Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chapter 64: Alluring facade

Chapter 64: Alluring facade

So, Stonehaven? Well, it's a city, and we are currently strolling through its streets.

The medieval age-like and brimming with life. The cobblestone pathways, worn from the passage of countless feet, lead us past timber-framed houses and market stalls. Vendors continue to spew out their sales pitches, and I can smell the food they are offering: fresh baked goods and oily meat from who knows what animal. I can even hear a blacksmith's hammer.

It all feels so unreal.

Yet, the diverse crowd amazes me: armored knights, robed mages, and common folk.

I see classes such as farmer, merchant, and many more. Finally, I am also able to see their levels, many of the commoners are under level 10. Each person's class and level is displayed above their head, like floating emblems of their unique classes.

Some higher-leveled individuals gather in groups, and the highest level I can identify is 46. So that most likely means that I can see levels of people that are 20 levels higher. at most and anything beyond that is showing as a question mark.

But who the heck knows? They could be level 1000, and the system would laugh as I try to probe their mana.

I have to be honest, there are some serious problems with the UI in this godforsaken tutorial.

Also, what the heck, Biscuit? Do you want to get killed? We have no money, so don't even dare try to swipe food from the vendors!

Dang it! I saw that tentacle, hide it right away!

And when the hell did you learn to make it so transparent? I almost can't see it in daylight!

Once again, I am reminded that the best mage is going to be from the zoo, and we humans will all perish.

As we finally make our way into the old-looking stone building, we are guided through a corridor adorned with a worn carpet and a selection of rather ugly paintings hanging upon the walls. They are mainly paintings of men in military uniforms, all of them looking very serious. Continuing, we eventually reach what probably used to be a garden, now transformed into a makeshift training area.

There, we find a man around Hadwin's age accompanied by a younger, aristocratic-looking guy.

As I observe their intense sparring session, I find it difficult to keep up with the speed of their movements.

They spar within a large circle, surrounded by glowing stones that seem to mark the perimeter of their makeshift arena. I am sure they are not only doing that, but I still do not dare to probe it after my experience from some time ago.

The older man's skill is awe-inspiring; he effortlessly toys with his opponent, despite moving at a deliberately slower pace. The young noble is swift but noticeably impatient and impulsive. Their swords move with such speed and precision that they appear as blurred lines, while their feet dance across the ground.

I'm quite certain that if I tried to move so fast, my ankles would break under the strain and even without actively trying to sense it, I feel powerful mana emanating from both combatants.

Unfortunately, they stop, and I feel disappointed. Disappointed that I can't watch them longer and learn a thing or two from their swordsmanship.

The younger man bows and thanks the older one, and together they enter the circle, and the stones stop glowing.

What does it do?

What is it?

I want to know!

Once again, I feel annoyed by my inability to perceive it with my mana and try to find out. It's annoying me even more than my missing left arm; that's how much I've gotten used to it.

"Finnegan," the older man says shortly, and our prison guard just bows.

I repeat the same thing and bow in a similar way I saw him bowing.

My reward is a chuckle from the younger man, and I quickly look up at him.

[Windblade Duelist - lvl ?]

"Sir Emeric, they are drifters; obviously, they don't know our customs. It's praiseworthy that he tried to learn."

The blonde young man slowly apologizes to the older man, but I don't believe that he means a single word of his apology.

For a second, our eyes meet, and then he turns away.

The older man looks at me.

[Tempest Knight - lvl ?]

"It's okay to try to learn, but you must not be so careless. The bow you just gave me is that of a leader and his subordinate. In your case, as someone with a much lower level, position, and without any backer, you would bow much deeper while holding a hand on your chest."

"I am sorry, I will learn it quickly," I say shortly.

So the older man likes people who try to learn; I have to remember that! It's annoying to try to get into the good graces of powerful people, but hey, I don't mind if it means that I will get to learn some stuff in exchange.

I will even kiss your feet!


What is that? Will it teach me magic? Will it keep me alive while surrounded by people many times stronger than myself?

Yea, I thought so.

Also, how does he know that we are drifters? Did he get some information ahead of time? Did he already scan us? I didn't feel anything.

Tempest Knights answers with just a short nod, and then he starts talking to Finnegan, and I carefully listen to every word they say.

"Bring them to Henry to test them, and he will take care of the rest."

What the heck is this? Is this the famous "not my problem" style of dealing with annoying stuff? Is this because we are drifters or because we are weak and not useful?

"I will help," the young noble-looking man called Sir Emeric smiles, and his face is one I would call punchable.

Sure, girls might call him handsome, but I can see the look in his eyes. This guy is rotten to the core.

Not wanting to deal with us anymore, the Tempest Knight only waves at him with his hand, and here we go once again, leaving the training area and entering the streets.

Finnegan walks first, and after a while, Sir Emeric slows down and ends up walking by my side.

"Hey cripple, how did it taste?" his smile is bright as he looks at me, he is slightly taller than me.

"Sir?" I ask, confused by his question.

"Old man's ass. It's been a long time since I saw such an ass-kisser," his smile becomes cruel, and he moves closer to my side, now whispering so only I can hear.

"I truly despise individuals like you. You're spineless, revolting bottom-feeders who believe you're so clever. Acting so meek, always following orders, and being polite while only revealing the emotions you choose – constantly insincere and manipulative. But all the while, you just bide your time." He pats my shoulder with feigned friendliness, still smiling, "and wait. And then, when the opportunity arises, you won't hesitate to step over whoever is in your way."

He squeezes my shoulder over my missing left arm, and I feel the bone cracking.

But I do not let out a single sound, even as he squeezes harder and harder. I just look down at the ground.

"My apologies, sir. It's simply that I'm afraid." I try to add some emotion to it, to make it believable.

But he only laughs and lets go of my shoulder, slapping my back a few times in a friendly-like manner.

"There is no need for pretense. You and I are the same. I knew it the moment my eyes landed on you," he pauses and then whispers once again in a quiet voice that bears no emotion, unlike his smiling face, "That's why I will fucking kill you." He adds and then leaves, walking towards Finnegan while smiling again as if nothing happened.

He is tall and has blonde hair that nearly looks golden. His eyes are brown, but such a shade of brown that makes you want to look at them in awe of the beautiful color. His build is muscular, and he is wearing clothes that look expensive even to me. Expensive yet comfortable, clearly showing his wealth or position.

The young man playfully says something to Finnegan.

So that's how it's going to be.

He is smiling brightly while talking to people around him, even greeting a few vendors and peasants.

People are people everywhere, be it on Earth or on the second floor.

He looks back at me and gives me one more smile. I can barely feel any hostility from his it; it just looks so real and kind.

The frustrating feeling I had up until now slowly disappears, and I feel myself calming down a little. Up until now, the second floor looked so beautiful and almost safe, as we barely felt any hostility; only a few people punished us for our mistakes with a slap on the wrist.

It left me feeling deeply uneasy. The sensation was akin to someone offering a friendly smile, all the while clutching a hidden dagger, eager to catch me off guard.

This feels much better.

In the end, this is still Hell difficulty, even if it's hidden under the alluring facade of the beautiful second floor.

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