To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 97: Lord

Chapter 97: Lord

Ziks mansion was not near at all.

While it was located in Selonia, it was nestled deep in the mountains, making the climb quite time-consuming.

What kind of forest is this Its almost like an elf village, isnt it?

Have you ever been to an elf village?

Before I came to the Holy Kingdom, I practically lived in an elf village.

Really? Elves are a reclusive race that tends to reject other species, right?

I know. Those guys really love their reclusiveness.

Since the conversation wasnt flowing smoothly, Euclid decided to stay silent.

Having lived in the same mansion, he painfully realized that the Saint would talk like that.

It seems like we still have a long way to go.

We havent even reached halfway yet.

Euclids response to Rays muttering was shocking in itself.

At this rate, Ziks mansion might as well be in a different region.

Not even halfway there yet? Even though we didnt walk with mana enveloping us, we walked non-stop for half a day.

If we had refused the escort of the guard troops and only gone with Euclid, how much slower would it have been if the troops had joined us?

Especially in these mountains.

Ray grumbled.

Is it even sensible to transfer such a seriously injured patient to this kind of mansion? It would have been so much better if he just stayed in Selonia Castle.

Euclid responded to that.

After the Saint collapsed, Master Zik was so concerned about him that he was practically foaming at the mouth.

Zik did?

Yes. He wouldnt let anyone else come near.

Euclids words were quite unexpected.

How could Zik have woken up so quickly and offered to escort him after undergoing surgery for his wounds?

Was it the mental strength of a swordmaster? Even though a swordmaster is beyond human, its impossible to move with such a broken heart.

Yet Zik moved.

Sometimes, human willpower seems to bring about miracles.

After pondering for a moment, Ray asked.

Then wouldnt it have been enough to recover at my mansion?

Euclid shook his head at his words.

After seeing the Saints condition improve, he entrusted the Saint to me and returned to the mansion. He said that a dying servant couldnt be by his masters side.


Ray was quite moved.

Had anyone ever cherished him so much, even once?

Certainly not. Even after achieving high status, wealth, and accomplishments in his past life, he couldnt think of anyone who matched Zik.

Just by becoming the Saint, many people followed him with their lives.

Euclid here would follow anything he said if it was an order.

Thats why Ray doesnt give orders carelessly.

Maybe thats why Zik and Euclid, who knew this, had developed a deeper trust than when they first met.

In some ways, even more than with Iriel.

That reminds him, when he arrives at Ziks mansion, only the three families and himself will be there.

Its quite an unusual situation, so a small thought arises.

Euclid and Zik may know about the divine emissaries but dont know their faces. It might be good to meet everyone at the mansion now.

While Ray was thinking this, Euclid spoke to him.



Is that arm all right?

Ah, this?

Ray raised his left arm as he spoke.

The black hue that still dominated his left arm revealed a mark that Aira had engraved.

He grinned sheepishly.

Theres nothing I can do about the demonic energy thats seeped into the bone But theres no particular pain.

But whats inside isnt just demonic energy, is it?

What lay hidden in his arm was the magical energy of the original dragon. Not even Ray himself knew what might happen in the future.

It seemed he often had nightmares, but he thought it unlikely that leaving it alone would cause any issues.

Even if he didnt want to leave it, there was no way to remove it anyway.

Looking at Euclids worried face within her expressionless demeanor, Ray stroked her head.

Dont worry. I killed the original dragon. I can handle a bit of magic.


She bowed her head and closed her eyes in response to Rays gesture.

She seemed humbled, yet her ears were tinged red with embarrassment.

Moreover, the holy power emanating from his side made her feel pleasantly warm.

No matter how strong her mental fortitude was to resist such influences, the pleasantness was irresistible.

Today, Euclid thought the younger saint appeared quite manly.

To surmise that its beyond the 8th circle What does that mean

The assembly was thrown into turmoil.

A great mage of the 8th circle.

That essentially meant a Lord.

Since the Magical Era, no one had claimed to be a Lord.

And for good reasonthere hadnt been a mage above the 7th circle.

The 6th circle was the limit for humans.

Reaching that realm was a rarity among mages, let alone a small minority.

There was even a time when half a century passed without the emergence of a 6th circle, so being at the 6th circle was sufficient to be honored as a great mage.

Yet, to be called a Lord at the mere age of sixteen, not being at the 5th nor the 6th circle?

Philia spoke as if it were absurd.

A Lord in this era is impossible. You know this, dont you? After the Era of Destruction, not only did we lose ancient spells and magical texts, but the title of Lord itself is a legacy of the Magical Era. Perhaps the Holy Kingdom is mistaken?

Eclair shook her head at her words.

Before entering the baptismal ceremony, the Sage demonstrated a spell.

The nobles listened quietly to Eclairs words.

She paused for a moment before speaking.

That spell was of a realm not even seen in the Magical Era.

Could it be

Selena covered her mouth with her hand, as if she had guessed something unimaginable.

A realm unseen even during the Magical Era.

There was only one possibility.

It was the 9th circle spell, Meteor.


Philia slammed her fist on the table.

Thats preposterous!

No one attempted to restrain her outburst.

Because what she said was indeed preposterous.

Yet, those who had actually witnessed it during the baptismal ceremony shook their heads in disbelief.

The events unfolding before their eyes couldnt be dismissed as unrelated to reality.

Eclair emphatically reiterated.

It is true. The current Saint should at least be addressed with respect as a Lord.

Selena pondered her words for a moment before speaking.

Then, may we conduct the circle check of the Saint in the Lesian Empire?

Discuss that with the Saint. Just remember, whoever speaks, the Saint is not someone who can be easily persuaded to go.

Her words implied that the Holy Kingdom left the verification of the circle entirely to the Saint.

Gregory countered Eclairs statement.

However, the Saint is skilled with a sword. As everyone has seen, the movements demonstrated at the conference were not those of an ordinary magician.

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Indeed, no magician could be so skilled with a sword to hold it at the throat of Lesian Empires Swordmaster before he could even draw his own. Such a person should not exist.

Eclair was at a loss for words.

How could she explain someone who wields both the sword and magic?

The Saint is a Lord, but also uses the sword exceptionally well? Was that what she was supposed to say?

If so, then Gregory would slam the table in response.

For Eclair, who wished no harm to come to the lecture halls tables, that was a decision she could not make.

Ultimately, Eclair decided to evade the question.

We dont have that information.

That was all that needed to be said.

If they themselves did not know, how could anyone else press the issue?

As she intended, the other kingdoms also fell silent at her response.

A murmuring filled the hall as many pondered the situation, particularly among the combat corps that dealt with magic.

Excluding Selena and Philia, the commanders of the magical troops had too much on their minds to speak.

By now, it was an established fact that the Saint was a Lord.

Consequently, they had to adjust their behavior to match this reality.

The Lesian Empire, having shown an unfavorable side to the Lord, was particularly concerned.

To be marked by the Lord? It was a matter more significant than simply being marked.

With no Magic Tower at present, the pinnacle of all magicians was the Lord. Would magicians disobey an order from the Lord unless it was as treacherous as betraying their homeland? They would willingly act otherwise.

What if the Lord decided to establish a Magic Tower? It would spell the end for all nations.

The academys command structure was at best run by 5th Circle users, and the 6th Circle boasted prominent royal magicians, but who would teach them?

If a Magic Tower were to arise, magicians currently affiliated with various academies would leave en masse.

With a Lord of presumed 8th Circle and numerous magicians gathered below, they could form a council of their own.

Above all, they would prefer to concentrate on magic rather than remain in a decayed academy.

Naturally, the academies would become obsolete, and the magical forces would diminish.

From the conference onward, each kingdom had to somehow revive the connection with the Lord they had entangled themselves with.

Naturally, they contemplated ways to invite the Lord to their kingdoms and maintain a friendly relationship.

Many thoughts circulated in their heads.

Eclair sighed as she observed this.

The conference seemed to be coming to an end. Further discussion would only mean shed be talking to herself while the rest were absorbed in their thoughts.

However, it appeared not to be over yet. Gregory of the Lesian Empire spoke up.

After the conference, may we have the honor of meeting the Saint once more?

To which Eclair shook her head.

I cant give you a definite answer.

Hmm The Lesian Empire will remain indebted to the Holy Kingdom until the Saint provides an answer.

Lets leave it at that.

Having both a Swordmaster and a 6th Circle Archmage as guests was advantageous for the Holy Kingdom.

It seems that the rebellion forces are gradually being suppressed anyway.

But it wasnt just the Leshian Empire that thought this way.

In the Glaymen Kingdom, Clein also rose in revolt.

Would it be alright if our Glaymen Kingdom also somewhat relied on your grace?

The same went for the Beibon Kingdoms Geiman.

Please allow the Beibon Kingdom to stay in the Holy Kingdom for a while as well.

As Count Sleyn and Commander Geiman spoke, Eclair sighed softly.

Those who wish may stay in the Holy Kingdom.

These are, nominally, support troops that came to aid the Holy Kingdom. If they were turned away now, it would put the Holy Kingdom in a difficult position.

It would be better to accommodate their wishes and gain the corresponding benefits.

Sigh That child will have a hard time.

Even if she hadnt fixed her own eyes, she had grown fond of that child on a human level.

Regardless of being a Saint or a Lord, shes become so attached that she doesnt mind whenever and wherever they come to her private residence, to the extent that she doesnt bother with formalities anymore.

She could clearly see the difficult situation that was about to unfold for Ray.

There would likely be frequent proposals of marriage, and there would be those who aggressively pursued him with physical means.

Wealth and honor, pleasure, a strong backing, and women.

For the still young Ray, there were many dirty tricks he had yet to experience.

However, there was something she didnt know.

Ray had already experienced such dirty tricks countless times in the modern era.

The pressures of the political world, the ostracism from the medical society, and so on.

Ray had already faced and risen above such schemes, and now, even more so, he had gained the power to overwhelm others. Most tricks would not work on him.

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