Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 524 Celebration Of Successful Heist

Chapter 524 Celebration Of Successful Heist

524 Celebration Of Successful Heist

Wang Jian, a phantom weaving through the chaos, led Cui Lan and the elders on a swift trek towards the heart of the settlement. The air hung thick with smoke and the panicked shrieks of fleeing demons. Buildings continued to erupt in flames, the unnatural light casting an eerie glow on their faces.

Most demons, consumed by primal fear, abandoned their belongings in their desperate escape. Treasures, weapons, even personal trinkets lay scattered amidst the burning ruins, a testament to the raw terror unleashed by the Sacred and Solar flames. Survival, it seemed, trumped all material possessions for these lunar-based beings.

Meanwhile, a different scene unfolded at the settlement's heart. Here, high-ranking Blue Moon Eclipse devils, their faces grim, converged upon a towering obsidian structure – the Central Treasury. The flames, though devastating, hadn't reached this central location yet.

For these devils, the Lunar Essence stored within the treasury held paramount importance. It was the lifeblood of their tribe, the very foundation of their bloodline's strength. Losing it would be a crippling blow, far worse than the destruction of their settlement.

Their plan was simple – evacuate the essence, relocate to a safer haven, and rebuild. Their lunar resilience would allow them to rise again, stronger than before.

Unfortunately for them, fate had a different script in store. Unbeknownst to the devils, a cloaked figure and his entourage of powerful women materialized outside the treasury gates. Wang Jian, a silent predator following the trail of high-ranking demons, had stumbled upon his target.

He cast a glance at Cui Lan and the elders, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Eliminate them," he commanded, his gaze cold and calculating.

The women understood the order. Their immense power, honed over centuries of cultivation, surged within them. Divine Ascension, a realm far above Wang Jian's own, imbued their movements with a deadly grace.

The high-ranking devils, focused on securing the Lunar Essence, never saw the attack coming. A whirlwind of lethal attacks, swift and brutal, tore through their ranks.

The screams that erupted were quickly silenced, choked off before they could alert others. The element of surprise, coupled with the overwhelming power of the women, ensured a swift and merciless victory.

Cui Lan and the elders moved with practiced efficiency. Elder Ming, a blur of silver hair and crackling lightning, disintegrated a particularly stubborn elder with a flick of her wrist. Elder Guo, a whirlwind of emerald blades, carved a bloody path through the surprised devils. Cui Lan, her movements imbued with a deadly grace, ended her opponents with precise, chilling strikes.

The battle was a slaughter, a horrifyingly one-sided affair. Within moments, the last Blue Moon Eclipse devil lay twitching on the cold stone floor.

As the last Blue Moon Eclipse devil crumpled to the ground, a heavy silence descended. The only sound was the crackling of flames licking at the edges of the settlement. Cui Lan and the elders stood panting, their faces grim despite the victory. Wang Jian, ever pragmatic, wasted no time.

"Excellent work," he acknowledged with a curt nod. "Now, let's see what treasures they've been hoarding."

He strode towards the imposing obsidian doors of the Lunar Treasury. With a wave of his hand, the doors shimmered and creaked open, revealing a chamber bathed in an ethereal silver light. Inside, rows upon rows of gleaming vials glinted, each one containing a swirling silver liquid – the Lunar Essence.

Wang Jian's eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement and avarice. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands of vials, a veritable fortune of lunar power. He reached out, his fingers brushing against a cool vial. He could feel the potent energy coursing within, an echo of his own bloodline.

"This," he murmured, his voice filled with a hint of reverence, "is what we came for."

He swiftly began collecting the vials, filling his pockets and storage rings with the potent essence. Cui Lan and the elders watched in silence, a sense of foreboding growing within them. This wasn't just stealing, it was severing a tribe's lifeblood.

As quickly as they had arrived, they departed. Wang Jian shrouded them all in a thick cloak of shadows, effectively erasing their presence. They melted into the smoky chaos, weaving through the burning streets until they reached the outskirts of the settlement.

There, hidden beneath a canopy of charred trees, their invisible flying ship waited. With a thought, Wang Jian deactivated the cloaking technology, revealing the sleek vessel against the backdrop of the burning settlement.

They boarded quickly, the urgency palpable. As they ascended into the night sky, the burning settlement shrunk into a ball of orange and yellow flames, a stark reminder of the destruction they had unleashed.

Once aboard, Wang Jian found a secluded corner, pulling out one of the vials of Lunar Essence. He examined it closely, mesmerized by the swirling liquid within.His senses delved deeper, analyzing the intricate composition.

This Lunar Essence wasn't simply pure lunar energy. It was a potent concoction, a divine cocktail as it were.

He could sense a faint echo of a powerful bloodline, likely that of the Lunar Devil Gods themselves, infused within the liquid.

Mixed with this divine essence were traces of rare herbs and crushed lunar salts, all meticulously combined to amplify and refine the lunar properties.

As he studied the concoction, a plan began to form in his mind. This wasn't just a source of power, it was a blueprint.

He could dissect the composition, analyze the individual components, and attempt to replicate it.

If successful, he wouldn't be reliant on stolen essence, he could create his own, a potent fuel for his bloodline.

"Intriguing," he muttered, a predatory glint in his eyes. "This changes everything."

A mischievous smile spread across his face. The chaos he had unleashed may have been excessive, but the potential reward was beyond anything he could have imagined.

The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe might be nursing their wounds, but Wang Jian was on the cusp of unlocking a power that could potentially elevate him to unimaginable heights.

Wang Jian, a satisfied smirk plastered across his face, pocketed the vial of Lunar Essence. He turned his gaze towards Cui Lan and the elders, their faces a canvas of conflicting emotions. The weight of their situation, the precariousness of their forced servitude, hung heavy in the air.

"Well, ladies," Wang Jian drawled, his voice dripping with a casual arrogance, "that wasn't so bad, was it? We caused a little mayhem, secured some valuable loot, and emerged unscathed."

A tense silence followed his words. The women remained stoic, their lips pressed into thin lines. Wang Jian, unfazed by their disapproval, clapped his hands together with a theatrical flourish.

"Now," he declared, his voice laced with a hint of mischief, "how about a little celebration?"

Before they could react, he strode towards them, his movements predatory. A depraved grin, devoid of any genuine amusement, twisted his features.

"Time to loosen up a bit," he purred, his eyes raking over their forms with a blatant leer. "Strip."

The women, their faces etched with a mixture of humiliation and defiance, began to slowly remove their garments. The air crackled with a strange tension, a cocktail of fear, arousal, and simmering resentment.

As the last pieces of clothing fell away, revealing their exquisite forms, Wang Jian's eyes burned with a predatory intensity. He moved with practiced ease, his touch both calculated and possessive.

Cui Lan, the fire of defiance still flickering in her eyes, fought back a whimper as his touch ignited a storm of conflicting emotions within her. The pleasure, undeniable and intense, was laced with a bitter aftertaste of shame and degradation.

The elders, their faces contorted in a mix of pain and pleasure, surrendered to the inevitable. Their bodies, honed by years of cultivation, responded instinctively, betraying the turmoil raging within their minds.

The rest of the day blurred into a relentless wave of pleasure and pain. Wang Jian, fueled by a dark hunger, moved from one woman to another, his touch demanding, his desires relentless.

Cui Lan, her initial resistance slowly crumbling, found herself lost in a sea of conflicting sensations. The pleasure, raw and primal, threatened to consume her, while a deep-seated loathing gnawed at her core.

The elders, their initial defiance replaced by a resigned acceptance, surrendered to the storm. Their moans, a mixture of ecstasy and anguish, echoed through the confines of the ship.

As the night deepened, Wang Jian, his carnal desires finally satiated, collapsed onto the plush bed, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. The women, drained and emotionally shattered, lay scattered around him, their naked bodies a testament to his dominance.

He glanced at them, a flicker of something akin to amusement dancing in his eyes. "See, ladies," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance, "that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Cui Lan, her eyes filled with a cold, steely glint, refused to meet his gaze. The elders, their faces blank masks of exhaustion, simply stared at the ceiling.

Wang Jian, unfazed by their silence, chuckled softly. He had taken what he wanted, both the Lunar Essence and his twisted form of pleasure. In his eyes, it was a victory on all fronts.

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