The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 926

Chapter 926: ‘-a simple gesture and lives were snuffed.’

How the morning rose, how it set, how the sun reflects, how the sky moves, how the wind blows, how nature reacts – a rigid landscape stretched before bystanders of whomst were the trees, over their shoulder peaked Fuda Mountain. Saying there had been a massacre was an understatement – an army of forty thousand annihilated by a shadowy apparition – was there no end to the misery, was there a chance at salvation or victory?

“People of Odgawoan,” shimmered, the first ray of light wasn’t sun nor the break of dusk, lines of white and black shook, transmission hit phones, television, cars, any device equipped with a receiver, “-my name’s Igna Haggard, the king of Hidros. Do ignore charred bodies and wreckage. What I realized in fighting to protect this city is there’s no hope. I make no point in hiding behind false trues, you, the people, deserve to know what’s here and what’s present. Astute Arcanum savvy users’ will have noticed the cut – Alphia’s in a state of disrepair. Authorities responsible for a victorious uprising have spanned their military influence across the continent. I say this without proof and only basing on my intellect. Saddens me to see such a city be defiled by threats of conquest and invasion. Regardless if I hold a legitimate claim on the Duchy of Owan; attacks shan’t cease lest I forsake my claim. Therefore, a messenger of mine has been dispatched to the capital – a dangerous task of startling proportions. Freedom can only be expressed for so long – wrong ideas and false knowledge inevitably affects how people see the world – mankind is very entuned to the mistake people make. I speak, let’s say, a multiplication table of two and make a mistake at the end, consider it ten right and one wrong, I’m certain many if not most would horn on the singular mistake, effectively ignoring my ten prior successes. Such is the way the cookie crumbles, so they say. A broadcast’s normally short and simple, not today, for time is nigh, people of Odgawoan, the decision made now will shape thy life. Stars, starlets, artists, musicians, people of knowledge, inhabitants – by the power granted by my title of King, I extend a warm invitation to those who wish to leave, preparations will be made; I have ordered planes to land at the airfield. Future is unknown to us – I’m a true believer that tis a population who shapes their cities, not the other way around. I’d hate to see freedom of expression associated with the city of dreams be smothered and quelled at the hands of an oppressive force. Raven and their subsidiary will be returning home. Waging war is a long-standing tradition in Hidrosian culture – thus my reason for departure. Abled man and woman of skill, if thee have talents and abilities Hidros could use, I warmly extend my hand and hospitality. As a show of good faith, anyone who wishes to travel needs but bring themselves and a few clothes – Raven will fund the immigration, all thee need is but be present and willing to start again,” boots against the crunchy gravel path, “-and for those who think commodities will be handed on accounts of thy status or rank, think again,” he grabbed the camera and inched ever so close, “-if it’s one thing I hate, tis laziness and procrastination. We evaluate on merit, and merit is how one climbs through the rank. Better yourself for your family and kingdom or stay in the desolate land of Alphia, watch as invaders lay siege to what we built and as they crush our hard work and the free-spirited way,” he smiled and dropped the camera, the transmission phased, “-future is in your hand, we’re here as an activation energy, torso-less arms willing to push and support those seeking change and victory over a self-impose falaise1,” broadcast faded into King Igna heading into the distance.

‘Should trigger a sense of urgency,’ he stopped and stared up Fuda road, lighting a cigarette, *puff,* “-no way we could have defended the city against Alphia and their allies. Best to cut the losses and move operations into Hidros – fortunately, Eldow’s high manor’s a killing machine – I doubt anyone would dare lay siege to said fortress,” a distant silhouette broke through the foggy morning, “-good morning,” said an exhausted-looking Kul.

“Good morning,” he replied, “-seems there’s more to your smile, yes?”

“There is,” she giggled, “-master, I couldn’t contain myself yesterday so I continued my east, located a secret airfield kept away inside the prologue forest. Shooting stationary planes, killing personnel, destroying the center of communication, supply depot, and finishing off their leaders was a walk in the park. I used every last bit of strength I had taking care of reinforcement,” *phew,* she wiped her brows and held her hips, “-been a while since I used nearly all my mana reserves. War is fun,” she laughed loudly ending in coughs, “-next assignment?”

“No clue,” he crushed the cigarette and turned towards the city, “-we’re evacuating, no use fighting a war here. Geography doesn’t allow for safe supply runs – we’re surrounded and the Duchy expands Northeast, not west. If it had been the other way around – access to the sea would have made Odgawoan a key location. It’s no use turning the city into a war-torn land field – I plan on returning once all is calm.”

Slow up and downs of her long lashes foretold multiple expected reactions; Igna watched, waiting to counter her reaction with a generalized response, “-understood,” her long arms latched onto her hips and stretched, “-I had my fun,” one foot in front the other, the demoness stopped and turned, “-master?”


Head shook mildly, “-beaten my expectation.”


“Nothing is all, senseless mumbles.”

Behold a king’s word – renowned stars, high profile actors, singers and superstars queued the same as the common folks and an entourage of rough mobsters and ladies of the night. Title and status meant nothing where they went for a crowd of a few thousand bared down at the airfield, each waiting for a chance to get onto the planes.

*Whistle,* “-that’s a lot of people,” commented a nonchalant Asmodeus, “-master,” the duo observed from a watchtower, “-did thee expect so many to answer our call?”

“I suppose, I understand many wanted to leave. Warning might have been a little too excessive.”

“Understatement of the day,” the prince clapped, “-we heard the broadcast, and boy it was frightening. Blood of the fallen, the flesh and innards of the defeated – tanks and armored vehicles laying in pits of fire – sprinkle low-quality of said broadcast, distorted dialog and thus stands an unforgettable speech.”

“Fastest way to kill the morale,” he said, “-Alphia loves their stars and without a city of dreams to look towards – public order will suffer.”

“Preparations have been made,” said Starix up the spiraling stairs, “-what are your orders?”

“How many planes do we have?”

“Six were passenger planes each with capacity of 350, not sufficient...”

“No problem,” he straightened the jacket and reached for the stairs, “-have Medusa separate stars from commoners – elites will fly whilst the general populous will experience magic first hand,” he winked. An hour after the broadcast – fog swept airstrip cleared as the sun chipped at the clouds, an outline muddied into sight – refugees stood and sat opposite the gate, armed soldiers kept the peace by patrols and raw intimidation.

White hair flourished into the view of many, “-good morning,” he thundered, “-Hear me, people of Odgawoan, I’m pleased to see the sheer volume. However, due to a sudden increase of capacity – we may have some people wait,” he paused, “-60%”

Chatter of disappointed and angry nature traveled ear to ear, “-my team shall call on the names of the chosen. I trust everyone understands.”

“Alright,” a trio passed the king, “-once a name is called, come to me for verification of identity,” loud roars of passenger planes circled the area.

10:50, “-master,” all the planes landed, “-triage complete, we’re ready for take-off.”

“Carry on the evacuation.”

“Master,” spoke another.

“Yes, Medusa?”

“Problem; those left are angrily saying we only cared for the rich and powerful, they’re right, master,” she breathed, “-did you stage it against the commoner?”

“Acts of cruelty brings forth truth of a person’s heart. Add fuel to the fire, I wish to see who remains calm and who observed the situation. I never mentioned leaving anyone behind. All a question of perception, take note of those who prove studious and observant, even if tis timidity, I care not, they’re people we need in the coming time.”

“Was this a recruitment effort?”

“Yes,” he deeply answered, “-Asmodeus and the rest have permission to evacuate. I trust cargo’s been moved?”

“Yeah,” added Starix hunched over a terminal, “-evacuation is ready – we’ll leave behind gifts.”

“Just what I wanted to hear.”

Outside the gates, a few angry parents cried amidst themselves, “-an open invitation to all,” they gritted, “-yeah, open to the rich and famous. What about us, what about our children, are we going to stand by?”

“I agree, why announce if it was going to be this way. The King doesn’t have much foresight, how great can a ruler be if it can’t accurately gauge the situation. I was a fool to believe in someone else.”

Rocks bounced against a chain-linked fence, “-screw you,” they screamed. Some guards rose their guns, “-ha, shoot the discontent, that’s a way to democracy – take out the infidel. How tyrannical,” they roared – creating a bucket for distress, frustration, and anger for like-minded followers to soak their heads.

Tension simmered for an additional two hours, *Clop, clop, clop, clop,* true divide chanted slurs, insults, and professed disagreement on the king’s decision, bringing into question his character and priorities. Guards were ordered to act only if matters turned physical, astute protestors kept a distance and jogged around a bonfire.

“Here we are,” a loud echo halted the protest, “-all the planes have departed,” he called onto an assistant, “-show me those who kept calm,” wherein the broad man pointed to a circle of silent observers and followed to pinpoint individuals across the crowd, “-those designated please make your way forward.”


“Shut your mouth,” he bellowed, quaking ground and trees, “-I will hear nothing from impatient wastes of space. Did it not cross thy mind to heed my words carefully? No matter, fool art be fools. Congratulation, thee who remained quiet and studied the situation; give your name and carry inside, you’ll be allowed to interview with one of the many companies under the crown’s control. I’ve said it before and I say it again – merit will take thee a long way – networking is part of a person’s arsenal, which is why I gave priority to stars, notice there are few A-list celebrities yet to depart, no discrimination was made against the population – we give priority to the talented and hardworking,” and so, massive recruitment followed late into the afternoon – allowing for the king to build a grand teleportation portal, ‘-thank you, scholars of Arda. Good designs are welcomed.’

A line stood patiently, curious to an unknown device beside the king, “-priority of employment is the reward for having been observant and not joined the barking dogs. Carry on, and I warmly open Hidros to thee, people of Odgawoan,” volume decreased, little by little, line of the chosen reached its end – blue gateway turned purple. A mass of rioters was suddenly surrounded, “-WHAT IS THIS?” they cried, Igna jumped onto the teleportation podium and sat on the stairs.

“Three hundred remains, Hidros’s blessed with three thousand willing and able workers. Look now,” he eased with a narrowed look, “-worthless trash,” and upward motion rose the guards’ guns, “-here’s where I draw the line. Insubordination, I consider myself an open-minded person and generous at the time. Bring forward the instigators and I may reflect on thy sentences,” they forcefully pushed forward five men, “-so it’s thee,” he smiled, “-the five men who laid the seed of revolt,” a simple gesture and lives were snuffed.

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