The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 930

Chapter 930: Gathering of Nightwalkers

Droplets fell into her mouth, Alta’s face beamed in excitement, ‘-nightwalker,’ passed her thoughts, ‘-I’ve worked alongside them, vanquished monsters, diplomatically aided Noctis’s Hallow – the reserved way of life, noblesse oblige; vampires always strive to help the less fortunate. Immortals do not worry about life, nor do they much care about what is to happen in the future – they’re a different breed of people, one I always aspired to be. My hard work led to this moment – working for my master has made me strong and brought a smile on his people, Glenda.’

“Alta,” the droplets landed on her tongue, “-I granted thee the curse of a nightwalker. Rest is how thee react to the blood, since inheriting from a pure-blooded direct descendant, the probability of you becoming a-” a great reddish-black mist swirled, her tan complexion faded for white, her shoes disintegrated, her nails deepened in a natural black, the activation carried up to her knees, to her thighs, destroying the fabric and foreign items from her skin, it crawled, reach her neck and dispersed. Bright red spawned from the vacuous mist – leading to sharp canines, sharp ears, and sharpened nails. Alta’s hair changed into pure white ending in spots of red – there laid an uncanny resemblance. She stood undressed; her muscles were well-defined, similar to a well-trained athlete. No trouble nor sense hurry passed her mind, she but simply touched a strange necklace curled around her neck – from it, a beautifully designed gothic dress draped her body until reaching her knees, laced sleeves carried onto her forehand, putting attention onto the newly piercing nails.

“Alta,” Igna watched, “-you are of a duchess rank,” he blinked, “-one of very few, I was expecting a high-rank, not that level of high. Tell me, what thy blood-art?”

“Blood-Arts of Create-destroy, Fona.”

“Duchess-ranked nightwalker, Alta, wielder of the unique talent of creation and destruction eloquently dubbed Fona. I expect greater things. Welcome to the house of Haggard,” he said, “-as a nightwalker and bearer of our family blood, Alta, thou art a true Haggard,” amazed at the increase in strength, Starix sought for his shot at immortality. Thus, Igna side-stepped, his shadow hanging greatly over the strategist. Same ritual and same envy, blood landed and a thick gray mist swallowed the room, forcing Igna to step away. Starix materialized with a sense of slowed time, “-master,” he added, checking the outfit, “-is my butler uniform classy?”

“Yes,” returned the king, “-my dear Starix, what is thy power?”

“I don’t know...” he frantically looked inward, “-I don’t know and I’m scared,” he cringed, “-I mean, I wish I knew?”


“Take your time and think,” suddenly, a giant image, a map, flowcharts, probability numbers, and much more opened, “-I have the boon of foresight,” he blinked.

“Wait, not a combat-related ability?”

“No,” he coughed, “-master, what is my rank?”



“Enough about rank,” hurried Igna, “-tell us more about the ability, what happened?”

“I think, well, I don’t know,” he shrugged, “-I can predict outcomes and have a clear understanding of our political climate, I see the world in a very calm and calculating manner.”

“Excellent,” beamed Igna, “-thee truly bears the title of Strategist.”

Starix was disappointed, looking at what Alta inherited compared to him, “-don’t be jealous,” she whispered, “-we have our own responsibilities to the crown. I mean, look at the king, he’s happier about your awakening compared to mine. Goes to show how much the master values intellect over fighting prowess.”

“Yui, my dear Yui,” said he in a joyous tone, “-thee who came to the ends of the earth for my rescue, I’m happy it was you, wouldn’t have chosen anyone better to have at my side in those harsh times.”

“Master,” light scanned her pupils, knife to his thumb – droplets landed again – her eyes cried a river of red, ‘-what’s this?’ fear grasped her heart, no mist nor show of power – there was naught but her standing idly, “-did the curse not work?”

“Oh it did,” said Igna, “-I sense a Countess,” he narrowed, “-Yui, care to enlighten?”

A flick of the wrist and an upward motion shook the room, semi-transparent mist clawed from the earth, pushing their ethereal bodies against the carpeted floor and rising to her side, “-Necromancy,” she smiled.

“My,” he laughed, “-the necrotic arts of a nightwalker,” he snapped – calling forth a few undead of his own, “-we have the same abilities-” it sudden crossed his mind, “-Starix, Alta, Yui, I understand what’s happening.”

“What is?”

“My powers,” he said, “-you’re inheriting my powers. Boon of foresight, the boon of creation and destruction, and now, the boon of necromancy – they’re all part of me, and now, they’re part of you. My blood doesn’t only carry super-human strength and traits known to nightwalkers; they also carry my abilities. This means but one thing, and tis unity.”

Last was éclair, the prime minister at Igna with intent to speak, “-what is it?” asked the King.

“Majesty, with all due respect, I wish to abstain from being granted powers of the blood.”

“Is that so?” éclair shut his eyes and clenched his fist, “-sure, why not.”

*Cough,* “-master?”

“Did you think I’d argue?” no ill-intent nor anger, King Igna calmly made his way to the desk and turned at the fellow attendant, “-Yui, Starix, and Alta, three who’ve inherited the Nox’s clan’ cursed blood, I have but one thing to ask – doth thee wish for a vampiric name or?”

“Is it necessary?” they asked.

“Depends and up to the individual.”

“No,” they said one by one, “-no,” and lastly, “-no.”

“We’d prefer to inherit the name Haggard instead,” they nodded simultaneously.

The king emotionlessly watched, took time before making a decision – a few seconds felt like hours, “-bearing my family name is a simple matter,” he said uncaringly, “-however, the burden of expectation associated with the Haggard name is one heavy and potentially world breaking. I dubbed Alta a Haggard in view of her excellent work at handling a bustling capital in trying times. I know just how hard it is to rule over a constantly changing city – and to see her make it look easy by controlling the growing factions, adding faith to the church of Athena, patron goddess of Glenda, and interacting with scattered independent tribes – reports are telling of her abilities. She’s worthy of inheriting the name,” and suddenly, what Igna meant stuck home. “-Though I don’t mind giving the name, I’d prefer you earn it,” he said skeptically, “-I mean no disrespect. Yui, Starix – there’s more thee can accomplish. As for you, Starix, I know there’s your hand in helping Raven, I don’t dismay those efforts. Alas, you were helped by éclair, Asmodeus, Mammon, Kul, people who I hold in high regard, it was to be expected as Raven laid its grounds in a foreign land – the foundation needed to be nothing short of the best we had. Glenda in comparison was a village, unworthy to be looked at or even discuss – look at it now, a central pillar in Queen Courtney’s rule over Arda. The second-largest city shy of where the queen resides. Long story short, make it so the name Haggard feels like nothing to you, surpass that expectation, and forge thy way into Hidros’ history. My confidants, the responsibility and times ahead will most likely see comrade die, cities end, and economic disaster.”

“We understand, master,” they knelt, “-until the time comes, we will show relentless grit.”

A silent exhale escaped, “-you’re dismissed,” he said, “-we have much to do. Yui and Starix – there’s a matter of diplomatic nature I wish thee to oversee. Tis pertaining to the inclusion of another kingdom into Hidros’ rank. Yui,” he blinked, she understood his intent, “-them?”

“Who better to aid than them. éclair, prepare for their flight, I leave the discussion to you, Yui,” few taps on the phone, “-Starix, I’ve sent information that may prove useful.”

“The kingdom needs allies...” in the confusion of the open-ended statement, Starix’s new abilities locked onto a possibility, “-master, did you foresee Hidros’ current state?” the room dropped, had the king truly laid the way in the past for the Hidros of the present?

“Who can say?” he added neutrally, “-things happen for a reason. Alta and éclair, stay awhile.”

Yui and Starix left, shutting the office door and looking baffled, “-wipe that expression,” narrowed Yui, “-doesn’t befit the gentlemanly charm of a butler.”

“Yui, come on, don’t you understand what master did?”

“No, should I care?”

“Lord, give me strength,” he sighed, “-listen here, Yui, on discovering the assassination plot and seeing how Alphia’s corrupt nature was involved, the master thought it best to let them win the battle, taking a massive gamble, one wherein éclair stepped to the forefront and carried Hidros on his shoulder, fighting the oppressive force and leading through the intrigue-filled climate. They share an indescribable bond, that goes beyond trust, I don’t know, I envy éclair and his relation with his master, there’s something more I can’t grasp. Never mind that, tis Marinda – the fabled land of demi-gods. Master understood Hidros would eventually be forced into a rough spot, therefore – time did its job and slowly chipped at the alliance hence the present – Hidros left the alliance without losing much in reputation. To support Hidros, we need allies, and the master went a step further, he sought out the help of a potentially world-dominating super-power. Imagine demi-gods entering the international world – it would turn the dynamic inside out, superior weapons, knowledge, wealth – the possibilities are endless. Did I read the report, flying islands? Imagine how our air force would evolve if we had flying motherships – taking over the world would be a simple matter of sending a massive ship overseas.”

“Lower the energy,” whispered Yui, “-the people of Marinda won’t give much in ways of courtesy.”

“Why not?”

“They worship our king and have sworn to kill anyone who dares go against him. I’m telling you, if it wasn’t for the promise made by Queen Gallienne and the protection of his family and friends, the master would have settled in a superiorly significant kingdom, ruling without contest or effort.” Maids slowed their cleaning and watched as the duo crossed the hallways, “-the castle’s coming to life again,” commented one.

“Get back to cleaning,” said another, “-I’m sure glad the king’s return. The place felt lifeless.”

“See,” laughed the maid, “-we think alike.”

Back at the king’s office, the discussion reached a critical moment, “-Goldberg,” he narrowed, “-we need them to control the noble faction which indirectly influences my wife, Eia’s action. Her attempts are desperate, I doubt Alphia to take her hand, we have time before they see the benefits. Forging a worthwhile alliance takes time.”


“I remember someone in my days studying at the academy. Leonard Goldberg, the son of the Duchess, was exiled from the family name for the reason of loving a commoner. They must have gotten married and perhaps have a son or daughter.”


“Don’t look at me with suspicion,” he paused, “-find out what happened, location and current status, use whatever resource is needed,” he glanced at Alta, “-tis thy task.”

“Sorry?” she blinked, “-I thought searching for information as éclair’s strong point.”

“It is, but, as a Duchess ranked nightwalker, there’s much to be learned in creating a strong information network. Information is crucial, firsthand experience is key. I’ve sent Serene a notice, you have a week to find Leonard and a month to create a network.”

“Understood,” she nodded, “-I will see to it, master.”

“Good, you’re dismissed, have a good night’s rest.”

*Thud,* the room locked, “-master?”

“éclair,” Igna’s guard lowered, “-Been a while, hasn’t it?’

“Your smile,” he said, “-it’s gone, master.”

He paid no attention to the comment, instead, choosing to move from the desk to the gramophone, “-éclair, how’s Marie Jude and Alchemist guild’s research coming along?” smooth piano played, “-which project?”

“No name,” he replied, “-domination of the air.”

“Oh, that,’ he paused, “-the papers thee made on Maicite applications made the technology possible, we have a working prototype, a few tests were conducted – the secrecy of the project’s made rather difficult.”

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