Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Keith watched Fiona dress up after she was done drying his hair, and the lady was burning in a blush as she put everything on very slowly, just as he had directed her to do.

He took great amusement in her fighting and trembling body and chuckled whenever she shied her eyes away as if he had not seen her naked already.

"This is embarrassing, Master..."

"Is it?" He smiled, raising his brow, and Fiona wisely shut up as she knew that anything she said next would make things harder on her.

It had been over a month now since Keith had started living at the Castle, and by now, she was quite familiar with his playful nature.

One thing she liked about him very much was that he smiled a lot, and seeing his smile just made her days better.

"Master." Fiona timidly called out to him after she was done dressing up.


"How is Roy doing in the Training?"

Just like usual, he trained the youngsters in the morning and then arrived in his room where Fiona was waiting for him with some fresh juice.

Since she was so caring and attentive, he decided to pour some love into her, and their lunch had already been delayed by an hour.

Not that anyone would care about it since they were all very busy.

"He's doing fine. Roy has completed the Aura Soul Formation, and he is now at the Peak of Foundation Profound Realm. He is already above average when compared to other people in the same Realm, but there is still room for improvement. The good thing is that he is very focused and is more than willing to work harder." He gave her a serious answer, not teasing her, and she happily nodded her head at his words.

"Thank you!" She bowed to him, expressing her immense gratitude from the bottom of her heart, and Keith stood up and helped her straighten up.

The difference in their heights was great, and she felt quite intimidated whenever he pulled her chin up and made her look at him.

"Have not I taught you better ways to thank me for something?" He teasingly asked, and her fair cheeks once again bloomed in a furious blush.

She hesitated for only a few seconds before she was ready to drop to her knees, but Keith grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, leading her out of the dressing room, and to her relief, out of the room.

"I will go get the lunch set up!" She immediately ran away, and Keith chuckled as he watched her funnily rush down the hallway on her weak legs.

He only had to wait for a minute before Yingying exited the room that was next to his, looking very fresh after meditating since morning, and after spending ravenous last night in his room.

"You did not join them today?" He asked with a smile.

"I am not as intelligent as them, Master. I am not of much help to them." She felt no shame in admitting it, and Keith simply nodded his head to her as he walked toward the Study Room that had been occupied by Minami, Ingvild, and Diana for the last couple of weeks.

Minami and Ingvild had suddenly come up with the plan to form their own language one morning, and Diana, who found herself very much interested in their project after chatting with them over breakfast, decided to help them out with it.

The three of them were so serious that they were spending their entire days working on their project, and Keith wondered how much they had progressed so far.

He could have eavesdropped on their conversations just like he listened to everything that happened in the Castle, but his dear Ingvild had made him promise that he would not pry into the matter. She wanted him to only look at it when they were finished with it, and he was patient enough to promise her what she asked.

Arriving outside the study, he knocked on it once, and he immediately sensed Invgild quickly wrapping up their notes and sorting themselves out.

She, of course, had sensed him, and so had Minami. There was no doubt in their minds about who was at the door.

"Coming!" Diana told him, and a few seconds later, she opened the door.

Keith smiled when he saw the bags under her eyes, but he did not say anything.

She was enjoying herself and was truly invested in the project, so, he was going to let her be as willful as she wanted to be.

Besides, with him around, her health was not at any risk.

"Shall we?" He asked as soon as Minami and Ingvild arrived behind Diana and smiled at him.

"Yes!" And they both replied in unison.

They were on their way to the dining room when he suddenly stopped at the end of a hallway, making them all look at him curiously.

"Go ahead. I will join you in a few minutes." He told them and then took the left hallway, heading towards his section of the Castle.

Diana had a guess where he was going, and she quickly quipped from behind.

"Better late than never!"

Keith knew that she was hoping and wishing that he was going to check up on Alana, and today, she was right. He was going to check up on her.

A few seconds earlier, he had heard her start sobbing again and go into another fit of rage that was a product of her unstable emotions, and it was about time he became a little forceful with her.

He knocked on her door, and then patiently wanted for the next few seconds until she answered and opened it.

"Yes..." Alana froze when she saw who was standing there, and seeing his eyes indifferently looking at her, sank her heart.

Keith glanced over her head and looked at the untouched lunch that was placed on the table and getting cold, and he narrowed his eyes when he looked back at her.

"Come." He ordered as he grabbed her left wrist and pulled him behind her, taking her to the dining room.

"Keith!" She protested, trying her best to break free, but then started shedding tears when she failed to escape his grip. "You are hurting me..."

Keith ignored whatever she said, and after a while, she became quiet.

By the time they arrived at the door of the dining room, she had stopped crying as well and was wiping her tears away when he let go of her and turned to look at her.

She trembled a little under his gaze, and then her eyes quivered when he pulled her chin up and started wiping her face away with his Aura-Coated fingers.

His action and the touch of gentleness made her eyes turn misty again, but she bravely held back her tears and immediately lowered her head when he let go of her.

"You will come with me to my room after lunch." He told her and then simply turned around to enter the dining room.

Alana waited at the door, debating if she should enter or not, but seeing that the people at the table were looking her way, she finally stepped inside.

Diana smiled in relief when Alana took her seat, but she let the girl be and did not try to engage her in a conversation. She knew well that Alana did not want to be bothered right now, and wisely enough, everyone at the table ignored her after greeting her with a smile.

At first, Alana was quite relieved that no one was bothering her, but by the end of the meal, she felt alienated and was wishing that someone would say something to her.

Even little Harud was keeping silent and not looking her way, and Ingvild, who was usually very upbeat, was keeping quiet as well.

Alana thought that maybe she was a little upset with her since she refused her offer to help them with creating a new language, and now that she thought about it, she was indeed a little rude with her straightforward 'No'.

She mustered up some courage to apologise to Ingvild, but just when she was about to speak, Keith stood up and excused himself from the tables, leaving behind a command for her.

"Come to my room."

Everyone looked at her curiously, perhaps, waiting for how she was going to respond, and she just silently stood up and followed after him.

Alana raised her head and looked at his back from time to him, and had to walk fast to keep up with him.

Her heart was racing anxiously when they entered his room, and then she heard the door behind her lock on its own before he turned around and stepped forward, pinning her against it.

Alana bravely looked into his eyes but then panicked when he suddenly leaned in and captured her lips, locking her arms over her head with his left hand and using his right hand to keep her chin up.

She struggled under his kiss and even tried to bite him, but when she suddenly felt him nestle his thigh against her sex, she froze and surrendered in fear.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she feared the worst, thinking he would rape her, even though her better mind was certain that he would not do it.

And Alana did not realise when and how it happened, but she had started responding to his kiss, closing her eyes as she lost herself to his taste.

It was only after he let her go that a great wave of shame crashed onto her heart, and she could only shed more tears.

"You have been stubborn enough, and I have been patient enough with you." He coldly spoke to her, and she flinched under his words. "Now, behave and get a grip on yourself."

It was so cruel of him to ask her to behave, but Alana found herself failing to muster up any anger toward him, which only ended up making her mad at herself.

"Are you influencing my mind?" She asked to find an excuse, and maybe even try to hurt him, but Keith was not someone who could be so easily offended.

"Maybe, maybe not." He told her, leaving her at the mercy of her messed-up thoughts, and then he walked towards the couch and sat down on it. "Sit." He ordered her, and Alana absentmindedly walked over to sit next to him.

It was then that her true torture began as Keith simply took out a book from nowhere and leaned back to start reading it. Hours passed without him speaking anything to her, and Alana tried to get up and leave on more than one occasion, but an invisible force pushed her back and kept her locked in her place.

He was cruel, and the poor her could not even do anything to express her anger at him other than stubbornly keeping quiet as well, but it only resulted in her making things hard for herself.

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