To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 96: Aftermath (3)

Chapter 96: Aftermath (3)

Selena regarded the heart with suspicion.

Is that a real dragon heart?

If you dont believe it, why dont you hold it?

As he spoke, he handed over the heart he was holding, and Selena reluctantly accepted it.

As soon as the heart left Rays hands, a tremendous amount of magical energy filled the room.


For an average person, the magical energy in the air would have been enough to knock them unconscious, and Selenas expression was filled with panic.

That was because even when wrapped in a special cloth used during sanctification ceremonies, the heart of a true dragon was powerful enough to leak magical energy.

Ray had been able to suppress the magical energy with his mana, which is why it hadnt leaked much.

However, in Selenas case, who couldnt do the same, the inherent magical power of the heart was pouring out into the surroundings.

The overwhelming presence of the true dragon immediately engulfed the room.


The density of the magical energy became higher than the mana in the atmosphere, making it difficult to even breathe.

The mana is!


Unless one was at least an intermediate aura user, it would be difficult to remain standing.

This was the true meaning of the true dragon to them.

The being that had brought an entire era of glory to an end. Its heart was right before their eyes.

Before Selena could become intoxicated by the magical energy, Ray swiftly took it back.

Then, as if by magic, the swirling energy began to subside.

Now, all eyes were fixed on Ray. They wondered what the magical energy emanating from the heart was and just how powerful the true dragon that could handle it must be.

They were also curious about the identity of the young saint who had captured that undead.

Once again, Ray looked around the room and slowly opened his mouth.

Whether I caught this by myself or with the combined forces of the Holy Kingdom, its proof enough that the Holy Kingdom possesses the power to eradicate a true dragon on its own, right?


The Holy Kingdom has given the right to investigate necromancers to any kingdom they desire. How should the Holy Kingdom interpret your actions?

Ray looked down at Gregory and Selena from the podium.

Now Im asking. Is your behavior the official stance of the Lesian Empire?

Rays voice was even, but it implied that depending on their answer, there could be conflict between the Holy Kingdom and the Lesian Empire.

Of course, they couldnt answer such a huge diplomatic issue. After all, neither Gregory nor Selena had the authority to do so.

They couldnt simply ignore the question of the saint either, as that could lead to problems of its own.

To answer would be overstepping their bounds, and not to answer would be rudeness towards the saint.

Whichever option they chose, the Lesian Empire would inevitably suffer a loss.

Gregory bowed his head heavily.

I apologize sincerely for our thoughtlessness. Gregory of the Lesian Empire expresses deep regret for our disrespect towards the Holy Kingdom.

I, Selena of the Lesian Empire, sincerely apologize for our rudeness towards the Holy Kingdom.

These proud individuals of the Lesian Empire bowed their heads.

The assembly could only be shocked by their attitude.

What was the Lesian Empire? It was the strongest nation on the continent, the origin of most magic technologies.

They boasted the strongest economy, military, and political power on the continent.

It was not easy for them to bow their heads to the Holy Kingdom.

Ray looked at them and spoke again, making sure to glance over the representatives of the other kingdoms as well.

I hope you understand that every word you utter could potentially cause conflict between kingdoms. I dont know how much power each of you holds in your own kingdom, but the moment you sit in this place, you are the representatives of your kingdom.

This was his final warning and also a threat.

Regardless of the circumstances, the Holy Kingdom had proven that it could capture a necromancer and a true dragon on its own.

Therefore, there was no longer a need to face the pressure of the smaller nations.

After this summit, most nations would know to avoid the Holy Kingdom.

The audience, while silent, all had their eyes on Ray.

The atmosphere was volatile and unpredictable, but the tide had turned in the summit.

Even those from other kingdoms, who had acted high and mighty despite being from abroad, were now unable to wield their power properly.

It was a moment that made one realize that Ray should not be judged solely by his young age.

His eloquence, charisma, and the inclusiveness that smoothly resolved everything at the endit was impossible to believe that this was the demeanor of a young man nearing sixteen.

Ray thought that he had done what he needed to do, and it was about time to leave, regardless of what others might think.

As proof, Eclair winked at Ray with one eye, probably signaling that it was alright for him to go.

Ray looked at her and let out a faint smile.

I had to join the summit urgently while attending to other duties, so I will take my leave now.

If lying down could be considered a duty, then it certainly was one.

He gave a light bow and stepped outside.

Even after Ray had left, the shock of the summit still hung heavy in the air, and the people remained frozen.

Eclair took over the summit in place of the saint.

She slowly looked around and then spoke up.

So does anyone have any further questions?

At Eclairs question, the people who had been sitting still like statues began to speak up.

Did you really capture the necromancer with magic?

Then, was it also the saint who killed the original dragon?

Despite the barrage of questions, Eclair answered each person one by one.

As I said earlier, there are quite a few soldiers who claim that the saint captured the necromancer using magic. It is understood that the subjugation of the original dragon was managed by an army of four thousand, the saint and the saintess, and the families that support them both.

Many questions poured out, and among them, there were those who asked something that anyone would be curious about.

Then, may I ask how many circles the saint has?

The one who asked the question was Selena of the Lesian Empire.

A rising star in the world of magic who had entered the 6th circle at the youngest age.

She was the one who could potentially surpass the human limit to reach the 7th circle and be granted the title of Lord and revive the magic tower.

Those with positions related to magic were all focused on what would follow from Eclair.

Many here held positions related to combat.

Take Philia from the Gleyman Kingdom, she was the commander of the kingdoms second magic legion.

These individuals held their breath and focused on the conversation.

Such was the importance of the current issue at hand.

Eclair let out a small sigh.

She knew it would be revealed someday. After all, the saint had demonstrated the creation of a meteor during the baptism ceremony.

She opened her mouth to speak.

We ourselves do not know exactly how many circles the saint has.



Many let out a sigh of deflation at Eclairs disappointing response.

But she continued to speak.

However our Holy Kingdom believes that the saints circle may be more than eight.

Euclid addressed Ray.

You were quite fierce.

Was I? I thought I kept within the lines.

You were on the edge, but yes.

Originally, a man should have a tough edge.

At Rays words, Euclid stared at him with an expressionless face.

Where does he see a man? He just looks like hes barely shed his boyish appearance.

Euclid sighed softly and said,

Sigh Rather than that, its about Mary.


At Rays question, Euclid hesitated for a moment before speaking.

It is not right for this child to serve someone.

What do you mean?

She may look delicate, but shes like a wild horse. If Mary were a man, as Saint just mentioned, she would indeed have that tough edge.

Still, her tone was flat, and though she was expressionless, there was a firm determination in her eyes.

Mary is not born to serve others.

Therefore, she cannot be raised to assist and stand by the Saint.

Ray stopped walking and looked directly at Euclid.

Even if you say so, you havent given up on Mary yet, have you?

It is something the Saint has asked of me.

The two looked at each other silently for a while.

Still, her expression was unreadable. If she played poker in modern times, she would have been incredibly successful with that poker face.

Ray said to Euclid,

I dont know how she will be raised, but Ill leave everything about Mary entirely up to you.

Perhaps what Euclid wanted was just this one sentence from him.

The Three Families are originally systems that move on command.

Without an order, they cannot act.

She closed her eyes, slightly bowed her head, and took a step back.

Thank you.

When Ray suddenly thought of the Three Families, Zik came to mind.

The surgery was successful, so he must be safe, right? Would he have woken up by now?

Hmm Now that I think of it, should I go see Zik?

Lately, you seem to favor Zik. Favoritism is not good. Its also for maintaining inter-organizational relationships. Its irrelevant to me who the Saint cherishes, but to ensure the organization can develop a closer relationship, maintaining equality is necessary.

All he did was casually mention, Should I go see Zik?

But this overly sensitive reaction, what does it mean?

After a moment of thought, Ray spoke,

So youre saying pay attention to the other two families as well?

I merely spoke about organizational theory.

Euclids expressionless eyes looked at Ray.

Ray also looked back at Euclid, expressionless.

Will you guide me to Ziks residence first?

I hope you have not forgotten what I just mentioned.

I got it now guide me

Its not my personal opinion that I expressed, but something I mentioned in anticipation of when the Saint will form the organization later.

I said I got it

Even after that, Euclid continued to add comments. Of course, Ray took it as nothing more than her somewhat childish insistence for him to show interest.

Zik has become a swordmaster and was granted a mansion by the Holy Kingdom.

His mansion, though a bit distant, is located in Selonia.

All he knew about Ziks impressive mansion was that it was deeply nestled in the mountains; nothing else.

Therefore, Ray had no choice but to ask Euclid for guidance.

Usually so reserved with her words, she continued to chatter beside Ray as they moved.

Ray thought to himself that she seemed to be more petulant than expected.

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