The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 927

Chapter 927: 28th of January X11

Barrel smoke rose, “-what happened?” panted survivors, “-why are we alive?” Hurls and agonizing cries echoed, one dropped to the ground foaming, sufferance caused by mana nausea. The devil flung one leg over the other, stared at the survivors, and smiled, “-congratulation, instigators.”

“Why did you kill them?”

“Are you not pleased?” a signal rose a gun to the man’s head, “-say the word, tis nothing off my back.”

“No please,” he dropped forward, slamming his forehead against asphalt, “-mercy, majesty, mercy.”

Shuffles gave into footsteps, “-raise your head,” said the king standing inches from the man, “-have thee forgotten my creed of assembling talented individuals? Consider it a favor,” *snap,* a green healing light shone above the remainder, “-scurry on out of here.”

“As you wish, Majesty.”

Days turned into weeks, 28th of January X115 wrote upon a table calendar. Igna, vested in a formal gray military suit sat at his office in the humble company of files upon files of unfiltered information. A gramophone propped on a glossy cupboard holding vinyl played melancholic and peaceful symphonies from an ensemble of Syndra Lordon, la virtuose de Hidros.


Fumbling amidst the chaos laid dated newspaper of various headings, “-King Igna’s heroic return,” read one, “-his majesty, king Igna of Hidros has returned from a diplomatic catastrophe.”

Another read, “-Dissolving of the United Nation of Alrosia,” dated a few days later, “-on a broadcast by the king, it was announced, “-people of Hidros, it pains me deeply to watch efforts put in by you, my people, in accepting culture and promoting a stable relationship with Alphia for I to be squandered in what felt instant. Hidros shan’t stand to ally with usurpers – we reject acknowledging Alphia as a new empire.”

Following said headline, another broadcast labeled, ‘-the truth,’ drew millions of viewers across the kingdom. At the center sat Igna and prime minister éclair, “-tell us, majesty, what’s the truth?”

“Yesterday I decreed confidential files to be unclassified; the public is invited to read and understand what goes on behind the scene. We have nothing to hide, éclair and the other ministers were indeed looked down upon as incompetent and I take a fair share of the blame – however, I must draw attention to how the kingdom felt. Hidros was peaceful, going on living peacefully without know to the what we were entangled with, in summary, corruption at the highest level,” in effort to regain the public’s trust – a bold move of showing vulnerability worked, declassifying files rose morale, and the common people knew they were in good hands. Sufficed to say, there was more truths best-kept secret.

Later on, fighting at the border increased – Igna’s order to counter the Wracian Empire’s forces was stumped. Dorchester’s leadership pulled back their forces, leader of the revolutionist faction, Queen Eia, sent word to the King. Her letter reached his table, never did he expect a piece of a paper to weigh the same as the whole world, “-Dear King Igna, it’s with great dismay that I write this letter. Dorchester and her allies did not raise her army to fight Hidros, rather, we’re expecting support from our beneficiary, the Wracian Empire. As Duchess of Dorchester and rightful queen of Hidros, my ministers and I will officially recognize the new Empire of Alphia and her military as the true leaders. Saint Pope Sebastian Sifer the III will embark on a diplomatic mission and crown the new head of Alphia as the Holy Empress of Alphia, Amber Sultria, General of the Army. Therefore, King, I’d strongly advise calling off your army lest thee wish to wage war against the coming superpower of Wracia and Alphia,” a letter kept from the public. The extent of their knowledge was, “-fighting at the border stops,” said the headline followed by, “-skirmishes at the border of a revolt against the King of Hidros has ceased. An official statement from the Dorchestrian leadership reads, ‘-Skirmishes at the borders were not malicious – Dorchester rose her army for joint training with the Wracian Imperial army. Tis with great pleasure that we invite General Carmio of Landslot, advisor to the emperor to humble set foot on Dorchestrian soil. We ask for cooperation and support, together, let’s support Queen Eia towards her ultimate goal – the unification of Hidros,’ conflicting reports from Kreston say otherwise, nothing’s proven yet and we doubt there to be confirmation. What is certain is the stoppage of fighting – we can breathe easily for now.”

Destruction of the alliance insured a quick and merciless clean-up of corrupt departments. The following days were filled with blood, torture, interrogation, and tedious management of external affairs. Immigrants of Odgawoan were welcomed openly by a flash of media frenzy, superstars and their gleeful way of life added much to Rosespire. Goes without saying, the influence of Hidros over the world of entertainment increased tenfold – directors, and producers extending even to agencies had the fans sing praises to the king. Whether the king knew that inviting beloved names would sway public opinion or not remained a subject of debate among comrades. Apparent doom and gloom of prior mentioned event with Alphia stayed a short stay – The Ayder’s Bill of Taxation was cut, allowing the people to breathe a sigh of relief. Rotherham returned under her master, Queen Courtney’s full authority, Phantom rekindled lost relations and allowed for the kingdom to prosper. Alteration to the political climate left Hidros exposed, the mere thought of what a legitimate alliance between Alphia and Wracia sent shivered down political thinkers’ spines.

All and all, it returns to Igna’s office – many changes grew to be accepted by the populace. ‘-Industry,’ laid in bold on the table, ‘-investment into self-sustainability,’ said a footnote.

“They have a point,” he mumbled, pushing the paper aside, “-cutting Alphia brought both good and bad – can’t outsource production. Depending on what Elon decides – either Hidros moves into an industrial revolution or we wait as the pillars of the economy come crashing. We need to bring money into the kingdom, our coffers don’t look so great – éclair’s various humanitarian endeavors to gain public affection have left us worse than before. With free healthcare, transportation, and allowances for the disabled, we’re doing great on the public relations front. Food is another problem, we import from Kura’s trading corporation – no matter what happens, we’ll need food. Glenda has a surplus of crops – having them sell to Rosespire might put us in a better spot,’ he flicked through reports, ‘-there it is,’ he sighed, ‘-the crowning of Holy Empress of Alphia, Amber Sultria,’ a recent memory crossed his thoughts, “-it was her,” sniffled Markus, “-big sister Amber betrayed me. I knew someone from our family led the show in shadow, doubted my lady mother first, then fell onto my brothers, and never once crossed my mind it was her. She always did so much for the family, placed food on the table in times of need, stepped up when father died – we endured silently, saving face for the prosperous nation for it was they, the conglomerate who picked the fruits of our labor,” Markus’s palpable anger washed as the memories diffused alongside a column of cigarette smoke, ‘-Valentino, Amber,’ he puffed, ‘-Staxius’ mantra of not trusting anyone would have worked well,’ a notification blinked, *-Alphia’s announcement,* a live broadcast played, Igna breathed, sipping on cold whiskey – a tense aura covered the empty room. ‘-Fate of our nations rests on what she decides to do.’

Castle Impériale De Melmark, gleamed – no expense was spared. A guest list of powerful individuals sat in attendance men of faith of the church of Lucifer, including the Saint Pope Sebastian Sifer the III, key members of the conglomerates, Wracian Royalty, representatives of the independent nations, governor of the new continent, it carried on. Amber Sultria’s coronation was extravagant, placing a new image on the word, over-the-top. Members gave talks and continued deep into profound conversations, Igna watched, his eyes glazed.

Silence cut, a few hours passed and Igna had finished two bottles. Would be queen knelt before the pope who brought forth a splendidly shiny crown, value of each stone could make one drop on counting the zeroes, “-doth thee, Amber Sultria, swear in the name of our holy lord to serve the nation of Alphia justly?”

“I do,” said she politely and so, the pope extended his hand and crowned the new ruler, applauds and cheers roared, the strong Empress turned towards the crowd and smiled, the pope took the stage and spoke, “-to the people of Alphia and spectators around the world, today, 28th of January X115 marks the start of Alphia’s rebirth as a holy Empire.”

“With blessings of Pope and Emperor of the Wracia Empire, it’s with utmost pleasure that I announce Alphia’s alliance with the papacy and Wracian Empire. May today serve as a warning to those who wish to hamper the growth of Alphia,” silence, the announcement meant a birth of a new superpower. Saint Pope Sebastian Sifer took two steps forward, threw his arm at the camera, “-for the pain caused to our believers, I, Pope Sebastian, excommunicate the former pope, Carrigan II, as a heathen who fell short of his duties. Henceforth, the church of Lucifer rejects the church of Kreston,” a majestic orchestra played, the broadcast cut, leaving Igna reclined and in a state of distress.

Eyelids heavily drooped, darkness shrouded the room, ‘-and there it is, birth of a new super empire. Wracia’s military now has the financial backing of Alphia – will it be a curse or blessing, I can’t say. Alphia’s headed for ruin; the church of Lucifer will do what they must to purify the land. Long as we’re not under threat of war, it’s good.’

*Urgent Message,* blinked, ‘-what?’ he halfheartedly moved the cursor and tapped the notification, “-Pope Sebastian has decreed a holy crusade against the church of Kreston.”

“DAMN IT!” fist to the desk, “-a legitimate reason to lay waste to Kreston, “-I should have known better. No, screw that, I knew the war was upon us; nothing is turning back,’ he sat upright, *-calling éclair.*


“Hello éclair, I trust they’ve received the information?”

“Yes I have,” he sighed, *tap, tap,* echoed the door, “-master, the duke of Kreston’s requested an audience.”

“I heard it, the man’s impatient,” *end call.*

*Tap, tap,* brusquely quaked the frame, “-enter.”

Duke Carrigan burst inside, “-my king,” he wailed, “-terrible, it’s terrible,” he said, “-papacy of Leon has denounced us as a traitor to the lord.”

“I heard,” returned Igna calmly, “-take a seat, pope.”

“Will do,” he dropped and controlled his rough guttural pants, “-pardon me for the outburst, news came as a shock.”

“Pay it no mind,” a suspicious brow rose at the duke, “-Charm and wit and smart networking allowed Carrigan II, now Duke of Kreston, to ascend to the title of Pope, apostle pope for he bore the wings of an angel,” recanted Igna, “-The leadership of the Church’s in the hand of the four cardinal archbishops; the people have recognized Carrigan II as the next religious head,” he quoted from a report, “-tell me, Carrigan, are thee not a native of Hidros, what of the acclaimed charm and wit, what I see is a fumbling mess of a desperate.”

Offense flickered, “-majesty, will slander accomplish good?”

“It won’t,” said the king openly, “-the situation is beyond our control.”

“Yes, and we don’t have allies to call for. Dorchester will be annexed in the holy name of the church, Queen Eia’s showing much of her strength and striving to forge relations with Wracia and Church. Using their backing, she’ll have sufficient power and money to lay siege on Hidros. Tis the opening they need.”

“A crusade in the name of the pope. I hear diplomatic meetings between both parties have taken place and a consensus was reached. We have a monopoly on the world’s foremost valuable resource; Maicite. Duke of Kreston, as a member of the Gaien council – tis the duty of the crown to send reinforcement, alas, raising an army at this time will prove difficult. May we agree on other terms?”

“Which are?” he narrowed.

“Establishment of a new church – a puritan way of following Lucifer’s way. Kreston needs affirmation.”

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