While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 540: Language problem

Chapter 540: Language problem

"It doesn't make any sense If immortals or immortal's candidates are using that blood in order to absorb more of this strange power of decay, let's say, then just how those grand sages could be capable of using it in another way? It's not the material they are working on differs anything at all between those two cases!"

As much as I would love to just stay there and talk about stuff, there was simply too much to do in the relatively short period of time for me to allow myself such a waste of time. 

"And how do you expect me to know the answer? I'm not even in the sage realm myself, so how could I know the secrets that lies beyond the barrier of the pinnacle of the sage realm in the first place?"

Looking at me as if I was some kind of unruly and stupid child, Celleria scoffed before turning her head away and taking a quick look at the gateway to the underdimension.

"So you say that there is separate world beyond those doors?"

After inspecting her expression for a while, I could teel that she was in the middle of the grand battle of her thourhgst. Maybe she wasn't even attempting to hide those emotions, or maybe she was just that bad when doing so, but I could tell all sides apart who participated in her thinking process that resulted in great hesitation written all over Celleria's face.

"Are you sure? Didn't you want to return to the continent?"

This kind of face wasn't something new or strange for me. While I never bothered with the type of people who could show it back then, seeing it on Eve's sister, I couldn't just ignore it.

It was the look of being ready and willing to give up. Not on the life, but on one's life's pursuit. 

Looking at Celleria, I could tell that she couldn't find the strength to look for the answers anymore. Maybe it was caused by meeting with her own sister, and rather than fighting for her life, she could watch how my beloved one was brimming with affection to her kin.

"Well Can you give me a few more moments to think about it? Now that I saw you guys I just don't think that everything that I believed in so far was right. Maybe all those problems that I had to face, were not someone's else fault, but my own shortcoming? Anyway, if you wouldn't mind"

Just as Celleria was about to move into the gate, I had no other choice than to send my fist flying, relax my fingers just before reaching their target and grasb the top of her shoulder before she could manage to set foot inside my underdimmension.

"I think you are forgetting about one, important think. I never allowed you to enter that place."

As much as I wanted to cater to Celleria's demands due to her sharing blood with Eve, I couldn't be as thoughtless to let someone far superior in terms of strength and capabilities into that small world of mine. Even if she could hold back her ambition of becoming the queen and shaping that entire place to her own liking, I had no idea how would the mana core react to the sudden influx of the foreign energy in the first place!

In fact, despite how the entire stronghold and all its appliances were connected to my magic energy, I still was too scared to enter it, as I was worried about the potential backlash that this dimension of mine would receive when someone as strong as me would enter it. 

After all, experiencing the fall od the underdimension both in the ancestral's grounds of the entire heavenly city and even in the sect master's mansion of the goose sect, I knew that if I were to enter, then even unintentional, faster swing of mine, would be far more than enough to tear a huge chunk of the space away from that place, resulting in the violent chaotic energies instantly overflowing and decomposing the entire place!

"Okay, okay, no need to get soo heated Just tell me where I can have some time for myself"

Seeing how serious I was about denying her the privilege of entering my small world, Celleria pouted a bit, but managed ti swiftly hide this bad humour of hers, masking it with some type of annoyed smile.

"Okay then, come with me. Eve, mind waiting here for a moment?"

As much as I would love either jump back into action with my beloved, especially after the few long whiles of starting at her body revealed by the thin strangs of the clothes that only pretended to serve their role properly, I still had to make sure to find out just where the heck that continent was in the first place!

Despite how relatively easy it would be right now for me to gain access to some kind of map that would allow me to at least learn just where the heck I was on the world map, rather than travveling all the way back to the Heavenly city, I decided to make use of the resources that I already had on hand.

"Hey, before we both go our ways for now, mind telling me what do you know about the geography of this land? If you want me to make a portal to the continent either now or later, then I need to precisely know just where the heck it is!"

Rather than revealing that I had no idea where my island was in the first place, it was safer to let Celleria assume that we were in some kind of outpost beside the main island of the second wave of refugees. Yet as helpful as learning the directions for the portal from the main island would be, I still had to somehow find out just where was my island located in the first place!

"Continent While it's too vast to be traversed without a care in a world, I think it would be best if you were to aim for the Greenhouse Horn. It's a sizeable archipelago, and one of the areas designated for the fresh saints. It's also roughly three hundred and twenty galles north of us, then forty galles east."

As much as I could command myself for uncovering this important piece of information, there was just this one thought that I couldn't cast away from my mind. This one question, that I had to answer in order to fully understand the meaning of what she just said.

"Celleria, dear Would you mind explaining, what Galles is?"

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