Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 8 (9/9)

Book 3: Chapter 8 (9/9)

Still at the audience's side. While the entire battlefield filled with astonishing matches, Enye Selmer was more focused on Angi, the female level 100 Fire Mage from Esterden Continents. Enye couldnt feel anything but shame remembering she used to compare herself to Noe Clerico. Comparing her talent of creating Saint-tier Fire Magic spells to Angi, Enye knew she wasnt qualified to be chosen as one of Noes minions even if she pleads. Enye witnessed Angi casted a total of six powerful Saint-tier Fire Magic spells Angi had created. Each spell was either equally strong or much stronger compared to the [Tenfold Detonation] spell that Enye had created.

Enye thought, How silly I was comparing myself to such an almighty magic caster. While Kain Bersk possessed the power to destroy this planet, Lord Clerico continued to maintain the power to save it. I have heard tales of how strong Lord Clerico truly is. But I thought those were just fantasy tales until I witnessed his true power today. Now I understand why the Mages Council named Lord Clerico as the Protector of Toria Continents.

Enye wasnt the only one that was amazed by the battle between Noe Clerico and Kain Bersk. The Mages Council, the Blood Mages, the Rogue Mages, the Demi-humans, and the world leaders were all amazed. The world leaders were freaking out when they saw Devil-Kain opened the Thirteen Gates of Hell Realm. While defending their countries from the demon armies wasnt hard, but if Kain Bersk can repeatedly open the Hell Gates then sooner or later their countries will be exterminated. After seeing Noe Clericos minions succeed in holding back the demon armies and their Demon Lords, the world leaders sighed out in relief thanking the Watcher for granting them a mighty magic caster such as Noe Clerico to protect them. The world leaders silently whispered to each other that they would always put their trust in the Mages Council no matter what happens in the future.

Adrik Volsky and Etgar Revenmar were very confident in Kain's overwhelming power of a Devil. But after they saw Devil-Kain was struggling to get away from the Devil Warrior and the Devil Mage, Adrik and Etgar started planning for alternative options of how to rescue Kain if he loses. Adrik asked, Etgar, how many pieces of Blood Equipment have you brought?

Etgar respectfully answered, I have two Blood Pendant and three Blood Rings. Other masters each brought a Blood Pendant and two Blood Rings. Other Blood Mages each brought a Blood Pendant and a Blood Ring.

That should be enough. If Kain loses, I need you and other Blood Mages to grab him and escape from this island. It doesn't matter what happens, do not look back, understand?

How about you, Sir Volsky?

I and other Rogue Mages will stay to fight. We will hold Noe Clerico and the Mages Council back while you and other Blood Mages escort Kain back to the Dryardian Empire.

Etgar looked toward the direction where the Mages Council were sitting then nodded his head and said, Sir Volsky, you have decided to sacrifice your life. I know anything I say now wouldnt be able to change your mind. What about the Demi-Humans? Should we escort them out of here too?

Let them die. Those beasts have never truly wanted to live peacefully among us humans. Their safety isnt of our concern because their existence is no longer needed. Emperor, Prime Minister, Kings, and Queens of the Dryardian Empire can be replaced but Kain Bersk can't. We cant allow Kain Bersk to die. Escorting him back to the Dryardian Empire is very important. Noe Clerico is strong, but he is still just a magic caster. Kain Bersk on the other hand is the Supreme Leader of the Dryardian Empire who has ruled that nation for over a hundred years. The Demi-Humans and the humans trusted and worshipped him. He can command billions of powerful Demi-Human Warriors while giving the humans of the Dryardian Empire the illusions of happiness ever since he freed them from slavery. As long as Kain stays inside the Dryardian Empire, the Rogue Mages and the Blood Mages will be able to exist without fearing the Mages Council would send powerful Executioners to hunt them. Noe Clerico alone can hold Kain Bersk back, but he doesn't have the power to destroy a big and powerful nation such as the Dryardian Empire.

I understand. Etgar turned his head toward the battlefield then asked, Sir Volsky, is it too early for you to conclude that Kain will lose this fight?

Adrik shook his head and said, I always believed Kain will win this battle because I know how strong he is. But if you pay attention to Noe Clerico, he is smiling with full confidence while Kains facial expression showed that he was worrying. Remember the last battle between Noe and Kain? Kain killed him over ten thousand times and he still managed to revive himself over and over. Presently, Kain hasnt managed to kill Noe even once today while still struggling to fight back against Noe's minions. Do you need me to explain further?

Etgar shook his head and said, Kain will win. Please believe me, Sir Volsky.

I hope so too, Etgar. I hope so too...

Etgar turned his head toward Darvan Milton, who used to be one of the Masters of the Blood Mages Guild. Etgar remembered the day Darvan told him that he needed to isolate himself from the world for meditation because he believed that he would soon advance into level 51. Seeing Darvan transformed into a Vampire Lord to fight against the creatures conjured by Tuchulcha, Demon Lord of the Second Gate, Etgar couldnt maintain his coolness and nearly cried when he remembered how he rescued Darvan at the time Darvan was discovered to possess a Twin Soul. Similar to what Kain Bersk has gone through, Darvans parents were executed while trying to protect him. Etgar managed to rescue Darvan and escaped with him while nearly being killed by a Saint-tier Light Mage Executioner. Etgar provided care for Darvan like Darvan was his son. Everything Darvan has learned was taught by Etgar.

Etgar angrily blamed himself by thinking, Darvan, that was my fault. I should have stopped you from isolating yourself. Perhaps you can still be alive if I didnt ask you to go undercover in the Mages Council in the first place.

Darvan Milton was no longer allowed to use his name and was forced to use the name David Bodwyn after Noe turned him into a minion. David was allowed to keep his Blood Pendant and two Blood Rings but because those Blood Equipment were depleted, Noe paid a lot of gold coins for buying human blood from the healthy humans who wanted to sell their blood for money so David could recharge his Blood Equipment. Noe Clerico didnt like altering or wiping out the memories of his minions. This was because Noe wanted his minions to be able to keep their unique personalities. Even when Darvan didnt have his memory altered or wiped after becoming a minion, his loyalty to Noe Clerico remained absolute as it was part of the effect of the [Raise Dead] spell Noe casted on him. If Kain dies and becomes Noe's minion, his loyalty toward Noe will also become absolute.

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