Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 12 (2/12)

Book 2: Chapter 12 (2/12)

Iris then carefully handed Kain back the knife. Upon touching it, Kain could hear Iviss Sasken said, Lord, I hereby sworn my loyalty to serve you for eternity. Please give me a name, my Lord.

Kain was very pleased to hear that. Having an Eleventh Stage Ghost Warriors soul bound to his knife was a really good reward. A reward that much better than he had imagined. Kain said in a happy tone, I will allow you to keep your name, Iviss. Just Iviss, forget the Sasken.

Thank you. I will be using my old name as Iviss.

How do I make you transform from a knife to a human?

All you have to do is ask me to show myself, and I shall obey.

Kain immediately tested it out by saying, Show yourself, Iviss.

The knife from Kain's hand turned into Iviss. Iviss immediately bowed down in front of Kain to show her respect toward him.

Kain saw Iviss was exactly the same as when he had first met her. He asked, Are you still being able to use Ghost Warrior skills and abilities?

I still possessed all skills and abilities before you killed me. My physical strength will be able to scale with you. The stronger you are, the stronger I will get. My assassination specialty will surely benefit you in the future.

Great! You can turn back into a knife.

As you wish, my Lord.

Iviss then turned herself back in a knife and landed on the ground. Kain opened the palm of his right hand and the knife automatically flew into it. Kain observed the knife, smiled, and said, Iviss, Im happy to have you as my servant.

In the knife form, Iviss said, Im happy to be able to have a chance to serve you, my Lord.

Kain no longer wanted to put Iviss back into the Storage Ring, he asked, Iviss, do you want to go into the Storage Ring or stick yourself to my hip?

I desire to obey all of your commands. Just command and I shall obey.

Kain took out the leather holster for the knife and wore it on his hip. Kain commanded, "Iviss, stay inside the holster on my hip."

Iviss then flew into the knife holster on Kains hip according to his command. Kain was happy with Iviss's attitude because she acted like a slave who obeys all of her master's commands without any kind of complaint.

Kain took the knife out to test it by slashing it in the air several times. Kain was surprised by how sturdy it is and thought, "This is no longer a normal knife. Not only can it transform into an Eleventh Stage Ghost Warrior, but the knife itself alone is even stronger compared to diamond."

Iris asked, Kain, are you ready to be teleported to the last tier? You will have twenty-four hours rest to allow you to use the [Devil Anatomy] spell again. As I have said, your next opponent is stronger compared to a Devil Warrior.

Im ready. Please teleport me, beautiful Iris.

Kain was teleported to the Fifteenth-tier and Iris disappeared after that. Kain looked around and saw a Watchers Messenger was approaching him. That Messenger escorted Kain to a room and instructed him to rest there for twenty-four hours before fighting with his last opponent of this Timeless Dungeon. Kain ate the food that was prepared on the table, drank some water, then laid on the bed and started thinking about what kind of opponent he was going to face tomorrow.

Kain thought, My opponent is stronger compared to a Devil Warrior, that is bad news especially when I cant use Blood Equipment tomorrow. Since Evienne is also a Devil, she can open the Hell Gates first. After all the Demon Lords and their demon armies get killed, I will then open the Hell Gates again for the Demon Lords and their demon armies to come back. With this combination, I'm sure my opponent tomorrow won't be able to win against it. Iris said it will be just one opponent. I wonder who it will be. Could it be an Archangel? I have heard all Archangels can use magic so it's normal for them to be stronger compared to Devil Warriors. An Archangel can summon a hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors at the same time. Those a hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors should have no problem holding back the thirteen Demon Lords and their armies. Still, I can conjure as many powerful creatures as possible while Evienne and my Second Soul teamed up to fight with the Archangel. It doesn't matter if the opponent tomorrow is an Archangel or not, victory should still be mine.

Kain continued to think about who will be his opponent and fell asleep shortly after that.

The next day. The Watchers Messenger escorted Kain to an area where he thought he would fight with an Archangel. However, Kain was escorted to a room and then the Watchers Messenger left without saying anything. Kain opened the door, walked deeper into the room, and was surprised to see Watcher Zorim was sitting on a chair in there.

Kain quickly calmed himself down, smiled, and greet her in a respectful tone, Watcher Zorim.

Zorim stared at Kain without blinking her eyes for almost two minutes, which made Kain feel very uncomfortable.

Zorim then smiled and said, Kain Bersk, tell me what will you do after you completed this Timeless Dungeon? Are you planning to go back to Toria Continents and destroy that planet?

I wasnt planning on destroying it, just massacring all magic casters in the Mages Council on that planet is good enough. Kain had no problem revealing the plans he had for Toria Continents.


Kain shook his head and said, "I'm sure Watcher Zorim knew of my background and the reason why I carried such hatred in my heart."

"I still want to hear you explain."

Kain used the fingers on his right hand to start massaging the temple on his head to relax his mind. Every time he thinks about how his parents were killed in front of him, Kain got a wave of extreme anger that created headaches.

Five seconds later, Kain said, I was born with a Twin Soul despite not having chosen it. My parents attempted to save me notwithstanding knowing that will cost them their lives. The moment I became a member of the Blood Mages Guild, I have promised myself that one day I will bring great pains to the Mages Council of Toria Continents for creating such a stupid law of prohibiting Blood Magic.

You must have heard a female Blood Mage named Vierna Pharm went evil and killed more than eighty percent of populations in Toria Continents. The Mages Council sent over two thousand Saint Mages to hunt Vierna but she killed over eighteen hundred Saint Mages. A Watcher then gave Vierna a God Potion so she could become a God-tier Blood Mage and traveled to the higher realms. That was how the Mages Council decided to permanently prohibit Blood Magic. Therefore, all children born with Twin Soul must be killed to prevent a tragic incident like that from occurring again.

Just because one Blood Mage went evil, doesn't mean all of us will do the same!

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