, escorts of earlier vanished, leaving but confusion, ‘-principle...’ he walked and shortly caught his reflection off a full-body mirror, ‘-blonde hair, a white and gold outfit, my face’s changed a bit... hold on,’ the expression dropped, “-I look like Lucifer.”

“Correct,” a presence walks through the walls, “-you look like Lucifer but are not the master for the master has been stripped of his power. False god, how dare thee take the appearance of my master, my lord, my savior.”

“Quiet,” he rose a finger above his shoulder, ‘-focus, think back, where am I?’ a golden ring circled the white pupil, ‘-there, I found it, my way back,’ another blink and the ring vanished, ‘-I’m in Lucifer’s realm, my guess would be a reaction between the symbol and the prayers.’ An awkwardly angry stare glazed through the reflection, “-why are you silent?”

The entity pointed to their mouth, “-right, speak,” a tape slowly pulled from the lips and faded into sparks.

“Who in the world are you?”

“My question precisely,” he made way to the desk and sat, “-explain.”

“I’m Luci, a servant born to aid my master. I’m an archangel in service of Lucifer.”

“Igna Haggard, the one who dethroned Lucifer. Tell me, Luci, are we in Lucifer’s personal domain?”

“Yes, we’re in Ragno – the dimension ruled and guarded by my lord.”

“Tell me more about why I see angels instead of demons?”

“My lord is a god, therefore, those born to his realm are angels who serve him without question.”

“What about Lucifer, where is he?”

“We do not know, for the last time we felt his presence was in a visit to the mortal realm.”

“Last question, why are you answering?”

“A one who dethroned lucifer and assimilated his wings, symbolic to his majestic power and strength – the name Lucifer is technically yours seeing as thee bare his wings.”

“Makes sense,” he laid into the chair, “-stand up.” The entity obeyed, “-take on thy true appearance,” flesh added to bones, clothes soon covered limbs, a young man rose, or so it seemed for on closer examination, he bore feminine traits as well, “-kneel.” Luci dropped on one knee, “-at ease,” to which the angel rose upright with a frustrated squint.

“Speak thy mind.”

“Who do you think you are, coming here and ordering me around. I’m an archangel in service of Lucifer, I will not bow my head again to a false lord.”

Unable to pass the chance, “-kneel,” he ordered through a smug grin, the angel dropped once again, “-at ease,” he laughed. Rather than standing, the angel simply turned over and sat, “-are you happy?”

“Very happy,” he smiled, “-it’s been fun, too bad I can’t bare another instant in Lucifer’s place. May thy lord someday return,” *snap,* sermon ended, devotees exchanged words of praise with their comrades.

‘What a strange experience,’ the church soon remained but an object in the distance, ‘-I should really check on Valentino,’ *Teleportation.*

Guttural screams rattled, “-enough,” he thundered, approaching the unsightly Chief, a wave healed scratch and bite marks dotted all around her body, another gesture clothed and settled the sobbing lady on a white chair, a table and chair rose per Igna’s step. Burgers, fries, and soft drinks materialized, “-some fast, comfort food,” he winked.

Fear captured her heart and soul, there laid no sense of self in her empty focus, “-don’t act insane,” one handheld the burger the other manifested threads linking to her brain, “-there, should be normal.”

*Gasp,* “-FUC-”

“No swearing.”

“What am I?”

“Eat,” he ordered, “-the vivid memories will serve as a reminder not to betray me again. Let’s talk future, as spokesperson to Cimier and Patek, I want you to go on as if nothing’s changed. I don’t much care for the connection; we got what we wanted and more. The result is going to affect Markus, keep me informed if any assassination plot gets announced.”

“A spy,” she ate.

“No, a slave,” another bite, “-the only reason your alive is because I allow so. Don’t get a big head else you won’t be the one who dies, rather, it’ll be the child and husband who suffers. Odgar is my friend, it would pain my heart to take aim at him, but guess what,” he smirked,”-I’m the devil. If I have tortured your child and husband for the whole of eternity, I’ll do so. Finish the food and scurry home. Odgar’s waiting,” he gripped and pulled her arm, “-look here, tis the symbol of our pact, a reminder to what’ll happen if thee ever go against me, yes?” a muffled sniffle stopped by a snap, releasing Mantia and allowing for Valentino to run. Igna kicked his foot up the table and enjoyed the food.

‘Duchy of Owan is now a part of Hidros and mine to rule, I control the Viscounty of Glenda and Duchy of Owan. Parting with his most valuable land will paint a target on the emperor’s back – the look he gave, Alphia’s going to be overturned. A coup d’état is very likely – nobles don’t take lightly defeat. Conglomerates have had their eyes on his land, latter out of the picture, saddens me to say Markus might die... and if he dies, the throne will fall into princess Gallienne’s hand. No,’ he sat upright, ‘-they won’t attack now, would they?’

*Urgent Call,*


“...Help,” crackled, “-att-,” it cut off, leaving him distraught, ‘-what if that was what they wanted. A reason to rise against the nation – Markus’s look earlier was a warning,

*-calling éclair,*

“Hello, master,”

“No time for greetings. éclair, have Raven take up arms and mobilize around Odgawoan,” the call transferred to Raven, “-everyone, listen closely, I want every armed force out on the street, contact law enforcement and ask for all calls to be routed, Alphia’s going to war.”

“Master, surely thee don’t think-”

“Reports from the northeast, a large platoon was spotted.”

“DAMN IT!” *teleportation,* a leap and thus rose a quiet and dark seaside, ‘-the guard station’s empty,’ he sprinted to the manor and saw icicles and ice throughout the property, “-master?”

“Starix, éclair, take command – it’s happened, the conglomerates have waged war. Call in an emergency council home, strengthened our defenses.”

“Understood,” the call went dark, leaving Igna to wander the wasteland of ice. *See the unseen, feel the unfelt, knowledge deep within, awaken for I order so; Eye of Truth.* ‘-traces of Maicite,’ a barrier of ice blocked the entrance, ‘-sister, tell me you’re alive,’ he scanned, *woosh,* ‘-death element, I feel it, not mine... another death reaper.’

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