Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 638 Expose The Church

After an hour or two, some of the slaves slowly managed to recover but they are complaining about the pain in their bodies that they are crying in agony. It seems that being contorted so badly in the cargo containers strained their bodies too much that when the drug that is acting as some sort of painkiller for them faded, the pain that their body is feeling rushed in, causing their entire pain receptors to go haywire. That must have felt very awful.

Because I didn't have much to do after finishing up all the quests that were available, I decided to help out healing up the slaves to let them calm down. Thankfully, a normal [Heal] ability is enough to fix up their bodies. I wanted to use [Area Heal] so that I can heal multiple of them but the doctor stopped me since some of the slaves cannot be healed just yet until the effects of whatever drug they have taken had disappeared. It might cause some fatal reaction if [Heal] is being done to their bodies while the drug is active hence, the doctor did not heal them right away until they started to feel pain and the effects have finally faded.

I still have no idea what kind of drug was used for them to become like this but I don't need to pry on it. I might just be assuming that they are going to be used for harvesting their life essence but that is just a little guess. The reason I came up with that assumption is that the next continent that will be unlocked after Luminous is going to have enemies that are capable of harvesting Life essences from people and using them for the sake of enhancing anything they are planning to enhance.

As time goes on, multiple of them started to groan in pain with only the doctor, his 3 nurses, and me healing the entirety of the slaves one by one, we are slowly having trouble when one by one slowly recovered from the drug and started screaming in pain. As we continue to struggle, Sigma logged into the game and was stunned to see the current situation.

"What is going on?" Sigma frowned as she see multiple angels fallen both lying on beds and makeshift beds, groaning in pain.

"No time to explain, can you help us heal these guys? I don't know if you still have the basic [Heal] skill learned but if you do, please heal them one by one."

"Oh, okay," Although she is confused, Sigma decided to follow my instruction and heal up the patients.

A few more minutes later, everyone who has yet to recover from the drug and received a [Heal] from anyone has finally been relieved from the drug.

"Quick, Bladeheart. You said you have the [Area Heal] in your arsenal right? You can now cast it out. No more harm that will be happening to anyone after this."

I nodded in response and activated the [Area Heal] by channeling my mana all around and creating a giant magic circle to ensure that I cover enough distance for every single patient. I even included those who already received a heal just in case. Soon enough, it covered everyone around. Once I confirmed it, I snap my fingers and the magic circle floated above the sky and started raining particles of healing magic, hitting every single patient and NPC who are also in the area.

Once I finished casting the spell, I immediately pop open a bottle of mana potion and chug it down to recover my mana. It is troublesome to have a little bit of a headache every time your mana is at critical levels.

My efforts in healing everyone worked as the moment the [Area Heal] appeared, everyone stopped groaning and is slowly recovering.

"Looks like everything is working now huh? Now, care to tell me what this is all about? I don't know what happened while I was not yet online so seeing this sight is a big surprise for me."

"Let's go somewhere to avoid disturbing these guys. They still needed some good rest."


Into the small eatery, we ordered a few foods to eat while we talk about the stuff that I just happened. It was a good thing to see that consuming food can still be considered being eaten normally instead of making it like holding it to consume it automatically.

"Is this related to some sort of quest you have done recently Bladeheart?"

"So you knew? Yeah, you are right. But this was an unexpected result of the quest I have done and I am the one who transported these guys out. Also, I have to kill multiple players as a result as well."

"Wait, so the quest you made involves players?"

"Basically, the quests I took are interception quests but all of the interception quests involved are escort missions to other pioneers. I successfully ambushed all of them and managed to retrieve the cargo. At first, the cargo was meant to be destroyed so that it can't be used by the church, but when I inspected the cargo, I discovered that the cargo contains slaves and that brings us to the current situation."

"This is so messed up. Even in games, these things are hidden, and it is not revealed outright and only happen mostly as a sidequest mostly, you won't see anything for a result but for players to be involved, things might be really bad."

"Right. Now here is the problem. I intercepted every single incoming cargo without fail which means no cargo arrives at the church right now. That also means they will soon increase the security and the difficulty involved in interrupting the actions of the anti-rebellion squad will increase a lot. This bodes well and bad for us, it bodes well because that means our actions have effects but it is also bad since we will have a harder time completing the necessary tasks to be done as well."

We continue to discuss things here and there until we finished up all of the food we had.

As we stood up, a commotion occurred at the gates. Sigma and I looked at each other and nodded before heading to the entrance where we saw Harmless Sparrow escorting a wounded family. The doctor immediately escorted them to get a healing.  We approached Harmless Sparrow who is still breathing hard after her actions. As soon as she saw us, she frowned.

"Bladeheart, Sigma-chan, the church has started to make their moves, they are no longer hiding what they are trying to do. They are now showing what they are capable of."

"What happened?" Sigma asked.

"The soldiers that are members of the church ransacked a village and killed the villagers and took some people with them. I arrived late and only managed to rescue one family from them. Because it was hard to escort the family while also fighting, I decided to teleport back to the village to ask for a little bit of help. By now, they should be going back to the city again. We have to stop them before they take those they kidnapped somewhere else!"

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