Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 788 Setting The Escape Point

Just like I promised, I didn't sleep and decided to take guard on the soldiers. I also asked for some info about the shogun and the situation in the central city of the Kamikaze Continent where the Shogun's castle is located. But I didn't get much useful information besides the information I already knew that I gathered in the past timeline. In the end, there's not much for me to know. All of them are something I already have an idea of what they are.

After questioning them all, I let them have a good rest. They needed it after being influenced by the charm and possession debuffs and getting controlled by it. There's nothing good coming from it and getting enough rest may allow them to at least recover a little bit from it.

Thankfully, they are all reasonable and they didn't force themselves to do what they needed to do. With most of the info I gathered already pieced together and most of it remaining unchanged, perhaps the only way to finish this is to keep on the first plan I have already while the second one is to either repair the Divine Winds or totally destroy it. In the past timeline, it was destroyed and allowed the whole continent to be exposed to other lands, allowing free travel after that.

Of course, it all depends on the choices and what was currently happening. We are still early in the situation and back then, it was totally late for salvation and the only way to go forward is destruction. I needed to plan up on the countermeasure if things went south and create a backup plan if things does not work.





Morning came and I ended up spending my whole day finishing my countermeasures in my mind and how to properly execute them in case things don't go well. It kept me awake for the most part that I didn't even realize the time has changed and the morning sun has finally risen.

I would have remained in a trance if not for Queen Tori to be the first one to interrupt what I was thinking.

"Hey, morning. You didn't sleep the whole night?" Queen Tori asked.

"Oh, hey there Your Majesty, morning. I didn't feel the need to sleep so I was awake the whole night. I also have been more focused on reorganizing some of my thoughts as well after learning some stuff from the guards."

"You got something?"

"Nothing conclusive but I think we can assume of it based on what they just said. I can even explain and tell what I learned so far."

"Save it for later once Tanya is up and awake. My sister seems to have liked sleeping here as she was in a deep sleep and is even snoring. I barely see her this comfortable outside of the castle, to be honest, so I guess we should just discuss that once we are all together. Besides, the initial plan is to go and investigate the Divine Winds today. W will be traveling to the city that holds the relic and search for it to check whether something is wrong with it."

"We needed to be careful. I think we will use this as our teleport point when we needed a quick escape. Knowing how the soldiers are being violent for a reason, we needed a quick getaway plan."

"Oh, that's a good idea Bladeheart but I think you should move the teleport circle to another place. Using it here will potentially endanger everyone here. It's best if you put the teleport point somewhere secluded or not that involved too many people, like a forest, back alleys, or even in the field outside the city."

"Ah, that's a good idea. There might be some annoying f*ckers that can trace the teleportation thread and track us. If they immediately track us to this inn, there might be chaos brewing and we should at least avoid that from happening."

At that time, Queen Tanya also is now awake as well, though she still has groggy eyes.

"Yo, everyone having a good morning... Are you guys discussing something?" Queen Tanya started stretching her arms while still yawning.

"Morning sleepyhead. We are discussing what we should do for today. We have already planned to make a teleport point so that we can use it as a gateway point if we needed to escape something or somewhere. It's for emergency purposes especially knowing how this place seems to be more violent than it should have been. Preparing for the worst is the best thing we can do right now."

"Oh, I do agree. If all the soldiers are under the influence like that, we don't have the time and effort to heal them up like what Bladeheart did to the 5 soldiers. If we are being overwhelmed, teleporting will be a saving grace for us and a good emergency gateway to pass through far areas of the continent and come back here after the expedition."

"Indeed. Now, I have a suggestion to make on where we should make the teleport point yes?" Queen Tanya grinned and the two of us looked at her with a frown on our faces.





"So you guys are saying that you want the ship as the place you all will appear if you guys try to teleport?" Tora scratches his head on Queen Tanya begging him to allow us to make a teleport point on the Argo.

"Yes. You guys won't be leaving for quite some time anyways right? It's less suspicious, not part of the continent, and is just visitors beyond the wall of the wind. And besides, you guys are strong enough to handle trouble anyways right and you guys are not even connected in any way to the people here in the Kamikaze continent. So please, let us create the teleport point here. Just imagine of it as a favor you have given to a friend," Queen Tanya started trying to act cute in front of Tora to persuade him.

"Fine, fine. Alright, you win. Just stop doing that, I don't like the look of you doing that sh*t. Just stop it, get some help. Now go, find a good place to set that up. I suggest you use that favorite room you keep on occupying whenever you ride on my ship. That room is big enough for a teleport point."

"Thank you, thank you, Tora! You really are the best!" Queen Tanya hugs Tora and Tora is just irritated as he tries to separate himself from Queen Tanya.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go and finish what your job here is. I still have work to do."

I whispered in Queen Tori's ear, "It seems Sir Tora and Queen Tanya are much closer than I think they would be?"

"Of course they are. That's Queen Tanya's childhood friend and ex-boyfriend. It's natural that both of them would be capable of acting like this without any kind of problem."

"Wait, what? Seriously?"

"Oh, you don't know? I thought Tanya already told you but oh well, that is the main reason why Tanya gets a free pass here. Because Tora already made sure that he will be allowing her requests. I think they didn't officially even break their relationship. More like they are just not that ready to settle down on a marriage life just yet and so here we are."

"I didn't know these two have a history like that. And here I thought Queen Tanya is just harassing Tora to give up a seat for her or listen to her requests."

"Tora is much stronger than Tanya, to be honest. If the two started fighting, she will emerge to be the loser as Tora is much stronger than you would think. Anyways, enough chit-chat, let's go and do that."

I nodded and followed the two to the room that Tora mentioned. Still, I appreciate their hidden history together. If not for that, I wouldn't even dream of riding the Argo in my whole life. Having to step foot here multiple times is already quite a big honor.

Anyways, we entered the room and I realized now what Tora is talking about. This room might look small outside but once you get in, it will be revealed the room was actually a small pocket dimension that is capable of putting a bigger space than what it was outside. This room is very identical to the rooms in Queen Tanya's castle and there is a big space on the floor where we can set that thing up.

I got the permission already so I pull out the ingredients I needed to make the point which needed liquid silver and some pulverized mana to act as its conductor once the spell is activated. I created a unique pattern exclusive for teleport points and made it big enough for multiple people to use.

"Alright. It's done," I nodded in satisfaction and snap my fingers, immediately hiding the spell for anyone to not be able to detect where it is.

"Good. Now, our escape point is complete. Time to do some real work!"

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