Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 856 The Abyss Difficulty [III]

I didn't realize the changes in the Versatile Weapon. In fact, the weapon's name has changed and is now displayed as Blood Covered and Sinful Versatile Weapon. I think I can see why it got a new name just like that. With this weapon devouring at least 3 weapons of the Seven Deadly Sins weapon series, I can say that it's very close to completing the weapon series ending up on its bottomless stomach.

Checking on the new skill of the weapon, it seems the Sloth exclusive skill was a buffing skill. I thought it would be control but it was more of a beneficial continuous buff. It's a very good skill as it buffs the party members while giving debuffs to enemies who can hear the song. It's a little too good. And the caveat on this skill is not much of a problem as well even though it leaves me vulnerable while the skill is active and even though it cannot be canceled, this skill is considerably quite powerful in teamplay, and in case I don't want to fight much and prefer to go full support.

I want to keep on looking at the new features of the weapon but I don't have much time and we are currently on the move so I will just wait until later.

We make a move on to the next set of slimes as they ambush us near the final boss room. They are like mucus of phlegm stuck on the walls as they continue to divide themselves from the big mucus on the wall and attack us, making a seemingly infinite slime.

"Riko, Sora, focus your fire on the big slime mucus on the wall, we will handle the ones that attack us. If we don't destroy that thing on the wall, we will not be done with this."

"Roger that!" the two then started blasting their flame magic to the mucus. Although it's not as strong as their previous spells, they are still proficient in dealing damage using their magic spells and I must say they are basically more adept at using magic than me.

We continue to blast through all of the slimes attacking and although it's a bit annoying that they keep on attacking, we don't feel bad much about killing them. Not only do they supply our experience bar but they also drop money and that's all good.

I didn't notice how many attacks Sora and Riko did to destroy the mucus but in a few moments after I ordered them to do so, the mucus on the wall starts to dry up and every slime that was attacking us also dried out before dying.

"Damn, although all of them are just slimes, they are still pretty annoying. My mana has been drained for quite a bit and I don't think I am liking it," Riko shakes her head.

"Ugh...I feel a bit lightheaded..." Sora shakes her head, looks like they run out of mana and are feeling bad in the head.

"Drink some MP potions guys. Just bear with us a little longer and we will be done with this soon."

"Ugh...I miss those potions of yours, Manato. These generic Mp potions are very disgusting to drink. I don't know why the original makers of the MP potions did not even bother to give it a slight change of flavor for at least a little bit so that the consumer does not feel bad drinking one," Riko sighed and gulped down in one go the MP potion despite her protest of drinking it.

"Well, we just needed to endure. Once we are done leveling, we can go and reclaim those stuff we had back home and we will be good to go."

The two nodded and although they have already recovered, they still hated the aftertaste.

"Son, we are done gathering the materials. Should I hold them for now?" my mother asked.

"Yes. Just keep it still for now. We will use those after we are done with the dungeon."

Since we have done all of the stuff we needed to do, everyone started to inspect their armor and weapons in case they are on the verge of breaking. We also begin began drinking a few drinks that give us slight buffs and also heal us to ensure the next boss battle will be a smooth one. We also give instructions to the elves on how to do the preparations before the boss room so that they don't get overwhelmed. According to Renatta, they have not done any kind of stuff like this before so this is a new experience even for them.

"Alright. Is everyone ready? Are potions ready? Are all weapons ready? Skills already good to go?"

"Yep, we just needed to blitz through all of this and we will be done!" Riko is excited.

"Then, I will be explaining the boss room. Although we have defeated the boss countless times in previous difficulties, the boss in the Abyss Difficulty changed, and it's no longer the Great Mimic. This time, we will be dealing with a boss called Mummy of the King of Treasures. Although he is not a troublesome boss, this guy summons multiple Great Mimics at his disposal, making him annoying to fight as we have to kill the boss while also killing multiple Great Mimics. It's straightforward but will take a bit of time. Still, it's not going to be too bad as everyone has dealt with enemies before like him, yeah?"

"Another annoying boss again? Well, I am used to the enemies in the dungeons but there should be some bosses that have no annoying mechanics at least," Rika sighed.

"Does the Great Mimic still gives experience if killed?" Akira asked.

"As far as I can remember, no. This is counted as a summon from the boss so unless the boss is killed, we won't receive any experience points from killing the Great Mimics."

"Ugh, great. Those kinds of bosses huh? Then, we should head in now. I don't like it if we stay longer than usual with these kinds of bosses," even my father who is usually patient sighed after hearing it.

Since everyone is ready, I slowly push the door open that will lead us to the boss's room.I think you should take a look at

The boss room is the same as the rooms we entered before. The only difference is that instead of a big treasure chest sitting in the middle of the room, a big sarcophagus is sitting there, giving an ominous vibe to the surroundings.

"Alright, get everyone ready to attack. I will be opening the sarcophagus and once the boss is awake, don't hesitate to start releasing your skills that can deal all strong damages. We needed to ensure the boss will immediately be damaged before it summons Great Mimics in succession.

I then ordered everyone to move to their respective positions so that when they deal their strongest attacks, they can easily maneuver close, and then move out of the way once they are done.

"Get ready, I will open it in three, two, one!"

I started pushing the cover of the Sarcophagus. It's not heavy like most coffins which is why, I have a smoother time opening it up.


A black smoke immediately got released as the Sarcophagus is fully open. I also pulled out my weapon and ready myself.

"It's coming! Ready to attack!"

The black smoke slowly formed into a solid form and soon, revealed the mummified boss.


[Mummy of the King of Treasures]

Level 15

HP: 20,000/20,000

Type: Undead



All of us simultaneously attacked. None of us just stood still, we attacked it to ensure everyone got to hit it. And as soon as everyone has dealt their attacks with little damage to the boss, I swing my Versatile Weapon, down to the mummy, ending its career before it can even properly do anything thanks to my high attack. One single swing is enough for the boss to die.

The boss screamed in agony before its body disappeared into the mist. As soon as he died, everyone including myself glows signifying that we have leveled up. Looking at my level, we have achieved the level 20 threshold that I planned to reach.

"Wow, so the main purpose of our pep talk earlier is just to introduce us to this boss and not for the preparation for the fight?" Riko scratches her head.

"Sorry to disappoint, Riko but the faster the boss dies, the sooner we will be done in here. That way, we can move to the more difficult dungeons later on. We don't need to waste a little time here with that boss."

"Well, at least everything is done then. We should collect our loot and we should head to the Capital as soon as possible," Rika stretches her body and put her Magic Sword on her hip.

In the end, the Abyss Dungeon difficulty wasn't that difficult due to how I killed the boss in one hit. But hey, at least we can now head to the Capital without the problem of being taken advantage of once we are now in there.

Next stop, to the Capital.

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