Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

At first, Byung-Chan did not seem to be able to get the picture right away. He snapped, "Hey, you, Rachel or whatever, who do you think you are to interrupt me? Youre just a hooker. How dare you just barge in here. Do you want to die too?!

Perhaps it was because he was pulled in too many directions, such as vigilance against Yu-Seong, anger from getting hit by Do-Yoon, and the prolonged disturbance and escalation of this altercation, but he was in a terrible mood. However, his anger did not last for very long.

Without saying anything, Rachel looked at the cursing Byung-Chan. She was, in fact, expressionless.

Finally, Byung-Chan noticed the change in atmosphere. He frowned.

"Wait Rachel? Rachel, the Slaughter Queen?!"

However, it was too late when Byung-Chan finally realized what kind of situation he was in.

No matter how pissed off he is, taking this long to figure things out hes definitely a moron.

There was a reason that Choi Woo-Jae did not delegate much to Byung-Chan and had let him fit in with the back alley organization. Byung-Chan was slow-witted and narrow-minded. His natural combat instinct was good, but it was impossible for him to lead a large company such as Comet Group with that instinct as his only redeeming quality.

It was a rather hopeless situation for Yu-Seong.

'Ugh even if we work together, theres no way we can get away from Rachel.

But Byung-Chan had long crossed the line. It was only a small consolation that Rachel was just looking at him silently so far.

...Damn it. Byung-Chan cursed as he belatedly noticed the madness in Rachels eyes and slightly stepped back.

"Why dont you keep barking?" Rachel finally asked with a big smile.


"I get so bored when a barking dog gets quiet," Rachel said. At the same time, her ax flew forward.

Byung-Chan freaked out, turned to the side and bent backward to barely avoid the flying ax, which cut off the tip of his nose.

As expected, he has good instincts.

However, the opponent was too strong. Rachel was already right in front of Byung-Chan. She grabbed him by the collar with one hand and picked him up. By this time, her ax returned to her hand. She struck vertically

The sound of torn flesh and broken bones echoed eerily.

With eyes wide open, Byung-Chan screamed, "Ahhhhhhhh-!"

Byung-Chan had lost an arm in an instant. He struggled in pain, twisting his body recklessly. However, Rachel was holding onto him so strongly that all of his movements merely shook her slightly.

It's not the physical force.

Rachel was easily holding onto Byung-Chan, using his turbulent movement as rebound energy. She played with him like he was a doll, then threw him to the floor. She now looked bored of him.

Smashing against the floor with an explosive sound, Byung-Chan was almost buried into the floor. He was completely wrecked. The man who was far too strong for Yu-Seong had been overpowered in a single moment.

'Damn that monster. Im sure that Mi-Na noo-nim cut her right hand off at the wrist, so how did it regenerate like that? Is it my turn next?

Yu-Seong felt both doubt and shock. He was also trying to find a way out of the current situation, because he knew that Rachel was a completely unpredictable cannonball.

Yu-Seong had also misunderstood another thing. It was the thought that Rachel would be satisfied after overpowering her opponent. Without even looking at Yu-Seong, she strongly slapped Byung-Chan's cheek.

"I don't like it when others touch the things I chose. So I was really angry when I first saw you pick on it, but it was cute seeing that baby gold nugget struggling. Hahaha, Rachel said with a smile, looking at Byung-Chan shivering all over.

"Ah...ahhh..." Byung-Chan avoided eye contact with Rachel and groaned, perhaps because he surrendered to the overwhelming power or because he couldn't withstand the madness rising within her eyes.

"But you should have done it in moderation. You dare to kill the kid I chose? With whose permission?" Rachel questioned as she slowly raised her ax.

Byung-Chan saw that and shook his head urgently. He begged, "Please, please don't..."

"Dont do what?" asked Rachel.

"Please dont kill me. Please..."

Byung-Chan's desperate gaze met Rachel's red eyes. Rachel smiled brightly at him and said, Do you take only one bite of your meal?

Rachel's ax bisected Byung-Chan's head at once. Under the moonlight, blood soared like a fountain in the black night sky, covering Rachel's red hair and white skin in an instant. Rachel closed her eyes as if enjoying it, and raised her head as she commented, "Ah, not a bad taste."

Rachel slowly turned toward Yu-Seong.

Byung-Chan was dead. Recognizing that fact one instant later, Yu-Seong bit his lip and picked himself up. He wasnt close to this particular brother anyway, not to mention that the latter had just tried to kill him. There was no reason to feel sad.

"Why are you not happy, my gold nugget? Didnt you want to kill him?

He had intended to do exactly that, but that did not mean he had any reason to be happy either.

"That was because I didn't want to die, Yu-Seong said.

Now, Yu-Seong clearly knew that there was no justification for murder; he didn't want to be a human being who killed people mercilessly like Rachel. Therefore, he answered Rachel's question firmly once he caught his breath.

Truthfully, he didnt think that defending would be of any help, since his opponent was Rachel, the Slaughter Queen. However, he was still going to do his best to survive. He had no intention to die.

Also, Yu-Seong's life has always been a series of surviving and overcoming such wars.

"As expected, you're funny, you gold nugget. I cant even tell if you are scared or not" Rachel said with a grin. Then, she instantly vanished. In the blink of an eye, her hot breath mixed with a bloody odor touched the tip of Yu-Seong's nose.

...?! Yu-Seong swung his spear in a desperate struggle, but his attempt was easily blocked by Rachel's left hand.

"If you don't want to die, stay calm." Rachel smiled and placed her right hand on Yu-Seong's head. She commented, "Seems like you've gotten a little stronger since Ive last seen you. You worked hard, didn't you?"

Yu-Seong punched at an apparent gap in Rachels defense, but Rachel simply grabbed his hand and twisted it in the other direction.

He cried out, "Ahhhhhah-!

Shh!" Rachel smiled and blocked Yu-Seong's screaming lips with her index finger. "I think you should come into my arms joyfully. Why are you so rebellious? You're saying hes still your brother?

"I know Ill die the moment I embrace you. Do you think Im crazy? Yu-Seong answered defiantly through clenched teeth.

As expected, Rachel killed him even though she knew he was my family.

In other words, Rachel didnt even care about Choi Woo-Jae, whom everyone in the country was afraid of. Just like she had cut Byung-Chans head in half, Rachel would have no issues with killing Yu-Seong here.

"Hahaha! That's right. If you're such an easy-going man, it's not fun to raise and eat you up."

"...what? Ugh!"

Rachel kicked Yu-Seongs ankle and made him collapse on the floor. She climbed on top of him and lifted Yu-Seong's chin with her index and thumb. She then cooed, "Do you really think I haven't been able to find you just because I'm being chased by the Player Association or something?

Yu-Seong felt breathless when he saw Rachels insane gaze mere inches from his face.

"It's a misunderstanding, you gold nugget. Im just keeping you alive. I always wait until the very end to taste the delicious food. Rachel smiled and moved her fingertips slowly down from Yu-Seong's chin. With eyes gleaming with madness, she said, "Actually, I'm not patient, so I keep wanting to open your head and check to see whats in your brain..."

Rachel used her index finger to swipe up a bit of Yu-Seong's blood, which lightly flowed down his forehead.

"I want tohear that scream right now. But" Rachel slightly licked the tip of her index finger for a taste. Then, she got up and continued, "I'll endure it until you mature and become more delicious. I am curious how much you can grow. You know, a strong man is my cup of tea"


At that moment, Rachel bent backward. The bullet hit the ground, and she immediately turned to look at the roof of the building on the other side.

Jenny, the Western woman with scattered blonde hair, had been looking for a chance to shoot. She clicked her tongue. At the same time, a short ax flew toward her until it was right in front of her nose.


Jenny rolled on the floor, pulled out her gun again, and shot the ax that was flying at her. A series of shots shattered the night shroud of Seoul, and the sound of sirens and helicopter propellers began to ring out from all sides.

It wasn't until then that Rachel slowly pulled herself off of Yu-Seong and recovered her ax.

Yu-Seong could feel the Player Associations hunters and the Special Police Force flying over through the dawn of Seoul.

"Unfortunately, that's it for today. My gold nugget, you can cheer up for now. If you don't meet my expectations by the next time we meet...." Rachel licked her lips and smiled. "I don't think I can show any more patience. Huhu."

Rachel disappeared like smoke.

"Ha..." Yu-Seong reflexively heaved a big sigh and jumped up from his seat. The air that was dense and heavy enough to almost suffocate him had become light again. He felt as if his whole body had been torn apart, but he had no time to relax.

Jin Do-Yoon!

Yu-Seong ran downstairs, rolling on the floor several times before approaching the unconscious Do-Yoon, who was back into his human form. Yu-Seong put his ear on Do-Yoons left chest.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

It was slow, but his heart was still beating.

Hes alive.

Do-Yoon didnt look okay, but at least he was alive.

As soon as the tension was eased a little, a special police officer who was wearing a familiar rabbit mask appeared in front of Yu-Seong.

In a way, this disturbance had been going on for a long time, so it could be said that this was a rather late appearance.

Why are you so late? Yu-Seong questioned inwardly.

"...The damn head of the Special Police Force informed me very late." Surprisingly, the police officer with the codename Myo, Choi Mi-Na, spoke as if responding to Yu-Seong's inner feelings. Then, she turned back and asked, "You can move, right?"


"It's going to be a pretty long, tough night. Cheer up."

With a deep sigh, Choi Mi-Na left.

After that, police flocked over with their guns pointing at him from the dark. Yu-Seong raised his arms as he shouted, "I'm Choi Yu-Seong, the ninth heir of the Comet Group! Please, I'm begging you, send an emergency medical team!"

The disastrous night was reaching its end.

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