Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 9 (1/9)

Book 3: Chapter 9 (1/9)

Finwe, are you ready yet? Kain asked telepathically.

Not yet. I sensed that his Magical Resistance rate isnt as high as the Devil Overlord, but I cant risk it. Let me come in a little closer to have a better chance of success. Finwe answered as he continued flying closer toward Noe Clerico while having the [Invisibility Cloak] spell activated.

Kain and Finwe were using the same tactics that they had used in the battle against Anwyn Richir. Finwe was already conjured hours before the actual battle between Kain and Noe initiated. Thanks to Finwes Magical Penetration rate being too high, no one on the battlefield could sense his presence after he has [Invisibility Cloak] activated. Even though it put a toll on Finwes mana pool to have Finwe become invisible too early, Kain wasnt worried much about it. As long as Finwe could cast either [Delusion World] spell or [Duplicity] spell on Noe, the outcome of this battle would be set.

Finwe thought to himself, [Delusion World] spell can place Noes mind in a delusion world that is unable to be controlled by me. It will copy the current world but is very bad at mimicking which may allow Noe to be aware of the odd and obvious things which make him easier to get out of it by clearing his mind and refocusing himself. If I am going to use the [Delusion World] spell, I will have to activate [Thunder Step] and kill Noe as fast as possible before he snaps out of it. [Duplicity] spell on the other hand allows me to place Noes mind in a much better world that can be altered by me at all times. It could make him harder to be aware that he had fallen into a spell. After locking Noe inside [Duplicity], I can break his fighting spirit by shaping the battle in my favor while draining his stamina and mana pools at the same time. Or I can just have Noe locked up inside [Duplicity] and make sure he won't be aware of it while Kain kills him in one attack. Noes physical body is so much weaker compared to the Devil Overlord. As long as Noe cant activate his [Unlimited Life] spell on time, then he will die for real and won't be able to revive himself.

Finwe wasnt wrong. Unlike the Devil Overlord, Noe could easily be killed in one strike by Kain in his Devil form. Devil-Kain would then cast the [Carnage Inferno] spell to reduce Noes body to nothingness by that way no one could revive him after that. Noes true power was his [Unlimited Life] spell, as long as Kain can prevent Noe from sensing the danger and activate that spell on time, then killing him wasnt something impossible to accomplish.

Kain thought to himself, Too bad I wont be able to see the stupid smirk wipe off your face. The moment you fall for Finwes Delusion Magic spell, my Second Soul will break away from the two Devils and kill you in one attack. Just in case my Second Soul cant break away from the Devils, I already have Anwyn Richir ready to be called at any moment. She alone can kill you and all of the conjured creatures that you have circled and protected you in a blink of an eye.

Kain didnt know if Finwe was going to use the [Duplicity] spell or the [Delusion World] spell. However, it made much more sense to use the [Duplicity] spell in this battle instead of the [Delusion World] spell since the [Delusion World] spell was designed to be used for crowd control. For example, Finwe can lock all of his enemies' minds inside [Delusion World] spells then fly away before they could snap out of it. The bad thing about [Delusion World] spell is that when the enemy was locked one minute inside it, only one second was passed in real life. Ten seconds in real life would mean ten minutes inside [Delusion World], the powerful enemy that has a strong Magical Resistance rate will escape [Delusion World] much faster and easier. Kain was giving the impression that he was at a disadvantage against Noe to give Noe the total confidence and lowered his guard allowing Finwe to succeed better. Even Kimaris didnt know what Kain was planning and was trying his best to get to Kains location to assist him in fighting with Noes minions.

Kain. Finwe called Kain telepathically.


Im going to use [Duplicity] spell. I am afraid using the [Delusion World] spell may allow him to break free before I can kill him. If I miss one attack, it would be much harder to kill him if he is aware of how my Delusion Magic works. Five thousand Flaming Earth Golems wont be a problem since my [Thunder Step] can allow me to get past them easily, but Rilloc himself is also a Thunder Mage. The moment I activate [Thunder Step] he would know and his speed wont be much slower than mine after he activated [Thunder Step] spell as well. Im afraid Rilloc may be fast enough to block my attack since he is flying right above Noes head. Rilloc's gigantic body would give him a better advantage in blocking my attack by preventing my sword from being able to touch Noe's body. And if I use Thunder Magic spells, Rilloc can absorb most of it damages.

I thought so too. Alright, use the [Duplicity] spell then. The moment you cast it I will have my Second Soul or Anwyn Richir finish Noe in an attack.

Use the Devil Overlord. Her powerful magic spell can completely wipe Noe Clerico out of existence. If you use your Second Soul, you will still have to cast the [Carnage Inferno] spell, which requires some time for activation. We still dont know if Noes minions are going to die as soon as he dies or not. If not, Yrsut herself is a Light Mage which meant she can cast [Resurrection] spell on him.

She wouldnt make it there on time to revive him.

What about the thousand Celestial Angels surrounding him?

Dude, you know they cant use the [Resurrection] spell.

Are you sure a thousand of those Angels are all Celestial Angels? Did you forget you have once used a First Stage Saint-tier Golden Skeleton Warrior to defeat your enemy by tricking them into thinking it was just a regular Skeleton Warrior?

After Finwe reminded Kain about how he tricked his enemy to win a match in the Student Mages Battle Tournament, Kain nodded and said, Sorry, my confidence blinded my judgment. Noe Clerico could be using the same trick that I used. One of those thousand Celestial Angels could be an Angel Battlemage in disguise. Conjured Creatures have about five to ten seconds before they are forced to be transported back to their realms after their Conjurer Mage gets killed. Five to ten seconds are more than enough for an Angel Battlemage to revive Noe Clerico. You are right, Finwe. I will use Anwyn so we can have a guaranteed kill.

Sounds good. Im about to use the [Duplicity] spell in about fifteen seconds. Wait about a minute after that before you call Anwyn to make sure Noe falls deeper into my spell before she kills him.

Got it.

Kimaris arrived and helped Kain fight back Yrsut, Ermina, Agnes, Conrad, and Lysander as he said, Kain Bersk, leave these weak ones to me. You can focus on fighting with Noe Clerico.

Even though Kimariss assistance wasnt needed, Kain still politely said, Thank you. I will leave those bitch asses to you then.

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