Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 789 Hayate City

The teleport point has been made and it is now ready to be used. Anytime we wanted to teleport while we are nowhere near the Argo, as long as the teleport point is there, we will arrive at the Argo without fail as that is the anchor of our destination of reaching it. But if the teleport point is destroyed or purposely removed, once a teleport scroll is used without the teleport point, it usually teleports you to the nearest city without an exact location where you will land.

"Good. Now that the teleport point is now finished, we should head to the location where the relic that maintains the Divine Winds should be. I heard it in the neighboring city north from here," Queen Tanya scratches her head as she tries to recall the name of the city.

"Yes. According to the soldiers, the city we will be going should be the Hayate City, the place where the strongest winds of the Divine Winds are pretty frequent and is the place where the Windmill Factory is currently stationed, the source of the electricity and power that supplies electricity to the whole continent," I answered.

"Eh? So all this electricity was being supplied by using the power of the wind?" Queen Tori was surprised. "What if the source of the wind is gone? How can they maintain supplying the whole continent with meager power if the divine wind disappears and the only thing left is the natural wind? Surely they won't be able to do that yeah?"

True. This became a big problem in Kamikaze Continent as the power supply was cut off after the destruction of the source of the Divine Winds. But it was inevitable as there was an ongoing riot over there when the time repair for the divine winds happened and the locals started attacking the people who wants to help. In the aftermath, the Windmill Factory was the one who take the brunt of the damage and had a hard time recovering and took some time before they managed to get back in business and have the supply of power return. However, by the time they returned to operation, most of the people have already looked for alternatives to power supply and they had a hard time recovering what was lost to them. Nevertheless, they survived the whole ordeal but they suffered most of it.

We bid farewell to the crew of the Argo and a little bit pissed Tora as we went to a secluded area and there, I summoned Leona.

"I still can't believe you have this Gryphon loyal to you. It's hard to find one and it's not even that easy to tame one either but to think you did that easily, I think you are born with extreme luck for you to easily do this," Queen Tori rubbed the feathers of Leona which the latter happily let her do so.

"But without him taming Leona, we won't be getting any kind of transportation to reach our destination and we will be forced to either walk there or use a transportation vehicle which is less practical and slow. It's a great thing for me."

We mount on Leona's back and we slowly take flight and head to the next city. Hayate City.




[You have entered the territory of the Hayate City]

"Look, it seems we are almost there," Queen Tori points to the city not too far in the distance.

"Hmm, the windmills in this city sure are bigger than I thought they would look like. And it's not the same amount of windmills I thought they would have in my imagination. It's lesser than I thought!" Queen Tanya was surprised.

"The biggest windmill is the one that gives off the highest power for the whole continent. The smaller ones are for keeping smaller charges and are mostly used only for the city so if that big windmill stops operating then all of the operations of this company will halt significantly," I explained.

Because we don't want to spook the people with Leona, we just landed nearby and continues to walk on foot. The winds here are much stronger than in Soyokaze City which might be the main reason the windmill business is booming here.

But while we are still on the way, we found a few people running away from the city and most of them, if not all of them, are injured. They all have injuries in their bodies and even those who are kids are all covered in injuries as well.

They passed through us but one of the women running away shouted at us.

"Don't go inside the city! The soldiers have gone mad! There's no way we will be safe in this city anymore!" she warned us before running away with the others.

Every one of us frowned upon hearing this.

"This is not good. Looks like we arrived in time for the riot to happen huh?" I pull out my Versatile Weapon ready.

"Well, it's not always a smooth day in our operations so I guess it's nothing to scoff at. We should probably look into this and perhaps put a stop to this madness as well, shall we?" Queen Tanya grinned. I can see in her eyes that she is more eager to fight rather than to stop the trouble happening.

Still, we headed into the city, and just like what the woman said earlier, it was a total mess. A lot of the civilians are all groaning in pain and soldiers are chasing people who are escaping. I saw a kid huddled in the corner while clutching his stomach, bleeding. He is gasping for his dear life. It seems if he was left there until everything is over, he will be dying from blood loss so I decided to go and help him.

When the kid saw me, the first thing he did is tell me a warning.

"What are you guys...doing here?! Go, just run away. Those soldiers are all killing us here. Run away...before you guys are involved. Ugh..." he groaned as the wound he has seems to be bleeding a lot.

I pulled out a Full restore potion and let him drink the contents.

"You are not dying here, kid. Drink this, and escape. Don't worry about us, we will be fine."

I didn't have time to help him drink it as Queen Tanya called me.

"Bladeheart! They are coming!"

I turned back to the kid and shove the potion to him.

"Drink this and get out of here to a safe area. We will handle the rest here."

After that, I joined together with Queen Tori and Queen Tanya who are now facing soldiers who are clearly not in their right mind. They are looking like they are ready to take down anyone they find.

"This is worse than monsters having a berserk state. They are no longer even their former selves," Queen Tori couldn't believe the state the soldiers are in.

"It doesn't matter. We need to take them down."

We immediately face the soldiers and clash with them. To avoid fatal attacks, I decided to use the bo staff. Although it can still kill, it doesn't have the same lethality kick the other weapons have. Perfect for knocking out enemies without killing them.

"Sis, don't kill them alright!? We can't afford to kill any of these guys!" Queen Tori is worried that Queen Tanya might go overboard.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Sis. I got this."

She swings her scythe and the blade on it disappeared, leaving only the handle that is looking similar to my bo staff Versatile Weapon.

The soldiers attacked. They didn't attack one by one but immediately lunged together at us. I kicked away one that got close to me while I smack the other using the bo staff before keeping myself a distance then closing in again to deliver a few blows to the enemy that easily blocks them.

"Wow, it seems these guys are much tougher than expected. Nothing too fancy though, but we can still beat them all just the same," Queen Tanya swings her scythe handle and smack down a few of them in one sweep.

Queen Tori summoned a shikigami that has a round arm, it seems its a way of fighting is by swatting enemies using its flat circle hands. She uses the [Kekkai] to contain the soldiers and the shikigami knocks them out after.

We continue to beat them up for a while until all of the guards that seem to be doing their rampage have been apprehended and all of them are unconscious. I immediately checked their status and compared to the people we saved before, these guys have their [Charm] and [Possession] in a Moderate state.

"Sh*t, looks like we will have a hard time healing up these guys. They are already suffering in a moderate state. There is a chance we will fail to remove the debuffs as a result."

"I think our main option here is to tie them up. If healing them has a chance to fail, then we should just use our limited resources for the wounded people. We should tie them up or seal them up in the meantime and heal up the wounded," Queen Tanya suggested.

"What? Are you just gonna abandon them?" Queen Tori was perplexed.

"No. But we should also keep an eye on our resources. It's not like we have infinite resources. Besides, these civilians will be dying if we don't help. We should prioritize them first."

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