Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 857 Nobuhiko's Chagrin

Back in the Nexus Company, Nobuhiko sat down on his office chair and snap his fingers, allowing his servant, Zero, to pour wine on a wine glass and hand it over to him.

"Can you give me a definite status on Tsukasa Manato, Zero?" Nobuhiko leans on his office chair to relax his head after the frustrating outcome.

"His account named "Bladeheart" has been fully terminated and any records detailing his movements or even remnants of the user are all gone like they were deleted in the database without any sort of way to recover them. Even the backup data we have on him is also deleted as well, which means we have no more access and connection to him at all."

"Fully terminated I see. No wonder my ability didn't work. It seems he already deleted it beforehand before he raided this place. What about the bound weapon that should be with him? I heard he still uses it during the time when he was still called Bladeheart. I am sure that thing won't be deleted immediately as I made use of that thing as a last resort in case things failed again this time."

Zero sighed and relayed another piece of information to Nobuhiko.

"The weapon that should be bound on him was also cut off the moment the account deletion also happened. And based on our records, it seems the weapon he was wielding the entire time was not even the weapon you gave to him due to some kind of error. When the system processed it, the weapon was no longer the same weapon you prepared but it seems the weapon he was using is mimicking the same properties as the bound weapon and that is the main reason we have no problems with it. It is revealed now that something caused the previous weapon you prepare to be replaced by something."

"Replaced? I am quite sure that the weapon will not be deleted no matter what and it will remain to the user. That is also the main reason I allowed him to inject that damn thing into his body so that it will remain in his body for years to come as insurance since this is our last time loop!"

Zero went quiet with that and didn't say anything to Nobuhiko fuming in anger.

"Fine. Then, what about the other companions of Manato? I am quite sure he has a few people in him that he maintains a close relationship with within the game and in the real world. We can use them and we can take advantage of their abilities as well."

Zero shook her head and relayed the new information as well.

"Just like the data of Bladeheart, all of the other data related to the people who are a close acquaintance of Manato in the real world and in the Alternate World has been deleted without a means to be recovered at all. We even have their families on the leash to ensure that they will be obeying our whims in the process but it seems those things were useless as the parents and their family members seem to be heavily disliked by those individuals, making our plan a failure as well."

"What about Manato's parents? We already sent out a team to take them, where are they now?"

"According to the intel we got, it seems the team that we have sent has been annihilated and the only one who survived the ordeal was the operator of that team at that time and she was found tied up inside the basement of the house that Manato's parents owned. We got her testimony on how they were annihilated and she said that a young man obliterated everything and has taken her hostage as a result. She was tortured for information and although she managed to withhold most information, it seems something was done to her while she was gone cold which is most likely mind-reading.

Nobuhiko can no longer hold himself and throw the wine glass into the wall, destroying it in the process. His anger made him facepalm in the end, gritting his teeth.

"Hey, Zero. Is it really impossible to repair or make another time looping device again?" Nobuhiko asked, seemingly defeated and tired.

"Yes. The source of the time looping activities we have done so far is already exhausted and the device cannot be repaired or replicated, making this our last and final time loop. Our final destination and our final conclusion. In short, this is your last chance to find the Tree of Life."


"No, all of your plans are flawless and your judgment is spot on. Manato is indeed the right person you have chosen, but it seems he encountered something in the process that caused him to break the chains and rebel. It must be the one interfering and stopping you from finding that Tree of Life in the process as well," Zero explained.

"So you are saying that the main reason why things got f*cked up in the current situation is because of the fateful encounter that Manato encountered?"

"Possible. And my first suspect of all of this is none other than the goddess of death. After all, she was the only one who directly defies and stop the rule of the Goddess of Life. Her interference is the most likely cause of why Manato is now rebelling and is ruining your plans."

"The Goddess of Death again? Even though she was already sealed, she still managed to make things worse for me. How can I even let the Goddess of Life recover if she keeps interfering with the situation again and again? Things are looking hopeless right now. If only I could time loop once more..."

"I don't think it is that bad just yet. The situation might be in a bad situation right now but it is still salvageable and things can still be set properly in your favor. You shouldn't give up right away. And besides, you have the blessings of the Goddess of Life. Believe in her and perhaps a miracle will be bestowed to you. After all, you are her disciple and I doubt she will put an inconvenience for you and will instead help you. Be sure to do things that can stop whatever Manato Tsukasa is planning."

"I see. Indeed, things have yet gone south and I can still do things that Manato didn't know I was capable of. Perhaps, it is time to ensure that we will find the damnable tree and revive the Goddess of Life back to her splendor once more."

"Yes. And I believe you can do it. I have been your assistant ever since the very first loop and I believe that you have the power to change the situation pretty easily, you just made bad decisions before but since you have a lot of knowledge from all the time loop that has happened, I don't think you will be having a hard time with the situation. Compared to a guy who experienced the loop once against you who experienced it multiple times? I can say that your advantage is big enough. Just use it properly and you will win this."

Hearing this, Nobuhiko grinned.

"Thanks Zero. Even though I just made you a prototype and slowly improved you as time goes on every loop, you have been there for me, and thanks to your words, I think I am now set on what I should do next. They might be ahead of the game for now, but I will soon catch up. Alright Zero, prepare the guy who we managed to recruit. Although he is not the same as Bladeheart, I can see his potential and his usefulness. Make sure he will obey and make sure that he will never disobey us. After all, success is needed to be done as soon as possible."




While  Nobuhiko and Zero continue their discussion, Janus who was left behind ever since the incident has been confused. Just what does Manato mean in his words? And what does he mean Nobuhiko is a dangerous man? For Janus, Nobuhiko helped his sister recover and that alone is worth getting a repayment from him, whether it is a job or anything, as long as he can repay the services of healing his sister is done, then he will make sure that it is carried out.

Still, Janus felt something is wrong but he couldn't properly pinpoint what it was, making him anxious about what is going on.  But then, Zero entered the room and gave him a helmet to wear.

"Well then, Mr. Janus. Since you have fully been accustomed here, you will need to prepare for it. Now, wear the helmet and wait for a bit."

As Janus puts on the helmet, Janus didn't see the hand of Zero push a button and soon an incident occurred.


The screams of Janus are ominous. However, it seems the situation will be much more ominous than it ever be.

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