Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 780 Suhei

After the conversation he had with Manato, Suhei returned to his room, turned on the coffee machine sitting on his table and sat on the sofa chair beside his bed, and opened the curtains, revealing the dark sky with the raindrops falling over to the glass window. Finishing up the final bite of the pizza, he sighed after staring outside for a bit of time.

"This is the right choice. I am powerless enough to oppose him. But if my sister and her friends can do it, perhaps..."

The decision he came up with the choice that Pandora made, is something he had trouble accepting and deciding for quite a while but he soon chooses to allow it and even though he fears the safety of her, she might be the key to end everything.

He stood up after he smell the aroma of the coffee wafting from the machine and stops it from doing its job, grabs a mug from the cupboard, and poured a cup for him to drink. While he was pouring a cup, his eyes wandered into the photo frame involving him and Pandora alongside an unknown man that cannot be properly seen and identified as his face was ripped off from the photo. Nostalgia is coming into Suhei's mind but he decided to stop it from pushing through and just put the photo frame face down.

While sipping the coffee, a call coming from his HoloPhone suddenly disturbs his peace. He looked at the caller and the only name that registers on the screen ignites his anger. Despite that, he answers the call, however, he didn't turn on the camera for a voice call. He might get angry if he saw the face of the caller.

"What do you want, Dad..." Suhei sighed, like a disappointed guy.

"Hey, son. Why sound disappointed? I called to check on you and your sister. Why are you sounding like you are not happy hearing about me?"

"Since when did I feel happy hearing your voice, hmmm?" Suhei continues to sip his coffee but it seems he is also on the verge of throwing the mug out of rage.

"Ohohoho, don't be like that, son. It's been a while so you should be happy at least that I called. So how is everything so far? If you are asking about me, then everything is going great."

"Everything was all fine and dandy until you called. Way to ruin my day. So if you have nothing to talk to, then I will hang up, I am busy and I don't have all day to talk to you."

"Come on, son. Are you still angry? Why? Shouldn't you be happy that I am making some progress on what I am planning? If everything succeeds, then perhaps you will see your mom again."

"F*CK YOU, DAD. Mom is already dead, alright? And whatever you do, you cannot bring her back anymore. She will not be coming back whatever plans you do, she will not be back. And even if you managed to succeed, that is no longer Mom, that is just a clone, an impostor, someone who borrows the same face as Mother. Just accept it, Dad. Mom, is gone and she will not be coming back, so why are you not able to understand it?"

"But I am doing this for all of us! For Pandora! You know how she misses her mother. She is still a child who still longs for her mother's embrace. Why would you deny that?"

"I have already come to accept that Mom is gone, Dad. And so was Pandora. She is not as brittle as you would expect her to be and despite her disability, she doesn't need the comfort of someone who copies the existence of a person who has already passed away. I fail to see what is the merit of trying to pull up someone back up from the grave. Did Mom ever want to come back? Perhaps, but did she really plan to go back like that? Perhaps not, Dad. You are just making matters worse."

The man on the other line sighed.

"I see, it seems you still despise my plan huh? However, I am not going to stop. Until the plan is in motion, I will not stop. Even you cannot stop me and eventually, things will be set in motion and everything will be achieved. You can only watch it happen and it will be the same thing."

"So you plan to revive Mom at the expense of endangering multiple lives just for this? Aren't you already out of your mind now?"

"Ha, and what do I care about the other people? They exist to be used by this plan and if they can be of use to make my plan succeed, then I won't hesitate to use it, myself. And besides, even if I do, will you even tell the world about what I am doing? No! You don't have the guts to do so. So you are no different than me, Suhei. You might be opposing me, but you are not that different than me."

Suhei can only grit his teeth. He didn't say anything nor tried to reason with his Dad. He just closed his eyes and just waited for the other line to speak again.

"Haaaaa... well, send my regards to Pandora then. Perhaps she will appreciate the kind gesture. Anyways, I will not  keep you for long."

And with that, the call ended. It's a short call but for Suhei, it felt like countless of suffering has been channeled through him and he felt like he has the urge to scream and release all his anger. However, he decided to remain neutral on it and keep all of the anger within him.

His father is right. He is not doing anything to tell the world what his father is doing which also means that he is no better than him in any way. However, he is trying to find a way to stop him the best way he can. The balance of the world will be broken due to the selfish reason his dad is trying to accomplish.

He can understand why his Dad wanted to do that, but in reality, it is stupid and impractical. Reviving the dead doesn't mean reviving the person they are once. And besides, even if they are revived, does that mean they can immediately continue to the point they stopped in their life? No. They will not be able to continue the normal life that they once led. Will always never be the same again.

But he got hopes now. The plan that Manato is currently doing, seems it is one of the only keys that will help at stopping the plan entirely. And by sending Pandora as well, not only will Pandora understand the details of what is going on but also understand the risk of what they are in.

Suhei will continue to support his sister. To be an independent person, free from manipulation and orders from other people. He wanted her to build her own character, use it and wield it for herself. He doesn't need to be there for her but he knows that she already knows he was cheering for her and for him, that is enough.

He is not as brave as his sister, but he knows that things will be okay as long as things will not go out of their way. For Suhei, this is the only hope that the people will need in the future. And this is the only way for the plan to succeed as well.

"Mom. I know that I am against the plan that my dad has laid out for your revival. It's not like I am against your revival, I wanted to see you again, to hug you again, and to tell you how much I have missed you ever since you died. However, not to the extent of sacrificing other people's lives just to bring back one life of a person. I don't want to be a person who will do anything just to accomplish the goal even if it involves killing other people. So please understand that the things that will happen to start today might not be in favor of your revival, but this will help in keeping this world safe from dangers.

Suhei's job is done. However, the situation has yet to end. And despite that, Suhei is no longer gonna involve himself any further. He will be passing that baton to his sister. And that is the only way of it. It's up to his sister whether she wants to keep the world safe from the catastrophe or reunite with the person she loves the most.

He will remain neutral about it, but he will help Pandora know the right and wrong. His job is done. Now, it's up to Pandora to continue everything. Everything will be now on her hands.

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