The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 137: Has been unsuccessful

Chapter 137: Has been unsuccessful

This is definitely a taboo when making energy cards. She has never experienced such a situation before in practice, and she does not know why this happens.

But for whatever reason, its no use at this moment. Im sorry, Yang Fei said in a choked voice, apologizing to Yu Jinli.

Its all her fault. Its her fault that Yu Jinli wants to leave Class F. No matter what, she will take up this responsibility. Even if she leaves, she wont stay.

Yang Fei language, you succeeded! You actually drew it! A huge cheer sounded in Yang Feis ears, and she regretted it.

Yang Fei:

Yang Fei language is really good. Its so good for our F class. Gao Ziqi said excitedly.

The failure of a weeks practice had really shaken their self-confidence. When Zhou Zixus words and negative emotions came out, although they felt very angry, they wanted him to shut up. In fact, the most fundamental reason was Afraid to be affected by his words and shaken.

Those words of Zhou Zixu have heard too much before. Although they have decided to study hard and counterattack to those who look down on them, in fact, they still carry the seeds of inferiority, as long as someone pours some water May sprout again.

But the success of Yang Fei language made them see hope again and let them know that if they really work hard, they will be able to make energy cards.

Although their mental strength is only c, which is the lowest level in the 1st Military Academy, it is actually not low compared to many people outside. Their talents and qualifications may not be as bad as they are.

It can be said that Yang Feiyus success now is an important straw for helping class F, and thankfully everyone has seized it.

Yang Fei language, but you are the first person in our class to draw a yoyo grass in addition to the small chestnuts. If you replaced it with an energy card, you are now a reserve cardmaker. Meteor also followed the congratulations. Yang Fei finally came back to God, and finally understood what everyone was saying. She couldnt help looking down at the energy board in front of her. I saw a complete yoyo grass appearing on it, beautiful like Is living average.

So she did it successfully?

Suddenly, the sadness and joy made Yang Feis fragile little heart unbearable, but she was still very happy. She succeeded. Yu Jinli didnt have to leave, and she did not live up to the expectations of her classmates.

thats nice!

Everyone congratulated Yang Fei, and turned to deal with Zhou Zixus question. Zhou Zixu, what else do you have to say now? Yang Zhehao said proudly.

Zhou Zixu bit her lip tightly, staring at the energy board in Yang Feis language, as if to see it through a hole.

Yang Feis drawing was done under the eyes of everyone, and the teacher supervised him. Even if he wanted to find a problem, he couldnt find the slightest bit, even if he wanted to cheat, because the teacher was still, he was Feeling what is called a dilemma.

This time, Zhou Zixu lost and completely lost.

According to the requirements of the challenge at that time, Zhou Zixu was no longer a student of Class F. As for whether he was transferred to another class or transferred, Class F students didnt care. After all, they had a lot to learn about the things they wanted to die. No energy to share with an unimportant person.

After Zhou Zixu was taken away by Xu Ling, the students in Class F gathered around Yang Fei language and asked how she completed the drawing, and they wanted to learn the experience.

Yang Fei didnt hide her secrets. The most important thing is that she was actually confused, so she described her feelings in the process of drawing to everyone.

After listening to the class F students, they were all aggressive, because they had never encountered such a situation before, and had not even heard of it.

Little chestnut, did you do the same when drawing before? Meteor Ye asked another humane in the class that the only two would make energy cards.

Yu Jinli shook her head smartly, indicating that she had never done so. Now, everyone is even more sorry.

Xiao Weilin and An Yizhe did not leave immediately after the challenge, so they also heard Yang Feis words and questions from class F students.

This situation of Yang Feiyu is not nonexistent. Xiao Weilin said suddenly.

At this time, the students in Class F remembered that there was a more professional person here. They definitely knew more than them, and they sounded seriously.

Student Yangs situation has entered a state of selflessness. Even a card maker can hardly enter this state. Some people may not enter it once in their lifetime. Xiao Weilin explained to everyone with a smile .

Wow! Class F students heard the words, and looked at Yang Feis eyes more admired and marveled. Teacher, how can I get into this state? Some students asked.

Yang Feiyu has a very high affinity for xenografts, so it is possible to enter this state, but if the affinity does not reach a certain level, it will be very difficult, and it will not even be possible to enter it. Kind of realm. Xiao Weilin said.

He also did not expect that in a class with a mental power level of only c, he would encounter a student with such a high affinity for xenografts. If this student is trained well, he will definitely be a leader in xenografting energy cards in the future.

Of course, these words Xiao Weilin did not tell Yang Fei now. After all, the other party has just come into contact with the energy card. Too much knowledge, especially about future achievements, may cause impetuousness and slackness, which will affect the calm mind to learn And exercises.

Nevertheless, students in class F still feel very proud. Although it is not that they have entered this state, Yang Fei is a classmate in class F. They are honored.

In this way, two of their class will be able to successfully draw the grass, and they must work harder.

After Zhou Zixu was not in class F, the learning atmosphere in class F has become better, and the success of Yang Fei language has also inspired students to move forward.

Everyone also gradually changed from drawing failures to controlling mental power more accurately, using them more handily, and the number of drawing failures gradually decreased.

Class F students have only now realized that Xiao Weilin intended them to draw a hundred times, and with their initial performance, using real blank energy cards to practice, it was really a waste.

With the increase of practice time, after Yang Feis success, other students in class F also successively succeeded in drawing the first yoyo grass, and the second and third passes became easier and easier.

Everyone draws less and less, and the number of successful draws increases. The time interval for each successful drawing of the grass is getting shorter and shorter, and the control and use of mental power becomes more handy.

Class F is moving in a beautiful direction, except for one classmate, that is, Jiang Meilin, another girl in Class F in addition to Yang Fei.

Jiang Meilins control of mental strength is not bad, even better than many students do, and she works harder, but she always fails for various inexplicable reasons when drawing the grass.

Sometimes the reasons for failure make class F students feel funny and strange, but they ca nt find a solution. No matter how other students guide her and help her, they ca nt succeed. It s like Yoyo Cao does nt like her. Intentionally preventing her from succeeding.

This also makes this cold beauty, people frustrated.

When all the classmates in class F were able to draw the yoyo grass successfully, Jiang Meilin was still struggling with yoyo grass and became the only person in the class who could not succeed.

The students in class F are completely irrelevant, and can only turn to Mr. Xiao Weilin for help.

Xiao Weilin watched Jiang Meilin s drawing process and was surprised to flash through his eyes again, and then pointed out the problem with a smile. Yang Feiyu has a very high affinity for alien plants, so she soon made it. Come out, and Jiang Meilin s problem is exactly the opposite of Yang Fei. She has a low affinity for allogenes, as low as may never make an allogeneic energy card.

As soon as Xiao Weilin said this, the F class students were collectively shocked, while Jiang Meilin was shocked, but still full of loss.

Cant make an energy card forever, doesnt that mean, no matter how hard she tries, she cant be a cardmaker?

Class F students obviously thought of this too, looking at the lost Jiang Meilin, but did not know how to comfort her.

Xiao Weilin didnt have a look of regret, and continued: Student Jiang, you dont have to draw yoyo grass next

I see, teacher. Jiang Meilin said in a low mood.

However, Xiao Weilin didnt seem to see her emotions, and continued, You and Yu Jinli practice drawing of the ling cat.

Jiang Meilin. Class F student;

For Xiao Weilins half-talk every time he spoke, and then reversed the bad taste, class F students said that they really wanted to have the **** up!

Unfortunately, they dare not.

Teacher, I Jiang Meilin was originally depressed because Xiao Weilins words suddenly fluctuated and looked at him unbelievably, lest she heard it wrong.

You have a low affinity for xenografts. It may not be effective to continue to practice the drawing of xenografts. It is better to try the xenomorphs first, but you have not successfully drawn any xenografts before. Practice at the beginning The strange beast will only be more difficult than other students. Xiao Weilin gave Jiang Meilin a precautionary shot in advance.

Generally, freshmen in the freshman class first learn from simple alien plant energy cards, and gradually increase the difficulty. If they are exposed to alien beast energy cards from the beginning, the starting point is higher than others, but the difficulty is the same as the effort required. Much more than others.

However, these are nothing to Jiang Meilin.

I thought she might have missed the card maker. As a result, who knows that there is still a chance of turning around, she naturally has to seize this opportunity tightly and not let it slip away. No matter how much effort is needed, she will do everything Go!

Teacher, I will definitely practice hard. Jiang Meilin said firmly.

The cold beauty who has always been cold and rarely has an expression on her face, rarely reveals the emotions that fit her age, and the class F students who are her classmates are also happy for her.

Student Jiang, we can work together and we can definitely draw it. Yu Jinli said with a smile.

Some people practice the same monsters as themselves, and many people will communicate and learn from each other in the future, which is good.

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