Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 12 (3/12)

Book 2: Chapter 12 (3/12)

Seeing Kain massaging the temples of his head again, Watcher Zorim waited until he was done then she said, I strongly disagree. Great power can corrupt the human mind. Blood Mages were born with the advantages of being able to use human blood as an energy source besides mana for spell casting. Because of this, one level 100 Saint Blood Mage can easily kill at least twenty other Saint Mages of the same level. In Vierna's case, over two thousand Saint Mages can't even defeat one evil Blood Mage that massacred over eighty percent of the population of Toria Continents.

How can you compare us to her? What have I done wrong that made other human beings execute my parents while attempting to kill me? I wont rest until the Mages Council is destroyed. They must be paid for executing my parents.

Do you know who is the real enemy? It was Watcher Tykan. He was the one who gave the evil Blood Mage two Tykan Eyes and made her into the strongest Blood Mage in the history of all planets in the lower realms. That power corrupted her mind, just like it is corrupting your mind right now.

Kain could no longer hold his anger, he started increasing his voice louder and louder when speaking with Watcher Zorim. Kain said, Watcher Tykan corrupted one Blood Mage, why do all Blood Mages have to pay their lives for it? I was just a three years old kid. Why would they want to kill me despite I have done nothing bad at that time? My parents wanted to protect me because they loved me for I am their only child. I witnessed how the humans mercilessly executed my parents regardless of how much I have begged. That is something that I will never forget! If it wasn't for Menas Danamark who was closeby to save me, I would have died that day. Let's stop talking about me for a second. How about other children who were born with Twin Soul? Most of them were killed for a crime that they have not committed. The Blood Mages Guild could only save a small number of those children. Many Blood Mages were executed while trying to save the Twin Soul children all over Toria Continents. I know one Blood Mage who almost died in Flumen city when she was rescuing a Twin Soul girl. If it wasn't for my interference to save both of them, they would have been killed that day too. My mind wasnt corrupted by Watcher Tykan. The Mages Council-

Watcher Zorim interrupted Kain as she said, The Mages Council had done what they must to prevent another evil being such as Vierna Pharm from causing terror again. But why dont you change their point of view instead of killing all of them? Do you think that you can really kill them all? You are just a human, dont forget that. Even if you are a real Devil or an Archangel, you won't be powerful enough to defeat the Mages Council.

Kain smirked and mockingly said, Is that so? Why are you wasting your time trying to persuade me from doing that then? Changing their point of view? Please show me how, almighty Watcher Zorim.

You can talk to them. They will at least sit down to speak with you because it's better to have a strong friend than a strong enemy. The Mages Council wouldn't want to waste their manpower fighting with a strong magic caster that can kill many Saint Warriors and Saint Mages.

Sit down and talk to them won't change anything. If the Mages Council can legalize Blood Mages that easily, then they wouldnt continuously kill all Twin Soul children. Destroying the Mages Council is the only way. And no, Im no longer a human. At the time my parents were executed, I have no longer considered myself human. If being human can mercilessly execute a child and their parents for a crime they didnt commit, then I will rather be a monster instead. Not only the Mages Council labeled me as evil because of my Twin Soul, but society does so as well. You know what? I will live by that label, as an evil monster. Congratulations on changing my point of view. Not only I will destroy the Mages Council, but I will massacre the entire human race of Toria Continents."

"Do you have any idea how many powerful magic casters there are in the Mages Council? They focused on meditating to achieve God-tiers instead of becoming Lords of the Colors or powerful Solo Executioners. Do you really think that you are undefeated? That no one in Toria Continents can kill you!?" Watcher Zorim angrily slammed her table after hearing Kain threaten to massacre the entire human race.

Kain laughed out loud and said, "Who can stand against me now? Even without using Magical Blood Equipment, no human in Toria Continents can face me in a one versus one battle. Dont even mention the Demi-Humans, they are just trash in my eyes.

Ah Did you see it? Power has corrupted your mind. As you have known, Watchers cant interfere much in someones life. There are rules created by The Creator that we must follow. Breaking those rules will cost us our positions as the Watchers. I cant kill you, legally. But I can find a way to make you kill yourself. Did you think it is a coincidence that you encountered a Timeless Dungeon? It was all of my doing. A Timeless Dungeon must be open in Toria Continents at that time and I choose to open it near your location so you can enter it. I gave you a chance to become powerful to verify if that power can corrupt your mind or not. I was right, you are indeed evil. Just like all other Blood Mages. The moment they became incredibly powerful, their mind will be corrupted with or without Watcher Tykan's interference.

Kain shook his head and said using a respectful tone, I thanked you for giving me a chance to participate in this Timeless Dungeon. I am indeed evil as you said. If wanting revenge for my parents is evil, so be it.

I will give you one last chance, Kain Bersk. Even though the Creator prevented me from killing you, I can find ways to make you die horribly if you reject my offer. I cant choose you as the next God-tier Mage or God-tier Warrior because it is not your time yet. However, I can give you a choice to become a God-tier right now through drinking this potion. Finished saying that, Watcher Zorim then handed Kain a bottle containing boiling purple liquid.

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