Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 962 Descent of the War God

Chapter 962 Descent of the War God

The beastmen's leader is dead. The two axes fell to the ground after his death. I can feel the two axes are now the ones releasing the aura that I have been feeling so far so the reason he was exuding it earlier is because of the Axe itself.

Getting a hold of the Axe, I felt an overwhelming surge of hatred and wrath flowing through me. I know it wasn't my emotions but the feelings of the Shadow Dragon that has been divided into multiple weapons but honestly, I didn't expect his wrath to be this bad. No wonder the Beastmen's leader lost control even though he managed to tame the emotions quelled within it. Even if you think you have controlled it, the feeling is not fully utilized for him to fully embrace it all.

I was thankful that I could hold the weapons of the Seven Deadly Sins without succumbing through the feelings released by the weapons themselves but I think my mental power was just stronger than usual which allowed me to do so. Or maybe the Versatile Weapon's enough to hold on to the feelings it once had and absorb some of it to ensure that I won't be succumbing through it.

As the corpse of the leader of the Beastmen starts to disintegrate, the attacking beastmen also lose their consciousness, which means the control of the Weapon of Wrath on them has dissipated and they have reverted to their dead states. It's quite sad really that they have died due to the effects of the weapon but I guess that was the main reason why they suddenly became hostile. I don't know what happened to them but I hope they can now finally find eternal peace.

There is nothing we can do about them. As their bodies started to fade like dust, I sighed in relief as this was enough to say that the invasion of the Beastmen had been thwarted and the fall of the Elven Kingdom had now disappeared...

But why do I feel like it's not yet over? Is it because of what he said before he died? All of this was due to the War God?

Mila and Avos sat down on the ground, exhausted. Alena and Labo do so as well, they close their eyes which means they have overused their ability so much that it is like straining them.

As for the others, Pandora and the siblings have remained standing while looking around for enemies whom they need to fight or are just vigilant in case more enemies are present. As for Izmir, she finally stopped reinforcing the ice barrier on the collapsed castle walls and sat on the ground in exhaustion.

The battle against the beastmen is over at long last.

After resting for a bit, we gathered up once again. Tina and Lina also returned after killing the remaining beastmen though they have not done much after the deaths of the beastmen automatically after I retrieved the weapon of wrath.

"It's finally over..." Renatta has been shaking her hands for a while now and sighed.

"This was the first time I had to fight this long and this much in my entire life and I must say that I am not that thrilled with it," Avos can only just shake his hand. He can still feel his mana slowly recovering after using a lot of it.

"I feel you dear, but honestly, that was the best. I don't mind doing something like that again," Mila grinned and although she felt sore after fighting, it seemed she liked it.

"Ha, easy for you since you barely used mana but it's tough for someone like me who has to rely on my mana for every magic spell I need to use," Avos can only sigh.

Izmir remained quiet after the battle. It seems that is the first time she has used up all of her abilities to the fullest. As a result, she is exhausted.

"So, everything is finally over?" Labo looked around after the strain in his eyes had finally recovered for a bit.

"So it seems," I shrugged.

"Still, I can't believe that there are no guards that helped at all during the battle. I thought it would have been fine at first but after the battle had escalated, I expected them to at least respond. But seeing that no one, not a single one, even appeared, I think there is something weird happening," Alena was the first to discover.

That caught the attention of everyone. Well, it's understandable that they have not overthought about it during the battle as they are more occupied with the enemies than checking if there are backups. But it is indeed strange that not a single guard appeared. Sure we defeated many of them during our raid but that doesn't mean they have died and they are no longer capable of fighting. Compared to humans, elves are quick to recover from injuries which would allow them to at least fight again once they rested in a single day.

"You know what? It is indeed strange. How come no one responded after all that ruckus?" Avos also thought it was strange.

Then, Tina and Lina talked to us and it seems they noticed something strange as well.

"Well, I don't know if it is somewhat connected but when we fought inside for the enemies that leaked inside, we noticed that not a single elf came out of their homes. It was like they are not aware at all that trouble is happening," Tina reported.

"Oh yes, I do indeed notice that they are not there at all, not even a single commotion. I remember they panicked during the first attack, but now, not one of them is present. I doubt they have been sleeping as it is still pretty early in the night and even then, they would still get awakened during the battle since the commotion is boisterous and the siege machinery should be enough to make the whole place awake," Lina added.

What Lina said makes sense. Back then, a single explosion was enough to cause all the elves to panic. The noises made today are much stronger than what happened earlier so I doubt it. So how come the civilians are not even panicking or are leaving their homes for evacuation?

"I have a bad feeling about this," Avos stood up even though he was still trying to recover most of his mana that was lost.

"Sit down, Avos. You are still weak from consuming so many magic spells!" Mila dragged down Avos to sit back down again.

"Ugh...but!" Avos wanted to stand back up but Mila lightly punched Avos on his shoulders.

"Have a good rest first. Don't go without us. And resting will help in case something happens. Don't just go and do it on your own, you idiot," Mila is a bit angry with Avos but it is anger mixed with worries.

"Alright, fine.

I turned back my attention to Lina and Tina and asked a question. "You guys checked inside the homes? Are there still people awake?"

"Now that you mention it, Master, the houses felt empty and desolate. It's still pretty early but the homes are dark and a bit weird since no one is even moving. It was like everyone had gone to sleep early," Lina described.

Izmir who was listening to our conversations objects to what Lina just said and stood up. "No, that's impossible. Elves shouldn't be asleep this hour and the castle grounds should be bustling with life! That is not just possible!"

"But why would I lie? You can even go and check out the situation there and see for yourself what I was describing."

"Of course. I will prove it to you all!" Izmir stood up and before Mila could stop her, she already bolted inside.

"Ah f*cking hell, Izmir. You are just making things worse here," Renatta can only facepalm before following her.

"I think we have rested enough for now. Let's follow her. I have a bad feeling about this," I ordered everyone who all started to stand back up one by one.

We followed Izmir inside and just like what Lina and Tina described, the whole place was desolate. It was like the place had been abandoned for many years. Aside from the signs of battle which I assume should be from the fight that Lina and Tina did against the beastmen who got inside, there are no other traces around.

"How is this possible!" Izmir couldn't believe her eyes as she stared at the place that she said to be one of the busiest streets at night in the Elven Kingdom.

Just as everyone is still not sure what is happening, someone starts to run in the opposite direction and is running straight to us.

"Run away! Aaaaaaah!"

His face is bloody and one of his hands is missing as he runs away.

"What?! What is going on?!" Renatta frowned as she stared straight into the fleeing guy.

But in just a few seconds, not too far from where we were, he stopped, and he started to stagger. He held his head using his remaining hand and screamed in agony before...


Right before our eyes, the man exploded to pieces, leaving only several pieces of him on the street.

The scene caused us to immediately pull our weapons and assume a battle stance.

"I didn't expect to see someone familiar while I am here doing business..." a voice started speaking out of nowhere. For some reason, his voice sounded totally familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I heard it before.

Then, someone landed in the distance. It shook the surroundings and the pavement was destroyed in the process. I deployed the Shield right in front of everyone and blocked the attack.

In the distance, the dust cleared and a familiar guy appeared before us while also carrying a sack on his shoulder. I was totally shocked and not sure if I was just seeing things, but right before me was someone that I knew. Someone who has died.

"Hello there, especially to you, wolf mask boy. Or should I say, Manato, the wielder of the Versatile Weapon? It's been some time since our last meeting."

The man before me is someone who should have been dead. But right before me, he is alive and well, wearing his smug smile.

"King Arthur..."

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