Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

As Choi Mi-Na had said, the night lasted longer than expected for Yu-Seong. He looked somewhat fine, but he was mentally exhausted, and he had to explain quite a lot of things to others.

Of course, Yu-Seong would not reveal the entire truth in a face-to-face meeting with the detective team or the Special Police Force. For example, he omitted the family circumstances, such as the story of Byung-Chan trying to kill him.

Naturally, all the nasty deeds were blamed on the dead villain Bomber and Rachel, who had run away.

And once again, Rachel had easily shaken off the special police officers pursuit and had left the city center. Fortunately, Jenny, who had used a sniper rifle to support Yu-Seong, did not seem to have been caught by the police either.

She would have a way to sneak out.

Jenny would not have fired in the middle of downtown Seoul without any further preparations. Although it was from a long distance, considering that she had avoided Rachel's ax, Jenny also had to be a hunter of considerable talent.

After the investigationwhich required Yu-Seong to talk about one thing or anotherwas over, a person who identified himself as Soal, a member of the special police force, left. And around that time, the person who had been waiting for Yu-Seong to explain the real situation entered the hospital room. It was a very angry Choi Woo-Jae.

Choi Woo-Jae walked into the hospital room alone after asking Kim Pil-Doo to guard the door. He glanced at Yu-Seong's bandaged shoulder and spoke in a clear voice. "Explain what happened, from beginning to end. Without missing a single thing."

Upon hearing that short and concise command, Yu-Seong honestly explained what he had experienced in as much detail as possible, without leaving anything out. There was no need for him to hide or fake anything. He just tried to calmly convey the situation as objectively as possible. Choi Woo-Jae listened to the story without saying a word the entire time.

...I told the truth about everything except the story about Byung-Chan hyung-nim to the police.

After the story ended, Choi Woo-Jae smiled coldly. His next words were far beyond Yu-Seong's expectations.

"Sixth crossed the line. He deserved to die."


"I understand if an honest fight between brothers results in injury or even death. But such stories about betrayal I shouldnt hear of them.

This time, Yu-Seong couldn't find anything else to say.

"But that doesn't mean that a vile foreign girl can kill my child." Choi Woo-Jae got up from his seat with a cold gaze. "I will kill the Slaughter Queen. You deal with your own problems."

That was the end of the conversation. Choi Woo-Jae left the hospital room, and Yu-Seong was left alone. He felt goosebumps on his back.

'Father has decided to kill Rachel.

In fact, the moment Byung-Chan had died, this was already an expected outcome. However, it only sunk in for Yu-Seong when he heard it in person.

No matter how strong Rachel is... could she get away with it?

The opponent was Choi Woo-Jae. Rachel was a monster, but Choi Woo-Jae was no less of a monstrosity than her. The difference was that Rachel was an individual and Choi Woo-Jae was an organization.

Even at first glance, it was true that Choi Woo-Jae had the overwhelming advantage in this situation.

It's impossible unless she has the Demon King Worshipers support.

Rachel was a member of the Demon King Worshipers. She was selfish and uncontrollable, but the founder of the organization, the so-called Godfather, cherished her for her strong abilities.

In the end, Choi Woo-Jae's declaration just now meant that it would be a battle between the Comet Group and the Demon King Worshipers.

No, thats not it.

Considering the influence of the Comet Group on the Republic of Korea, it could become a battle between the entire country and the Demon King Worshipers This battle was a tremendous variable that could not be compared to the previous ones.

In fact, the original novel had such a situation too.

The variable was as big as the battle between the Demon King Worshipers and the Republic of Korea. However, there was clearly a difference from the original novel.

In the original novel, it was actually a fight between Kim Do-Jin and the Demon King Worshipers.

The confusion about the variable only lingered for a short moment. As he had already experienced this kind of thing before, Yu-Seong couldnt cry over spilled milk. His priority right now was to be prepared against variables, as always. Also, these big events were not the most important thing to him for now.

Jin Do-Yoon I hope he's safe.

Upon arriving at the scene, the rescue team had first checked on Jin Do-Yoon's condition and said that it was a miracle for him to still be alive. The massively concussed Do-Yoon had significant internal bleeding, a few broken ribs, and his right ankle shattered to pieces, with his foot completely missing.

Do-Yoons injuries were much more serious than Yu-Seong had seen on the outside and were even endangering his life. If it wasn't for the particular constitution of a Physical-type hunter, moreover a werewolf with considerable natural resilience, his injuries would have been serious enough for him to die right away.

Fortunately, Jin Do-Yoon had continued to breathe until he had arrived at the hospital, and they had taken him straight to the operating table.

That did not mean that Yu-Seong could relax.

Even when explaining the situation to the special police force officer, Soal, and meeting Choi Woo-Jae to tell the story, Yu-Seong couldnt stop thinking of Jin Do-Yoon. What if Do-Yoon died like this?

How will I face Jin Yu-Ri?

In confusion and anxiety, the sleepless night dragged on, dawn went by, and it was soon morning. A rather haggard-looking female nurse rushed in, and Yu-Seong looked at her dark circles under his eyes. He had requested this nurse to let him know once Jin Do-Yoon's surgery was over.

The nurse tried catching her breath a couple of times, then opened her mouth to tell the news that Yu-Seong had been waiting for.

"The over."

"What does that mean?" asked Yu-Seong.

"Patient Jin Do-Yoon is fine. Now, we just have to wait for the recovery."

"Ah..." Yu-Seong unconsciously signed with deep relief as his eyes reddened and began tearing. He murmured, "What a relief."

What else could Yu-Seong say? It was the end of a long and difficult night that haunted him with worries, pains, and earnest prayers.

"Its reallya relief." Tears slowly ran down his cheeks as his eyes began to close.


Yu-Seong slept all day long.

In that short period of time, the country turned upside down. In the middle of downtown Gangnam, Seoul, a terrorist had appeared and died. The Slaughter Queen, a villain strong and crazy enough to be designated as a natural calamity, had killed the sixth child of the Comet Group president. The government was reprimanded for its slow response, and anxiety swept the country. This was unsurprising, because the Special Police Force announced that they had not yet caught the Slaughter Queen.

In the meantime, Choi Woo-Jae held a press conference and announced his official position on capturing Rachel in the name of the Comet Group. He used the word capture, but what he actually meant was that he was going to kill her. Everyone knew the implied meaning, and media outlets in each country described the current situation as a fairly unusual case.

In fact, currently, in the Republic of Korea, there was a law that allowed the general public to play hardball only in the case of a known villain. Villains could easily commit murder, but they could only be stopped by the Special Police Force. This unprecedented special law was passed because the manpower was far insufficient to prevent a large number of individual villains from causing a big incident at any time.

However, it was really rare and unusual for a person to make such an announcement as a company representative.

Some people said that they should be more careful because they had a large social influence, but the country chose to remain silentthey took the easy way out and declared that they needed to further observe the situation. Above all, from the countrys perspective, it was good enough that the public's anxiety was somewhat reduced after Choi Woo-Jae's announcement of his official position on the matter.

There were quite a few people who said that the leading conglomerate in Korea was more reliable than the national agency that had already missed the Slaughter Queen several times.

Yu-Seong's injury was also known to the public. The article that talked about him surviving after meeting the Slaughter Queen twice became a huge hit, even resulting in a new nickname for him: the Miracle Man.

Of course, some doubted Yu-Seong. Naturally, there was a suspicion that Rachel and Yu-Seong were on the same side. As such, rumors spread that Yu-Seong had become a villain to score high points in a family fight.

All this happened in just one day and night.


Jin Yu-Ri returned to her main job after hearing the news the next afternoon. She sat alone in front of Yu-Seong's hospital room. A Western woman with bright blonde hair, wearing a big hoodie, approached her.

Jin Yu-Ri gave her a sideways glance and asked, "...what about the Slaughter Queen?"

"I can't find a trace at all. She moves too cleverly to be considered a simple murderer. If we chased her openly, we would be able to approach her to some extent, but we'd get caught."

Jin Yu-Ri nodded as if she was convinced of the situation. Unlike others, Jenny's organization put secrecy first. As such, it was difficult for her to come forward and investigate directly. Moreover, quite a lot of people were involved in this case.

"You don't have to dig too deep, but be careful not to miss the opportunity when you see the movement."

"For sure," said Jenny. She nodded her head in a short reply and silently stayed by Jin Yu-Ri's side. About three minutes passed without anyone saying anything. Then, suddenly, Jenny opened her mouth again. "...are you all right?


"I heard about your brother's case.

"You don't die from having a missing foot, said Yu-Ri.

Jin Do-Yoon was miraculously alive, but the foot vaporized by Bomber's powerful bomb had failed to regenerate. It could be considered that his life as a physical-type hunter was virtually over.

"He was a great hunter and bodyguard, said Jenny.

"I know. I appreciate your consolation."

"I'm looking for a way. If some money is spent, it could be replaced with a machine so he could live his daily life."

... Jin Yu-Ri didnt answer. Her current worry wasnt regarding Do-Yoons physical condition.

He must be terribly distressed by the fact that he can't be of much help to Yu-Seong oppa.

A retired hunter living an ordinary routine wouldnt be a problem for Do-Yoon. The amount of money he had saved so far was pretty significant, and if he just got a bionic foot, he was going to be in much better physical condition than an ordinary person anyway. In a way, it was the kind of retirement that any hunter dreamed of.

But not for him.

Of course, the Jin Do-Yoon that Yu-Ri knew would not collapse in agony right away. Rather, he would try to find an opportunity to make a comeback. However, what could he do when he realized that there was no way to overcome this problem even if he put all his energy into it?

In the same situation, Yu-Ri could not even guess how she was supposed to feel about it.

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