Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 525 The Anger Of Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe’s Royal Family

Chapter 525 The Anger Of Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe's Royal Family

The aftermath of their forced intimacy hung heavy in the air. The women, physically drained and emotionally shattered, lay sprawled on the plush cushions. Wang Jian, on the other hand, exuded an air of casual satisfaction. He stretched languidly, his gaze lingering on their exhausted forms for a fleeting moment before his attention shifted.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, he retrieved the vial of Lunar Essence. This wasn't just a celebration reward; it was the key to unlocking his true potential. He uncorked the vial, the swirling silver liquid shimmering under the soft glow.

Without hesitation, he tipped the vial, the potent lunar essence rushing down his throat. A wave of pure energy, raw and untamed, washed over him. It felt like a dam had burst, flooding his body with an essence that resonated deep within his Blue Moon Eclipse Devil bloodline.

His muscles tensed, bones creaked, and a low growl rumbled from his chest. The lunar energy, a perfect match for his heritage, coursed through his veins, amplifying his senses and strengthening his very core. It was an agonizing yet exhilarating process, a baptism by lunar power.

Hours bled into one another as Wang Jian endured the transformation. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, his body pushed to its very limits. But he gritted his teeth, a determined glint in his eyes. This power, this raw potential, was worth the pain.

Meanwhile, on the surface of X-98 Star, chaos erupted. News of the settlement attack spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves through the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe. The audacity of the attackers, the use of their sacred and solar weaknesses – it was an unprecedented act of aggression.

The Royal Family, enraged and desperate, mobilized their forces. Every available devil was called upon to scour the planet for the perpetrators. Elite trackers, wielding artifacts like the Essence Discovering Mirror, were deployed to locate any traces of residual energy left behind.

Their efforts, however, proved futile. Wang Jian, ever the meticulous planner, had foreseen this reaction. The flying ship, cloaked in advanced concealment arrays, remained a silent observer above the chaos. He had even gone a step further, manipulating the residual energy signatures of the flames to further confuse any attempts at tracking.

The frustration on X-98 Star only grew with each passing day. The Royal Family fumed, their pride wounded by the unknown attackers. The silence, the lack of leads, was maddening. Little did they know, the culprit responsible for their woes was hurtling through space, his stolen treasure fueling his transformation.

Back aboard the ship, a groan escaped Cui Lan's lips as she stirred from a restless sleep. The events of the previous night weighed heavily on her mind. The humiliation, the violation, it filled her with a burning hatred for Wang Jian. Yet, a chilling fear also coiled around her heart.

She glanced around, her gaze falling on the other elders. They too bore the marks of their ordeal, their faces etched with a mix of exhaustion and despair.

As the ship continued its journey, a new dynamic settled within its metal walls. Wang Jian, now noticeably more powerful thanks to the Lunar Essence, reveled in his newfound strength.

On X-98 Star, frustration mounted within the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe. Days bled into weeks, and despite their best efforts, the attackers remained a mystery. The Essence Discovering Mirrors and other tracking artifacts yielded nothing. The Royal Family, their once proud demeanor replaced by simmering rage, demanded answers.

Then, a glimmer of hope emerged. One of the more advanced artifacts, a pulsating orb known as the Stargazer's Eye, flickered to life.

A faint energy signature, unmistakably human, registered on its intricate surface. The location? X-34 Star, territory of the notoriously reclusive Shadowspawn tribe.

The news sent a jolt through the Royal Family. The Shadowspawn, with their penchant for darkness and intrigue, were hardly allies.

The possibility of them harboring their attacker was a bitter pill to swallow. But the Royal Family couldn't afford to ignore this lead.

"The Shadowspawn," the King, a hulking figure with horns that scraped the ceiling, boomed, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Those wretched creatures harboring are a human fugitive! This is an act of war!"

The other members of the Royal Family, equally enraged, murmured their agreement. The Shadowspawn, a race known for their shadowy dealings and opportunistic alliances, were hardly trustworthy neighbors. This discovery confirmed their worst suspicions.

"We shall not tolerate such treachery!" the Queen, her crimson eyes flashing with fury, declared. "We will send a message, a message that will reverberate throughout the cosmos! We will crush the Shadowspawn and bring that human to his knees!"

A ripple of approval ran through the court. The decision was unanimous. A full-scale assault on X-34 Star was on the horizon.

The Royal Family wasted no time. They mobilized their most prized possession, the Royal Flying Battleship, a monstrosity of metal and arcane technology.

This behemoth wasn't just a warship; it was a mobile fortress, capable of traveling vast distances through the cosmos.

Its power core hummed with harnessed energy, drawing upon Spatial Nodes to teleport across the galaxy in a blink.

The Royal Flying Battleship wasn't just a singular vessel; it housed a fleet within its metallic belly.

Smaller battleships, bristling with weapons, served as its escorts, ready to be deployed at a moment's notice. Its offensive capabilities were legendary.

Beams of pure destruction, capable of cleaving planets in two, could be unleashed from its cannons. It was a weapon of war, a symbol of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe's might.

The Royal Family, along with an elite contingent of warriors, boarded the colossal vessel. An air of grim determination hung heavy in the air. This wasn't a mere raid; it was a show of force, a message to the entire galaxy that the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe wouldn't tolerate disrespect.

Meanwhile, on X-34 Star, the Shadowspawn Tribe remained blissfully unaware of the impending storm.

They weren't a belligerent race, preferring to navigate the murky waters of galactic politics through manipulation and subterfuge.

Open warfare wasn't their forte, and the idea of provoking a powerful tribe like the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils was unthinkable.

Lin Fei, the unwitting catalyst for this brewing conflict, continued his reckless journey across the planet. He had no idea that his presence had stirred the hornet's nest.

Little did he know, the peaceful days on X-34 Star were numbered.

The thunderous arrival of the Royal Flying Battleship would shatter the tranquility of the planet, plunging the Shadowspawn Tribe into a desperate struggle for survival.

The consequences of Lin Fei's actions, though unintentional, were about to come crashing down upon him, and the Shadowspawn Tribe would be caught in the crossfire.

As the colossal vessel tore through the void, a single question echoed: Would the Shadowspawn choose to fight or submit?

Their answer would determine the fate of not just their tribe, but the unsuspecting Lin Fei as well.

A tremor shook the very foundation of X-34 Star as the Royal Flying Battleship emerged from the folds of hyperspace. Its colossal form, a monstrous amalgamation of metal and dark energy, cast a menacing shadow over the unsuspecting planet. The Shadowspawn, a race accustomed to navigating the shadows, found themselves thrust into the harsh glare of a galactic war machine.

Zardon, the wizened leader of the Shadowspawn, felt a knot of apprehension tighten in his gut as he received the unexpected transmission. The Royal Family of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils, a force to be reckoned with, requesting an audience? It was a chilling anomaly.

With a resigned sigh, Zardon donned his ceremonial robes and made his way towards the designated landing zone. As the colossal vessel descended, a sense of awe mingled with fear washed over the gathered Shadowspawn. They were a small, unassuming race, far removed from the brutal might the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils wielded.

The landing ramp hissed open, revealing the imposing figures of the King and Queen, flanked by their elite guard. Zardon approached them with a measured gait, his voice calm despite the churning emotions within him.

"Greetings, esteemed guests," he bowed his head slightly, a gesture of respect tinged with wariness. "May I inquire about the reason for your…unannounced arrival?"

The King, a hulking figure with horns that scraped the sky, snorted. His voice boomed across the landing zone, a tremor in itself. "Spare us the pleasantries, Shadowspawn. We know what you're hiding."

Zardon's brow furrowed. "Hiding? I assure you, Your Majesty, we have nothing to conceal."

The Queen, her crimson eyes narrowed, stepped forward. "Don't play coy with us," she hissed. "Our Stargazer's Eye detected a human fugitive on your world. A human not bound by slave chains, mind you."

Zardon's confusion deepened. Human fugitives? Here, on X-34 Star? Their society held no tolerance for outsiders, let alone free humans. Slaves, yes, those were plentiful among the various devil tribes, but free humans were a rarity.

"Your Majesty," he replied, his voice firm yet respectful, "there are no free humans on X-34 Star. We maintain a strict policy of capturing any human trespassers and integrating them into our workforce."

A sardonic snort escaped the King's lips. "Spare us the lies. Our technology doesn't lie. There's a human here, and we will have him."

Zardon's mind raced. Could it be that human from the recent skirmish with the slavers? But surely, the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils wouldn't suspect the Shadowspawn of harboring a runaway slave.

He decided to play it safe. "Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding," he ventured. "We can assure you, Your Majesties, there are no fugitives on our planet. However, if there is a rogue human, rest assured, we will assist you in capturing him."

The King's eyes narrowed further, a menacing glint in their depths. "That's more like it," he rumbled. "There has been an attack on one of our settlements on X-98 Star. And we have reason to believe this human is responsible."

Zardon's surprise was genuine. An attack on a Blue Moon Eclipse settlement? Unthinkable. "Your Majesty," he said, his voice sincere, "we were completely unaware of such an attack. We condemn any act of aggression, and I assure you, the Shadowspawn had no part in it."

The Queen stepped forward again, her voice dripping with suspicion. "Then you'll have no qualms about assisting us in apprehending this culprit, will you?"

Zardon hesitated for a moment. Offering assistance to the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils was a risky proposition, but refusing their demands could be seen as defiance. He took a deep breath.

"Of course, Your Majesties," he agreed with a nod. "We will dedicate all our resources to locating this human and bringing him to justice."

A flicker of satisfaction crossed the King's face. "Excellent," he boomed. "Then consider this a joint operation. Our forces will remain here until the human is apprehended."

Zardon's heart sank. Having the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils on his doorstep was a nightmare scenario. Their presence disrupted the delicate balance of power within the sector, and their ruthless tactics could destabilize the entire region.

But he had no choice. He had to appease them, at least for now. "As you wish, Your Majesties," he replied, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil.

A tense silence descended upon the landing zone.

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