
Chapter 116: An Old man's plan.

Chapter 116: An Old man's plan.

It was heartwarming for K to witness Night's win. He knew Luke well, after all, it was K that helped Luke when he needed it the most. Nobody could understand what was happening or what Luke went through. A feeling of loneliness, fear, guilt? Luke was angsty back then, his family didn't hate him at all, in fact, it was quite the opposite, they loved him, but that's the thing, we hold onto things so much we don't realize how suffocating it is for the other person.

Luke wasn't only bound by Nyx's curse, in reality, he bore two other curses, the curse of unluckiness as well as the curse of being ridiculously talented, naturally, nobody is just aware that they're talented. it's discovered through interest and curiosity, while the latter stuck onto him, due to experiences Luke lost the feeling of interest. However, this was only the case for the adult version of Luke, as a child, he was full of interest and curiosity.

The pre-pubescent Luke was never rewarded for his efforts, no matter how much he indulged in his interests, it would always result in failure. This constant feeling of failure, slowly affected him, and to make it worse, his family took decisions that were meant for "normal" children, not children like Luke who was blessed by the world itself, his growth rate was immeasurable, it was an absurd growth rate, however that resulted in void-like feeling, he was lost in it. Until of course, he discovered martial arts, it wasn't like he instantly discovered himself, Luke was just sick and tired of the world rejecting him, it was a cruel fate. Slowly but surely, he gained himself, thanks to K and Nate, he was finding himself, Nate never lied to him or turned away from him, whereas K helped him utilize his natural talents. One helped him wield the blade while the other sharpened it for him.

"I knew it! that damned brat, it was him after all!" K screamed as he got up from his chair. Looking at his friend's enthusiastic behaviour Jace couldn't help but smirk, he watched as tears slowly formed in K's eyes. The entire crowd was cheering one name and one name only and that was Night's.

"Calm down now, while you may know who he is, the crowd doesn't and by the looks of it they aren't going to find out until he allows them to," Jace said as he gestured for his friend to sit down.

"You're right but it's definitely a coincidence she knows Luke as well," K said while sitting down.

"She knows Night, not Luke....and I think I have an idea," Jace said with a smile.

"You're gonna make them both meet aren't you? oh let me guess, you're going play ignorant and not warn her about his skill,"

"You know me too well," Jace said with a devilish grin.

"Player Night everybody!! now now, calm down, I understand how exciting that was but what we have next is better. Coming up next, the most anticipated event of the day, PvP! players will go head to head, anything goes, and don't worry this won't affect your real character. The matches will be randomized shortly so until then please wait...oh and take this chance to visit the stalls and whatnot, we will be back in 10 mins!" Dr Reed said before he hopped away.

Nate looked at the other players watch Luke casually walking, they didn't really understand what to expect but an early 20's anime pervert was the last thing anyone would expect.

"Let's go "player Night", or are you too good for me now?" Nate asked.

"Oh no nothing compared to sir "NotYourTypicalMage", and by the way, did you notice how he called out my name? I think it might just be your name man," Luke said as he put his arm around his friend.

They walked to the stalls section completely ignoring all the gazes they got, actually, it was just Nate that noticed them, at this point he questioned himself for not getting used to it.

"Oho looks like you're famous buddy, people recognize you from Accuracy Spike," Luke said.

"Yeah, it's definitely that," Nate replied sarcastically. However, what Luke said was true, they recognized him, he was the last to walk away from the capsules during Accuracy Spike, and now that he was seen with Luke or Night, it confirms their suspicions, there was just one issue, it was that they were too startled by Luke's presence, it more surprise and confusion than awe and admiration.

"Let's get some food?" Nate asked.

"Sure, I'm kinda hungry," Luke said, as they were walking, a hand slowly fell onto Luke's shoulder. It was a familiar feeling, the weight of his hand and the presence behind him, it was someone he knew. When Luke turned back he was met with a man around his height, he was perfectly dressed, however, his hair caught him off-guard, the man had rich silver hair which completely covered one eye.

"Valerian Milo?" Nate asked, however, he noticed that the man had silver hair, and his thoughts immediately went back to his fight with Sephiroth, 'wait he can't be Sephiroth right? but their hair color matches....hold on now that I think about it, Liam doesn't have silver hair...and Sephiroth's hair was more...messier I guess'

"Night, ah right, I'm Mocha," he said in a quiet voice.

Valerian was more or less a hero, the Greek government valued him, he was a national asset as well as a vigilante of sorts, while he did spill blood before, it wasn't the lives of anyone innocent, it was his own rule that he would only hunt down terrorists. At least those that posed a threat to his country. What the public didn't know was his 'soft' side, he wasn't comfortable with expressing himself and often found it quite difficult, however with Night it was different, he felt free around Night, it was as if they were brothers in some alternate world.

"Ah, I should've figured, how have you been? it's a pleasure to meet you in person," Luke said as he extended his hand, "call me Luke by the way,"

"Likewise," Valerian said as he accepted the gesture, "I'm alright, hopefully, you are too? you can call me Valerian,"

"Ahaha I am, I am, Valerian huh? alright, oh by the way, where are the others, if you don't mind me asking..."

"Well, Aurora...err Eve, got a call from her family so she had to go somewhere, the others are back in the VIP room," Valerian replied with a hand behind his hand.

"Oh that's weir-"

"????? ????? ???? ??? ??, ????? ????? ??? ??? ????, ???-"

"Aaha I'm sorry, I need to take this," Luke said as he pressed his phones sound button, "oh, by the way, this is Nate or NotYourTypicalMage, he's my best friend," Luke added before he moved away.

'What does this old man want?...' Luke thought before answering the call, "Hello? ah Sensei, yes? you're here? you want me to come to you? no, I'm not particularly busy, I was just going to get some food, hmm? I can eat food with you? well alright... VIP#12 huh? okay, I'll be there in a few minutes..."

"Haah," Luke sighed as he got back to the other two, it seemed like Nate and Valerian were hitting it off, even though Nate was slightly awkward at first, he was very calm when it comes to people, "Nate that old man is here and he wants me to meet him,"

"Hmm really now? makes sense he's here," Nate replied, "Which room is he in?"

"VIP#12 or something....let's go, ah I'm sorry Valerian, let's talk after the event?"

"Actually, weirdly enough, my room isn't that far from there, I'm at VIP#6 so I can just tag along if that's alright of course," Valerian wasn't aware of where Aurora's grandfather was, he did know that they were here or they might be coming, of course, he wouldn't assume the "old man" Luke was talking about was K Johnson.

"That's perfect let's go," Luke said as he dragged the two of them.

"It's the other way," Valerian and Nate said at the same time, making both of them chuckle.

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