Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 637 Harvesting Life

It took a few minutes before we were done untying and ungagging everyone from their bindings. A total of 30 slaves. It's a wonder how these guys fit inside a container that isn't big enough to accommodate 20 people. And yet, we managed to rescue 30 of them. It would have been more understandable if it was pure children in here but to see even an adult here is something else.

"What the f*ck are these church bastards doing?! They are even keeping their own kin and placing them inside this tight box?! Are they thinking of transporting them like these? Even if they are treated like a slave, this just asking them to die!" one of the rebels voiced his displeasure at what happened to the slaves.

The doctor of the village shook his head after examining a few of the slaves.

"These guys and gals have been drugged. It seems they have been done so just to let them remain like this until they reach their destination to avoid them from moving around and to survive inside while being stuffed inside the cargo. Give them air to breathe and let them lie down for a while. They will recover soon enough, so be sure to let them have a good rest until the effects of whatever drug they put on them wear off."

Alain examined the cargo box and frowned after doing so.

"This box is clearly meant to go straight to the Church which also means this will be going straight to the pope as well. What the heck is the church trying to do with these slaves?"

"Are they doing something in that big church of theirs?" the blacksmith of the village approaches.

"Old Khan, do you know something?" Alain looked at the blacksmith who was named Old Khan.

"Not really, but I heard the news from one of my apprentices that there is something going on in that place but he can't place his finger on what it was"

Old Khan looked at the slaves then he frowned when he spotted one of the kids there. He immediately rushed to one of them and grabs of them.


I looked at Alain confused, but he was also as confused as me. So he decided to go and pry some info about this.

"You know her, Old Khan?"

"Know her? She is my bloody granddaughter! I thought she was living peacefully in the Cloud Village! Why is she among the slaves that were caught?!"

Alain was surprised. Perhaps it was something he didn't expect. And to see someone from your family among the slaves that were rescued, you would also be really puzzled and a bit furious about why someone from your family is among them.

"Alain, I will take her to my shack. I can't dare leave her like this," Old Khan pleaded.

"You can do it, please make sure that she is safe. Ask our doctor to see whether she is alright."

Old Khan nodded before going back to his house. This left everyone shocked and started to survey the remaining 29 slaves to see whether there are familiar faces or even family members part of them. Thankfully, it seems not to be the case and everyone is relieved. However, this only spells something else.

"Bladeheart, can you go and interrupt the other cargo too? We don't know if they are the same cargo types but if this happens, we have to make sure that they don't reach their destinations. Whatever they are planning, we can't afford to have them succeed."

I nodded in agreement. If they continue what they are trying to do, we don't know what might happen and perhaps whatever they are cooking will be achieved. I have never seen it before but perhaps something else was going to happen if the rebels in the past timeline managed to win and get to face the final boss. It was sad that they got defeated before the final battle hence I didn't even know the final outcome and what the boss of the church will appear. It would have been great as a reference for the future to defeat them but sadly, I don't have any info.

After that, I went ballistic and finish up the missions next to the other. And to my surprise, all of them, are slaves placed inside the cargo which made me feel disturbed. Even though this was just a game, having to rescue so many slaves in a series of interception quests is something else. As a result, I managed to rescue at least 175 slaves all in all. Having these many rescued, I kind of wondered why the relatives of these people did not even look for them. Having so many missing people with them, it's kind of a wonder why they seemed to have quietened for quite a bit. It was like they got silenced.

"This is not normal. Something else is happening with the church. For them to need this amount of people delivered to the church, they don't need these much for sacrifice or something they needed. It seems they are doing this for something else," Alain tried to think of another reason for getting many slaves at once.

"Perhaps, there is something else, not necessarily involved with sacrifices and stuff like that," I murmured.

"There are other methods to use them?" Alain frowned.

"It's just my assumption but from what I can see, it seems they are doing this to harvest lives. It seems they are trying to use these chances to take them and use them as materials for whatever their projects are going to be. The essence of life is something quite precious in some magecraft and if they decided to go on that route, I could not see them not doing that. It would immensely help them and if they are using slaves, then it's much easier to cover up for their deaths."

Yes, I am assuming that is the case, there is no way the church would use "sacrifice" as the word as that is heretical for them. Perhaps Harvesting lives is much better term.

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