Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 961 Dance Between Two Wolves

Chapter 961 Dance Between Two Wolves


Both the katana and the axes clash multiple times as the two wolves, one false and one who is closely related, continue their battle. Both sides refuse to yield and both sides refuse to lose. The false one is me, and the other one is the leader of the beastmen.

"Yes, fight! Fight to the fullest. You said before that I am just not giving my all, now, how about now?"

I couldn't say anything, or more accurately say, I didn't have anything to say as he continued to fight like a madman. His attacks are heavy and they are not easy. He continues to move like a tornado due to his flurry of attacks and compared to his clones, he is much tougher. Although I am capable of handling him just fine, his attacks are just not easy to deal with.

He moves quite quickly. One attack is followed by another and they are all chaining in quick instances which results in me having a hard time dealing with them. It was a very fast-paced attack with heavy blows, kind of similar to how fast a dagger can be when swung around and the heaviness is like a heavy hammer being used against you. The feeling of both combined is how I feel about this guy's attacks.

As time went on, his attacks were increasing in momentum and it was also like his attacks were getting heavier as well. I don't know what his deal is but I think I am getting the gist of his tactics.

Blocking one of his attacks, I fired an ice blast on the ground, freezing it in the process. Before he could continue to attack, he slipped and was about to fall. To avoid falling completely and slamming his face to the ground, he slams down one of his axes into the ground and this allows him to recover from almost slipping.

"Hmph," he pulled out his axe and once again started to attack. But this time, it isn't the same anymore. He started swinging both axes like he was trying to cut a stump of a tree. Every time he swings, he swings it down and every time he does so allows me to feel the air getting cut. It was hard to parry as he just swings the axes downwards so instead of attacking, I started dodging his attacks. They were fast but compared to the increasing intensity before, this one remained constant and all attacks do not have any sort of special ways to fight.

Still, while we are fighting, I am wondering. Is this guy the one who wields the next weapon of the Seven Deadly Sins? The Versatile Weapon has been moving like crazy already every time it clashes with the axe which also means the axe he is holding right now must be the one.

But he is not as dangerous as I thought. It was like he was holding back on purpose and he was trying his best not to do anything big. I am not too sure about this, but he is clearly struggling.

Is this part of the struggle to use the weapon? Perhaps.

It didn't take him long to stop at what he was doing but this time around, he started spinning like a top, with both his axes swinging hard like a fan. Seeing how he spun around like he was trying to cut me down with just that, I wasn't expecting it.

As he spins around and I try to dodge, it is inevitable that even if I manage to deal with his attacks, I still can't fully dodge all of the attacks. 

On one of the swings he sliced through my skin in the face and it started bleeding. It was nothing serious but my blood flowed through the wound. I wouldn't have said anything when all of a sudden, the leader of the beastmen roared and his grey fur started to glow crimson. The axes he was wielding are also getting stronger as well, now that it is glowing red as well.


A sudden surge of energy started to flow through his body and his body became bigger all of a sudden and I wasn't ready to see a giant version of the enemy I was facing just now. Did it somehow react to my blood? Or perhaps the catalyst for the effects of the Seven Deadly Sins weapon is related to blood?

I don't know what it was but based on my observations and also my guess, the weapon I am facing is the Weapon of Wrath. And the state this guy is in is similar to [Berserk] skill. But the only difference is that instead of getting all attack parameters high while having the downside of lowered defense, seeing how he seems to be still the same, it means he retained the defensive properties while still being more dangerous than before.

But there is one thing that is getting more prominent now. Compared to earlier, the beastman looks fine, but now, he looks like his body has been deteriorating and it looks like he has not eaten for a very long time. I also noticed it but his eyes started to bleed. The only difference is that instead of red, the blood trickling down his eyes is black.


He started roaring loudly and even I felt it. That power is strong and I can feel it. That is not something that should be easily handled like that. I think this is the influence of the weapon itself.

The leader of the beastmen started to charge. Compared to before, his actions are erratic and pretty hard to discern. Not only that, but his speed has increased and every time I parried, it was like I was trying to parry a cannonball forcefully. This guy is getting stronger as time goes on.

His attacks are so fast that not all attacks he did are something I managed to block and he managed to wound me a few times and sent my HP to critical levels. It was fast and I was not happy at all as not only did this guy get stronger the more I got myself damaged but all attacks seemed to be getting stronger and stronger as well.

Now I slowly understand its mechanics. The more the axes damage the enemy, the more they will increase their power by a lot. So, the more you deplete an enemy's HP, the stronger the wielder will be which would make battle against bosses that have a gimmick of getting stronger the longer the fight goes.

But why is he bleeding? He was trying to talk for quite a while but the only thing he could say was a garbled moan.

We continue to clash our blades and although I am using the Katana once again, I am slowly regaining back the mastery I have with this weapon. It's just that this guy is getting stronger with every attack he does.

He spins again and another wound on my body has been created once again. This time, it stings and I am bleeding. But as he did, I also managed to do something and lopped off one of his hands, reducing his attacks with only one axe left.


I thought he would only keep using one axe now that he only has one arm left but no. Picking up the other axe, he puts that axe in his mouth and continues to fight.

"F*CKING SH*T, YOU ARE CAPABLE OF THAT?" I grinned seeing how he fights. I wasn't expecting something like this. As his severed arm starts to bleed, the aura of bloodlust has increased significantly. He started attacking once again and this time, I had trouble dealing with him. Every attack he made felt like I was getting run over by a dump truck. It's very heavy and it is hard to handle.

"Seems like it is getting dangerous. I don't want to keep the battle for long."

I took advantage of his attack patterns and memorized them for a bit. It was totally fast and I applaud him for being capable of doing so that I even have a hard time blocking. But as soon as he started to do something of a big swing, I took advantage of it, by firing a simple ice attack on the ground and freezing it. I didn't use it for the beastman leader to slip, I used it for myself.

Using the ice, I slid myself down under him and dodged his attack before focusing all of my attack power straight into the Versatile Weapon and activating one of the attack powers of the Samurai Class, [Severance], a tier 3 skill, one of the skills I bought before.



Type: Active Skill

Tier 3

Cooldown: 40 seconds

Info: Cuts through opponents using the katana that specifically targets joint points of the body. There is a 70% chance of severing the target's body part if done on a limb. If not done on a limb, increases the attack power and increases the chance to deal critical damage by 50%.

Note: To be a professional butcher, this skill is a mandatory skill to have. Using it with the katana is just for stylish points.


This skill can sever limbs very fast. It is like [Decapitation] skill but it focuses more on the limbs than the neck. It is best used for disabling an enemy or to just use a very high chance critical attack skill to deal massive damage.

In a single slash, blood spurts as both legs were immediately severed by the katana.


Falling over after both legs are gone, the beastman leader can no longer fight. But honestly, I felt like I had it a bit easy. I didn't feel much challenge against him which I expected it to be one.

Pointing the tip of my katana to the leader, I announced my victory to him.

"I win."

He smirked, his eyes were still bleeding and his mouth also bled.

"Heh, that's great. Now you can remove us from our suffering, human."

"What?" I frowned.

"Kill me and free me from the grasp of this curse. I shouldn't be alive anymore."

As he said those words, I noticed that his severed arm and both legs had disintegrated before they were reduced to bones then it crumbled to dust.

"See what I mean? I am already dead. The only reason I am still alive is due to these axes that I wield. The same goes for all the beastmen. Tell your comrades there is no need to hunt the beastmen tribe. They had been wiped out long ago and the only ones who survived were those beastmen who weren't present during that time."

"What? Explain!"

"Haha, the War God. He is the cause of all of this. If not for him and this accursed weapon... I might be still alive alongside my family."

He is trying to hold back himself. I think what he was doing earlier is trying to hold back which is why he is not that strong. He is trying his best to control himself but he can only do so little by himself. Seeing his struggles, I sighed and raise my Katana up in the air.

"You are a good warrior and I hope you get reborn in your next life."

"Ha, I doubt it. If you see my daughter somewhere, be sure to give my best regards for her and tell her that his family is now in peace."

"Can you tell me her name?" I asked.

"Her name...heh, her name is Zena."

"...I see. Alright, I will make sure she gets the word. Now, have a well-earned rest."

"Thank you."

I can tell the Weapon of Wrath is trying its best to do something but as the leader of the beastmen is resisting, it is not working well.


And with a swift slice, the battle has come to an end.

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