The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 138: In the second period

Chapter 138: In the second period

Although Jiang Meilin changed from practicing yoyo grass to practicing civet cats, because her mental strength was also exercised during the previous practice drawing, she didnt start to work as hard after practicing again.

But because all the students in class F have been able to draw the grass, the assignments left by Mr. Xiao Weilin are also being completed quickly. In order not to leave too many students, Jiang Meilin is almost practicing day and night.

Sometimes the level of diligence and Yang Feis words in the bedroom were shocked, and she was often worried that she would be overstretched and tired at the desk.

But maybe Jiang Meilin is really not suitable for allogeneous energy cards, but suitable for alien beasts. Since she started to practice drawing of the cat, she obviously feels that her mental powers are smoother, her paintings are smoother, and there is no clogging at all. feel.

Although the lines of the civet cat are much more complicated than yoyo grass, for Jiang Meilin, it is easier than drawing yoyo grass.

When class F students have generally completed their homework one-and-a-half, Jiang Meilin finally successfully painted a complete civet cat.

Congratulations, Meilin, so in the future we will draw allogeneic energy cards, one by one to make alien beast energy cards, cooperate with each other, kill everything, haha. Yang Feiyu, as Jiang Meilins best friend, first Congratulations.

Wow, did you actually make it? This is a strange animal. The students were surrounded by Jiang Meilin in surprise, sighing at the lifelike civet cat on her energy board.

I go, why do I have the feeling that you suddenly changed from the last to the positive? When we are all studying alienation, you will all portray alien beasts. Is this the old saying? Sai Weng lost his dog, knowing nothing about happiness? He Linsheng said exaggeratedly.

Yu Jinli:

The young man who walked through the earth was aggressive when he heard his words. It was Sai Weng who lost his horse and knew nothing about happiness. Yu Jinli corrected.

Because of the severe cultural faults, many ancient earth cultures have been lost, and some of them that have been preserved have been used in a mess because they cannot be verified or incompletely preserved. Although Yu Jinli has seen many of them, they are still very common. Difficult to adapt.

Oh, did you say that? I thought it was his dog that was lost. I heard that most of the pets that ancient people like to keep are dogs. Why do anyone like horses? He Linsheng heard the words and asked

Its not all. The age of the allusion that Sai Weng lost his horse and knows how to be blessed is still thousands of years away from the time when the ancient earth perished. At that time, peoples means of transport were horse-drawn carriages, and there were more horse owners. Li explained to everyone as simple as possible, otherwise more problems will definitely arise.

I dont know if there is any difference between the horses of the ancient earth and the current strange horses? Ge Tian, the youngest in class F, couldnt help asking.

There is still a difference, the ancient earth

So, Yu Jinli spread a lot of earth-related knowledge to the students in class F, and the topic was successfully distorted by them.

Little chestnut, how do you know so much about the ancient earth, I dont feel like you dont know it? Yang Zhehao admired.

Their understanding of the ancient earth was limited to the few pages printed on the textbook. Just I read more related books. Yu Jinli explained with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, the students in class F did not plan to break the casserole to the end. After asking for a while, they dispersed and continued to complete their homework.

Jiang Meilin started from being able to paint a complete picture of a civet cat, as if some kind of switch was turned on. Many complete civet cats were painted smoothly along the way, and the success rate was getting higher and higher. Other students who looked at it were envious.

There are two girls in our class, one with a high affinity for alien plants and one with a high affinity for alien beasts. The homework is done quickly and well. How do you say we want our boys to live? Gaozi said sadly. .

Yang Feiyu draws quickly and well because of his high affinity for alien plants. Although Jiang Meilin encountered a lot of difficulties at the beginning, after finding the right direction, she continued to hang out, comparing them with each other. Their class Boys are almost like those born by stepfathers.

There is really no harm without contrast.

How can we lose to two girls, even if they dont have high talents, if they havent worked hard, then I think our boys dont have to wear their faces, shame! You Chenru said with poisonous tongue

In fact, we have two girls in our class. Shouldnt we spoil them? Du Sanxuan said with a smile. Pampering is okay, but it cannot be an excuse for our backwardness. Starting today, we will have to spend more time to practice.

After the boys got together to conduct a self-examination, they worked harder during the practice, and they also asked the girls for advice if they didnt understand, and didnt feel that they would lose face in asking the girls questions.

In terms of alien planting, Yang Fei obviously has a greater right to speak than everyone. As for the practice of the alien beast energy card in the future, it is estimated that Jiang Meilin will become the one with the greatest right to speak in class F.

But none of them are jealous of them. On the contrary, they feel that there are two of them very happy. After all, they can ask for advice nearby, and then everyone helps and progress together.

Half of the first semester has passed, and the second midterm exam is coming soon.

First Military Academy students need to complete four academic years to graduate, and there are eight semesters in each of the four academic years, and each semester is one year, which means that every student needs to complete eight years course.

Of course, if you are learning fast, you can also apply for skipping. As long as you pass the exam, you can go to the corresponding grade, and you can shorten the graduation time.

There are four major exams in each semester: three midterm exams and one final exam.

Yu Jinli has already taken the first mid-term exam shortly after her arrival, and this time she is about to go to the second mid-term exam.

Previously, regardless of the size of the exam, students in Class F were rebellious and disliked it. However, this was the first time they were looking forward to the mid-term exam.

Although their theoretical knowledge base is still weak and their practical ability is not good, they obviously feel their progress. This exam just allows them to recognize their progress more clearly.

Therefore, all the students in class F are looking forward to it.

This can also be regarded as an acceptance of the results of their efforts during this time.

Mr. Xiao, the middle school exam is due soon. Can we practise making a real blank energy card now? Some students asked in class.

This mid-term exam still has a practical test part, and the practical test is still a blank energy star card, and they have never really used alien energy cards to draw alien plants. Even if it fails, everyone still wants to practice Practise your hands and succeed when you are not allowed to take the exam.

Therefore, after this student said the proposal, the other students looked at Xiao Weilin with anticipation.

Xiao Weilins smile continued to hang on his face. The whole man looked like a very warm handsome man. However, the F class student who was familiar with him did not dare to define Teacher Xiao in this way.

You know, compared to Mr. An, who is always playing tricks on them, Mr. Xiao will only have a higher number of segments, and they cant hold it.

Certainly. Xiao Weilin responded with a smile.

However, the class F students who had been told half of the bad taste by Mr. Xiao did not immediately show excited expressions, but waited for the next half sentence of the teacher.

Seeing this, Xiao Weilin raised his brow slightly, his expression was momentarily disappointed, but his eyes were full of smiles.

It seems that these little ghosts already have experience.

Sure enough, Xiao Weilins next half sentence let all the minds of the students in class F rest.

Classmates who have drawn the grass a hundred times can come to me to pick up a blank energy card. Xiao Weilin said with a smile.

Class F students heard that they were slumped.

Except that Yu Jinli had already completed their class, the most drawn was only fifty times. It was far from complete. It was impossible to complete before the mid-term exam.

It seems that it is no good to practice with a real blank energy card. I can only try it during the exam.

Nevertheless, everyone did not have much disappointment, after all, there was not much hope in the beginning.

When the second mid-term exam arrived, in addition to Yu Jinli, class F students still did not complete the hard work before Xiao Weilin.

For this practical test, everyone must take the naked test again.

However, fortunately, everyone was prepared for the theoretical knowledge test. Although the test results may still not be comparable to other classes, compared to the previous time, even if the results did not come out, everyone still feels more confident.

I have seen half of the questions very familiar this time and have made them. I will definitely be able to take more than 50 minutes this time, maybe I can still pass. Gao Ziqi ended his exam and shared his excitement with his classmates. Joy.

The other students also looked happy.

The next step is a practical exam. Yang Zhehao said.

They havent practiced how to make a blank energy card yet, and they have only one chance to draw when they take the practice exam. If they fail, the exam will end, so everyone is still a little worried.

What is there to worry about, we have practiced so many times on the energy board, and we can draw it completely. As long as we maintain this state, it may not be impossible to draw with a blank energy card. Besides, even if it fails, the card Teachers ca nt guarantee success every time, are nt they? Not to mention we have nt really practiced yet, so just relax and do nt have psychological pressure. If anyone really succeeds in the exam process, then our class still earns Here it is. Meteor said easily.

For this practical exam, he did not hold much hope. It would be the best to succeed, and it is normal to fail. Is there any worse result than this?

Listening to the meteor saying, everyone is relaxed, isnt that the reason?

As a result, it is estimated that only the students in class F performed the most relaxed performance among all the students who took the practical test.

And such F class students naturally attracted a lot of white eyes and contempt, but this time, none of the students were affected by others, everyone should not see it.

Xiao I dont understand why the college arranges them to take exams every time. It is simply a waste of school resources and a waste of time for all of us. Students in other classes couldnt help but say.

That is, even if they are allowed to take the test multiple times, it still scores zero. If I were them, I would not take the test directly, and it would be a shame. Some students around him followed.

Everybodys face has been cultivated, thick like a city wall. It is estimated that the cuckoos claws are impenetrable. Where can we compare with them. A strange voice of yin and yang sounded.

However, the students in Class F remained motionless and were not affected by the bad words of those people. What was the effect of their studies? They knew for themselves that they didnt need the approval of those who didnt matter.

Whats more, when they counterattack, they must ridicule the students who look down on them now and they will look very beautiful.

They look forward to that day!

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