Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 781 Boarding The Argo Once More

The conversation between my friends has been a fruitful one. And now that I have their confirmation, the only people left for me to convince are my parents and Janus. I tried asking everyone about Janus and according to them, he had some problems at the moment so he was not home most of the time. I tried to contact him to schedule at least a meeting time with him but his phone cannot be reached. In the end, I asked everyone to alert me in case Janus is no longer busy and he is already good to talk with.

As for my parents, I will personally visit them this upcoming weekend and tell them about the situation. I also want to visit the ghost inside the house and how he was currently doing as well.

Still, I have a few tasks to do and that should involve the final preparations before we leave for Kamikaze Continent.




Two days passed by and we are finally done with all the preparations. Queen Tanya and Queen Tori are now ready to depart as well, ready to go and check out the situation on the isolated continent.

"By the way, how do we even go there? Do we even have the specialized vehicle to cross the winds?" I asked.

"Sure do. Remember the Argo? That is the one we will be hitching a ride to get into that continent. It's the only vessel capable of entering and exiting the winds covering the whole continent without getting destroyed or being denied by the soldiers. All of them know that riding in the Argo is a privilege and that ordinary individuals cannot get a hitch ride from it so easily making it an exclusive vessel to those important people. Now, have a look at what these things are on my hands..." Queen Tanya then flashes out three gold strips of paper out of nowhere revealing it to us.

"The ticket to Argo?"

"Yep. That's right. Tora gives me the ticket if I needed one to ride on the Argo. Using some of my influence as well as some "bribes", he also allowed me to have more people join as well which allowed me to fetch two tickets for both of you."

"Heh, at least you are not entirely useless, Sis," Queen Tori snickered at Queen Tanya who just harrumphed as she continues to talk about the Argo and the tickets.

"Anyways, these tickets will allow us to board Argo. The Argo is going there to deliver supplies to the townspeople and to also deliver some goods as well so we can just go ahead and ride along to reach the place. Holia already confirms that it will not be an easy sailing journey as the path around the Kamikaze Continent is totally flooded with monsters and so they are also asking for help in clearing the monsters while the Argo navigates as well as aid us in repelling the monsters attacking the ship."

"So a win-win situation huh? They arrive safely to their destination while we also arrived at our destination with minimal headache. That's all good in my book," Queen Tori nodded.

"Good. Now pack up your things. We will depart immediately. The sooner we reach the place, the better."

Queen Tori started packing up her things, while I am waiting for her to be done as I am already good to go with all of the stuff I have in my inventory and Lucia was already in the Summon's area. Queen Tanya already packed up as she already know when to go while Queen Tori didn't pack up just yet. Fortunately, the stuff she needed to pack are not a lot, allowing her to end it very quickly.

"Good. Nothing left behind? There's no turning back here," Queen Tanya asked as she conjure a magic circle portal.

"All set and ready to roll out," Queen Tori grinned.

"No problems here either," I confirmed.

"Alright. Hang on tight, we will be jumping from one portal to another on this one!"

Swinging her hands with two fingers extended, the magic circle portal activated and we were transported to the desert. Queen Tanya swings her hands once again and we are transported again, this time, near an oasis. She swings her hands once more and this time, we appeared right in front of the Argo.

"Gah! Oh my goodness, I still can't get used to your method of teleporting in short distances like this. Ugh...I am about to barf..." Queen Tori started barfing nearby.

"Haaaa, it seems you still can't get your motion sickness cured huh? Well, we should be fine now that we are good to go."

I opened my inventory and handed her a little candy I usually use for motion sickness.

"Eat this, your Majesty. It will elevate your feelings a bit better."

"Thanks...ugh... I feel dizzy."

To be honest, what Queen Tanya did was indeed something that can induce motion sickness. If not for the fact that I can use that spell and do that on my own, I might also puke for the first time as well. Thankfully, I already passed by on that and now my body has already adapted well so far or else, I might also be the second one to puke as well.

Once Queen Tori has recovered, we go to the ship. Unlike before, there is no one who receives the ticket like usual but instead, the captain and his first mate are the ones waiting for us.

"You guys are a bit late for around 13 minutes. It seems you guys really took your time huh?" Tora snickered as he nab the three golden tickets.

"Heh, isn't it fine though? At least you guys have time to relax for a bit before the big battle that will be happening soon," Queen Tanya shrugged as we climb to the Argo.

"You are right, but sometimes, it would have been fine to be a bit more punctual for a change," Tora sighed at the nonchalant explanation of Queen Tanya.

"Eh, why go punctual when you can let everyone wait for you, that way, you feel a bit more important."

Tora can only shake his head as he turned to look at me.

"Ha, it seems decided to employ one Pioneer huh? Can't solve the problem by yourselves?" Tora looks at me and seems to recognize me from before.

"We do need extra help which is why we employed his help. Without it, there is a chance we will fail on it so it should be fine," Queen Tori explained.

"True, having one extra pair of hands to help is already something that can change the tide of battles sometimes so it's good that you guys are admitting that you all are not perfect."

"Of course, anyways, when are we going to depart?"

"A little bit later. Once we are done with the refueling process and the resupply, we should be clear to go. It shouldn't take long though so in the meantime, settle down in your rooms for a while. We will sound the horn once we are ready to leave."

"Okay then. Let's relax before the ship sails then. There will be no more relaxing time once we depart and enter the hostile zone. Let's relish the feeling of relaxation this time around."

We move to our rooms and as usual, the room that is assigned to me is the same room I used when I ride on the Argo. Queen Tanya and Queen Tori's rooms are just beside mine which allows me to knock on their doors easily if I needed something from them though I doubt I will be doing that as we will be out of the room for the remainder of the journey.

I don't have any belongings to put in the room so I went out to look at the current preparations.

Aside from us though, there are also a few people who are also hitching a ride as well, and from the looks of it, they seemed to be part of the Kamikaze Continent themselves. But since they are busy and I don't have any intention to talk to them, I just continue on watching the preparations of everyone. Tora and Holia are busy with their respective work and they didn't spend their time doing idle chatter. Their preparations are much more intense compared to the time I used the Argo before. Not only that but the mounted cannons, ballista, and some harpoons are even ready to be used as well. The ship is gearing up for battle.

A few minutes later, the loud sound of the chains is being moved and the ship is also being steered as well.

"All crews aboard! To your stations! We are going to set sail, lads so buckle up and be ready to do your job! We can't afford to do any mistakes here!"

"Aye, Captain!" everyone shouted in unison.


As Tora shouted those words, a horn started to blow, signifying our departure. Our journey to Kamikaze Continent is now going to begin.

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