
Chapter 117: Burning energy. Literally.

Chapter 117: Burning energy. Literally.

The contract has finally gone through guys! Thank you everyone for reading so far.

This only makes me want to improve my quality, with that being said, I will be going through the older chapters, again and again, tweaking them a little until I feel like they're perfect, don't worry it's only grammar changes.

Once again thank you for reading so far and Bad Luck FTW!


"You should definitely tag along," Luke said while looking around, it was fascinating to look at the VIP section, it wasn't at all like one would expect. The floor wasn't marble, chandeliers or lamps weren't placed every two meters and there were no paintings on the walls. Instead, the corridors were quiet and serene, much like a holiday hotel's corridors, the floors were well matted and just by the feel, one could tell it was expensive. The VIP section ran along the stadium, there were a total of 20 rooms. Outside each room was an individual waiting to be called, and right opposite each room, was another room that acted as a storage room of sorts so that it's easier to help the VIP guests. "I insist, it is thanks to you we're here anyway, otherwise getting in would be a pain," he further added.

"Yeah, you should," Nate reassured Valerian. Initially, Nate was experiencing plicated emotion, he couldn't understand what he felt but when he saw Luke, his best friend, laugh away with some random handsome Greek-national-asset, he felt weird. 'Tch so what, I bet it's not even that hard to be an asset to an entire nation, what are you? a vigilante? haha good one Nate,' he high-fived himself internally.

Perhaps just like Luke's prowess in martial arts, Nate too did have some kind of powers when it came to jinxing everything. Did he know that Valerian actually secretly helped his own country fight terrorists? obviously not, it's not like every rich man or woman would willingly put on a suit of armor and fly around with a squad, fighting evil. Even though the crime rates dropped down to awfully low rates, Greece was still one of the "hot zones", perhaps due to its many ancient, historical attractions.

"Ahhhh then I guess I won't be humble then," Valerian laughed.

"Haha that's the way," Nate said as he slapped him on the back, perhaps a little too hard for it to be a joke, thankfully Valerian didn't even feel it. 'Oh, so far you've been super humble alright,'

*?????* *?????*

"Come in," a gruff voice said.

"Tell me Sensei are you stalking me or something? cause it's really weird how you're there everywhe-" Luke stopped before he could finish the sentence, this was the first time such a thing ever happened, internally, he felt slightly embarrassed and shy. He would never admit it but it was thanks to the bright streak of red he saw in front of him. The woman had beautiful red hair and furious golden eyes, but more than her looks, Luke was taken aback by her outfit, she donned an all-black outfit, an aviator jacket with a linen shirt and a pair of slacks and to add on to her odd look, she wore a cartoon watch. In his eyes, she was the only one at the event who dressed weirdly, of course, he was oblivious to the fact that he too was dressed "weirdly", though describing Luke's outfit weirdly would be the biggest understatement of the year. 'In-game she looks totally different....'

"Valerian?" Aurora let out, thankfully it was perfectly timed, it covered Luke's awkward stop, making it look like he was interrupted.

"Aurora?" Valerian said while looking around the room, 'then the "old man" Luke was talking about is.....fck'

"You old man, what are you scheming?" Luke asked as he stepped towards Jace who had a creepy smile on his face.

Both Jace and K had an evil smile like they were up to no good, unfortunately for them, Luke fell right into their plan, Jace and K knew how blithe Luke was, though he had no wrong intentions behind that attitude, he was still carefree and this wasn't a commonly known fact. Naturally, people who met him for the first time or people who didn't know of Luke's relationship with Jace and K would assume he was disrespectful towards them.

In martial arts, one of the most common and strictly followed rules was that disrespect towards one's master should never be taken lightly, no matter the reason. Without any hesitation, Aurora wiped off her calm demeanor, she let out a strong killing intent, instantly dropping her burning pressure onto Luke, whose senses were out of the world, the second he sensed the oozing killing intent, he slightly leaned back, allowing Aurora's leg to pass by in front of him. Thankfully, he knew who it was, otherwise, this entire situation would end up a lot like the situation when Luke first visited K's dojo.

He wasn't in-game anymore, where he couldn't yet see the energy flow in people, but in reality, it was as easy as breathing for him. The second the kick reached the end of its arc, Luke knew Aurora's next move, the energy in her body, all moved together and into her right arm.

'An overhand punch huh? risky.....but her energy...it's different..' Luke thought as he put his palm out.


"Uhm Nate what's going on," Valerian whispered, he felt like interrupting would only make things messier.

Nate stayed quiet for a few seconds, he looked at Jace and K, both of them were legends in combat sports and yet they didn't bother interfering, meaning this was something they expected.

"Hmph so that's how it is...." Nate scoffed and looked at Jace and K, "I do not know why but those two there, this is what they wanted,"

"You mean, Aurora's Grandfather and K Johnson wanted to see Aurora and Luke fight? why? that makes no sense...." Valerian frowned.

"I do not know if they wanted Luke and Aurora...to fight, actually I'm not sure,"

"How does Luke know both of them anyway?"

"Hmm? he's K Johnson's "hidden disciple" or something like that," Nate replied, 'I guess, I'll hold off the 2v1 part...'

Luke was now more curious about Aurora, even more thanks to her energy. Usually, Luke would see some sort of blue clouds or blue liquid move around in the body, this was what he called, "energy", but Aurora's energy was red, it was literally on fire, but that wasn't even the end. Her energy acted differently, it was more efficient than the usual blue energy.

"Nate....I don't mean to undermine Luke's strength and all but Aurora is a different league....besides that's not the only issue here..." Valerian explained, "Ajax is here..."

"I really doubt an entire football team is an issue to be honest,"

"No no....as in Ajax Cirillo....Hector Cirillo's youngest son and Aurora's older brother...."

"Oh....OHHH, that makes sense you know?" Nate laughed nervously, "but he won't randomly come into this room right?"


"Hey gramps, is Aurora.....with....you..." a young man stuttered as the book in his hands fell to the ground.

"Uh oh....." Jace muttered.

The appearance of his grandson, Aurora's brother, was something he hadn't expected, it was a foolish mistake on his part, originally, he just wanted Luke and Aurora to spar a little as a joke but now that Ajax was here, and he spotted his cute little sister fighting some random guy with an "I <3 Hentai" mask, there was no he would think rationally.

"Uh oh? you mean-" K looked at his friend.

"Yes....this isn't part of the joke...it appears my grandson is going to get his ass beat..." Jace frowned. It was quite sad to see a member of his family suffer because of him, but there was nothing he could do, Ajax was ready to kill Luke the second the book in his hand fell to the ground.


Ajax's leg was stopped mere inches away from Luke's face, "who even are you," Luke asked as he used his other hand to squeeze Ajax's calf, "you're quite strong aren't you?"

"You!!" Ajax exclaimed at Luke's actions, under normal circumstances Ajax would just scoff at the clear provocation but after looking at Luke's mask he couldn't help but wince. 'So he's a creep that doesn't spare anyone.....I must teach him a lesson...but his reflexes are....extraordinary...' he thought as he jumped back to Aurora's side.

"Brother! he must be taught a lesson!" Aurora whispered, 'you dare disrespect MY grandfather? he's a legend, well respected all over the world!'

'So he's really a creep...' Ajax nodded, "you're right, let's do this,"

"As much as I'd like to, I don't feel nice embarrassing the two of you while they are watching," Luke said as he pointed to Jace and K.

"Where's his...confidence coming from..." Valerian stuttered, he was quite astounded at the moment.

"Meh, you'll see, it won't be too hard," Nate replied while narrowing his gaze on his friend, "Luke...we need to head back for the PvP event so finish up quickly okay?"

Looking at Nate's absolute trust in him, Luke couldn't help but smile,


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