The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 931

Chapter 931: Home Visit

Adventuring town, Meke, streets, and buildings unchanged. It laid unaffected by the passage of time – one key change was expansion, and such was brought by the emergence of Adventuring as a truly fulfilling job. Advent of the evolved tower of god, a giant dungeon spanning unreachable heights of which its predecessor was beaten into a flurry of treasures and glory, motivated newcomers to do their best.

Circumstance brought about the birth of a new residential area set a few minutes’ walk from Meke and its always iron and sweat ridden street. An increase in death and constant bounty of monsters, forced alive by a syringe of no death – random decomposing bodies left dried for research was more common nowadays.

Posters stuck onto random shop windows, announcements relating to new policy changes brought by the capital. Affluent traders held their meetings, debating on whether the policies affected trade or not – so far, by summary, the changes were mostly based on internal and external affairs. Former necessary due to the overhauling of the ministries and its various responsibilities, as for the latter, self-explanatory in the rise of Alphia’s advancements.

“Come one, come all, a fresh shipment of food has arrived,” cried one of the merchants, the always active market drew more. Amidst the crowd walked a middle-aged lady, a fighter, and by her uniform, a wall guardian. Well-renowned special officers responsible for the safety of veterans and recruits alike.

“Lady Jen,” waved an innocent man, “-thank you for saving me,” he bowed and hurried with a skip in the step, “-here, a token of my gratitude,” he smiled and was joined by his adventuring group, “-thank you again, lady Jen,” nodded a girl in said party, “-we would have lost him if not for you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she smiled, “-long as you learn to be careful.”

“I’ve learned my lesson,” said the boy a little flustered from the jestful commotion, “-see you later, miss Jen.”


“Later,” she replied, watching as the nostalgic sight of friends scurried towards the Azure walls, ‘-youth,’ she sighed and glanced at her belly, ‘-maybe it’s time for me to take a break,’ she paused at various stalls and stocked on vegetables and grains. ‘-Last night’s rescue has wiped me out,’ she yawned, barely able to keep her path straight. Past the market, crossing the first lines of shops, she headed towards a three-story building cupped in a very busy intersection – a sign read, “-Berg’s armory,” she pushed the door and stepped in, a head of blond returned, “-welcome,” it spun and made eye contact, “-my, welcome back Jen.”

“Good to be back,” bags on the counter, she leaned over the counter and exchanged a few kisses, “-closing up for today?”

“Waiting for delivery. Go back and rest.”

“What of Yony?”

“He’s with aunt Yume.”

Before now, a few days had passed counting from when the king gave his orders. 4th of February said the calendar, a white-haired lady crossed Berg’s shop, stopped at the window, and glanced inside, ‘-there, found him,’ she muttered in a relieved tone. *Incoming call: Serene,* “-good evening.”

“Good evening, Alta, how’s the search coming along?”

“Just confirmed the location, could you forward the rest to his majesty?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, today’s the deadline for finding the target,” she said, “-I’ll stick around for a while yet.”

“As you wish,” the call ended, to which Alta quietly dropped her phone into her pocket and watched, ‘-searching for Leonard wasn’t that hard. I simply contacted the academy, they pointed to the trader’s guild who I have strong connections with, a call to a representative in Glenda told me of a man named Leonard. Back and forth and cross-checking the information took most of the time, glad it’s over,’ she breathed and gulped a cup of coconut water from one of the nearby stalls.

At the capital, Serene barged into Igna’s office blatantly, “-my liege,” she cried and threw up her arms, “-great news.”

“Great news you say?” he glanced over the display, narrowed on her skin-tight outfit, and sighed, “-go ahead.”

“Majesty, please,” she pouted, “-do I not look amazing in my outfit?”

“No comment.”

“Fine, play hard to get,” she pulled a seat, “-Alta’s sent notice of Leonard’s location. They’re in Meke.”

“My, this is great news,” he stood, “-Serene, where’s éclair?”

“I have no idea, must I inquire?”

“No, I was just wondering. I’ve crossed checked the papers, have it delivered to my sister, she’ll take the matter from here, can’t allow the minister of Internal affair bored, can we,” suit-jacket over the shoulder, Igna found himself outside looking at a sorry sight for a parking lot.

“Majesty?” paused a butler, “-might I be of help?”

“Where are the cars?”

“Lord Asmodeus took ’em, why, is something the matter?”

“Don’t worry,” he exhaled, “-public transport it is.”

“Majesty,” he interjected, “-why not take one of the helicopters?”


“Phantom has helicopters stationed at the back of the castle.”

“Right, I didn’t know that,” he muttered, “-lead the way.”

Night swarmed the continent, helicopter faded in the distance, leaving Igna in the middle of a busy market,”-over here.”

“Alta,” he smiled, “-right on time with the task.”

“Cross-checking information was tedious – without éclair or Yui, paperwork takes rather long.”

“Yes, yes, I know. Tell me, where are they?”

“Left a few hours ago – sources have located their house.”

“Lead the way.”

Chatter and laughter escaped various homes, amber light from the inside lit the somber walkway, there was no differentiating between affluent or common. All of the houses resembled one another like relatives. Alta headed to a one painted in light gray with a darker slated roof, “-they live here,” she commented and entered their yard, hopped over white slates until the door, *tap, tap, tap,* cried a quick burst of three.

“Coming,” the white door pulled, “-how can I be of help?”

“Jen,” said a figure in the background, “-Been a while, hasn’t it?’

Her jaws dropped, “-who is it?” screamed from the inside amidst the carnage of a child’s tantrum, “-Jen?” Igna stood quietly, no response heightened Leonard’s guard by which he hurried into the hallway and shouted, “-Jen?” her shadow glued to the floor, ‘-what’s wrong with her?’ closer he walked, better grew the view until, “-Leonard, long time no see.”

He blinked, “-Igna?”

“We need to have a word.”

A shared table seated the guests, the host of the evening, Leonard and Jen stood in the kitchen, Leonard’s worried face increased by seeing Jen’s petrified expression, “-what is he doing here?” she asked, unable to think or act.

“I don’t know, maybe for a casual visit?”


“Well, stay here and watch after Yony, I’ll see to our guests.”

Drinks and snacks soon filled the table, “-tell me, Igna, what brings the king to our humble abode?”

“Can a friend not check on another?” he asked blatantly with a skeptical tone.

“Ha,” he sipped, “-may we get to the real heart of the matter?”

“Fine,” to which Igna sipped, “-Leonard Goldberg, I’ve come to take you and your family hostage.”

*Cough, cough, cough,* “-no need to cause such a mess,” interjected Alta, “-got my clothes all dirty.”

“Sorry, sorry, but hostage?” he gulped, “-Igna, you’re joking, this is a jest, surely.”

“No, no,” firmed the cold monotonous voice, “-I mean what I say, I’ve come to take thee hostage. The reason is simple, and tis political gain. The Goldbergs are influential, to get to them, I have to strike where it matters, and sadly, said target is your child, Yony. No matter what anyone says, you have a legitimate claim on the Goldberg bloodline, a few flicks of the wrist and it wouldn’t be difficult to sow unrest.”

“Is that so,” the breathing calmed, “-Igna, why me, why my son. There’s no point in targeting us, my mother has already forced me to abdicate my claim. You know as well as I do,” he sighed, “-was it not thee who looked into Jen and I’s relation. After she gained power, there wasn’t anything we could do. I managed to get part of my inheritance and escape to Meke. Alta always wanted to be a wall guardian, as for me, I got the deed to a shop and started a business. We live a modest life, food is viably available and the home is comfortable. I have a son and a loving wife, tis the perfect scenario I had wished.”

“Leonard, I get that the lifestyle is peaceful. However, what I said isn’t a request, tis a decree.”

“No,” footsteps echoed, “-you won’t take him away from me,” refuted Alta, “-why do you always interject in our lives. I get it, I’m sorry about the way we treated you, if I could turn back time, I’d stop my old self... but now, it’s getting too much, I get you helped me, helped my husband... we’re indebted, I get that,” her fist dropped onto the table, “-it doesn’t give thee the right to waltz in and ruin everything!”

“Leonard, Jen,” he shook his head, “-you misunderstand, taking thee hostage is but a matter of speech. Besides, do you really have the strength to stand against the might of Hidros’ ruler? Going against the state without backing, I think not. As I said before, I came for a visit, there’s nothing else I wish to say at the moment,” to which he noticed a short figure sneaking into the hallway, Igna motioned to the boy who felt compelled to listen. Tidy feet shuffled until reaching Igna, “-what’s your name?”

“Yony, get back to your room,” gritted Jen.

“Tell me, what’s your name, boy?”

Enchanted by the man, he replied, “-Yony.”

“Good to meet you, Yony,” nodded Igna rising his head at Jen, “-I mean the boy no harm. There’s nothing to be fearful of. Personally visiting is my way of extending an olive branch. Leonard, I can assure thy safety.”

“Only if I work with the crown?”

“Correct,” he said, “-you have a month to decide. I’ll send an envoy next time” he glanced at the boy, “-Yony, you want to become an adventurer, don’t you?”

Jen’s heart dropped, “-what?”

“Yeah,” cheered the boy, “-I want to be strong like my mom.”

“Good boy,” he extended a fist bump, “-as an adventurer myself, hear this advice from an old man – to become strong, one must follow those who are strong. In other words, listen to your mother, she’s quite the fierce lady.”

“I will,” said a glimmer in the boy’s eyes. Door closed in the distance, Jen sat at the table staring at her child intently, “-Yony, what did I say about strangers?”


“Enough,” interjected Leonard, “-don’t blame him. We can take Igna for his word, we know he’s a man who values his word more than people’s lives.”

And so, Igna left the neighborhood beside Alta, “-why did we pay them a visit again?”

“Sending a warning,” he answered, “-didn’t you notice how the houses around theirs are rather silent compared to the others? I’m sure it’s Goldberg’s way of spying on her kid. She’s a mother at heart, the Goldberg succession prefers male heirs – and her being the head of the family was lucky. Abdicating Leonard from his position pushes the kid into the forefront. Kids are innocent and can be molded, she’s just waiting for an opportunity to take him away.”

“What are you saying?”

“We but merely added fuel to the already burning fire.”

*Incoming call: éclair,* “-hello?”

“Emergency, master,” said the prime minister, “-we were wrong about having time. Seems enemy troops have landed in Dorchester – communication lines have been cut, the northern province is blacked out, what are thy orders?”


“Strike while the iron is hot,” he murmured, “-is there anything we can do to stop the attack?”

“We could send in a bombing squad?”

“The forces, are they scouts perchance?”

“Yeah, we have reports of the ships being little in size.”

“Right, call to arms a bomber squad”

“It would be going behind lady Elvira’s back...”

“Time is of the essence, do as I say,” the call ended, forcing Igna to reevaluate the situation, ‘-we need a general.’

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