While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 541: Bonger's tongueslip

Chapter 541: Bonger's tongueslip

After learning just how big of a distance unit this Galle was, I could finally portray just where this continent could be located Or rather I would do so if only I could recognise the world directions and the distance that we were away from the main island!

Yet even this small problem, wouldn't be capable of pushing me into desperation! After all, all that I would have to do to get all sorts of geographical data and a place to start the mapping was just one teleportation jump away from us!

"Okay then, I think we will save ourselves from visiting that place. It will be better to just let its inhabitants live free, without our interference. Additionally, I'm worried that at our current level of power, just entering that place might reap its entire spatial fabric apart!"

As painful as it was to completely separate myself from all the people that I left there to their own devices, for as long as I would need to take to learn how to control and pull back my current force, entering the underdimension had to wait. But to be completely honest, the prospect of explaining Eve all the shenanigans about my sexual past Saving that for later might not be the wisest choice, but at least it sounded that way when I first came up with it!

"I don't think it will be a problem. As much as I would love a new set of clothes, I don't really care from where we will get them."

Shrugging her arms as if the entire problem wasn't a problem at all, Eve sent me a peculiar smile. At this point, I wasn't even sure how should I interpret it, yet any possible route that my mind went with would result ina potential souring of our relationship for a while!

"Anyway, since we all agree on this point, let's head up, to the dislocation window!"

Rather than allowing Eve to dig deeper into the topic what her stare suggested she would do on the first window of opportunity, I quickly summed our current topic up and paved the way towards the staircase. thankfully, after just a slight moment and single, deep sigh, both Eve and Celleria joined with me and continued to climb annoyingly huge amount of stairs.

After finally reaching the top level of the tower, I couldn't stop myself from casting a look at all the machinery still working on producing all sorts of wares. If not for the fact that my mere presence could endanger the inhabitants of the lower dimension, I would be sure to bring some of the basic building materials into the lower world, so that they could get some benefits for following me. Sadly, unless I would find a proper way to get there without putting everyone living in that place into mortal danger, I had to limit myself to hoping that they were doing fine anyway.

Yet just as I was about to reach with my hand towards the spatial orb, I felt a tug on the side of my robe. 

"Aren't you forgetting about someone?"

Turning my head to face the uninvited guests, I realised why that voice I just heard sounded so annoyed!

"Bonger! I thought you would lose that strange avatar of yours after that situation was over"

The more I spoke, the less confident I was in what I was speaking. After all, it was the first chance seeing a true stickman staring at me with its entire, empty ball for a head! 

"Ah, so you didn't expect me to be capable of advancing by myself? What would be the point of all those system upgrades that I create"

Halfway through his sentence, Bonger suddenly stopped speaking. While the way in which he said it could raise my suspicions, I would much rather believe that he still had to adjust to the his new avatar, hence this sudden stop, rather than suddenly believing the most logical way in which that sentence could be finished!

"Anyway, mind telling me what's the point of making the stop at the heavenly island? You do realise that you can simply move the seed in the same way in which you set your own gate back then?"

His new sentence was something that thankfully managed to pull my mind out of the first sentence that he didn't finish nor even mention again. I could manipulate established gates? As awesome as it sounded, in our current situation, it was entirely useless!

"rather than doing that, I will have a better use for you. Would you mind going to the city and bringing some clothes back? As you can see, neither Eve nor I can show ourselves with this joke of an outfit, while I'm not sure if it would be safe letting Celleria go all by herself."

No matter how it sounded, I simply deemed this as the most logical choice of action. As an avatar, Bonger would be immune to all the possible attacks that someone would attempt to land at him, as this physical form of his was nothing more than a projection made with his excessive energy!

It wasn't that I wanted to send him away for a moment to sort in my thoughts what might be the meaning of what he just said!

"Eh You are really turning lazy Anyway, try to peer deeper into this gate, and find out the coordinates where it ends. With that knowledge, calculating a new gate that would lead you directly to the continent from this tower should be possible."

Since his mission was to go first, Bonger didn't dare to waste any time. As soon as the words of his advice appeared in my mind, he already dived towards the gate, quickly disappearing from our sight.

"Eh I really don't want to think about it right now, so let's just focus on the current task."

Shaking those idle thoughts out of my head, I pushed my hands lightly towards the gate, stopping them right before they would reach the edge of the spatial hole. Yet rather than needing to focus myself on the way in which the currents of the spatial energy moved through this strange space, as soon as I felt their flow striking against my palms, my vision suddenly went away, as I momentarily saw the exact path that this gate took to connect two points of the reality through the chaotic dimension!

"I guess that will do it"

As surprised as I was with this sudden development, while I was retracting my hands a few moments after learning quite a lot about spatial laws from this experience, I realised that with this side mission from Bonger done, nothing else was stopping us from actually moving to the main island. 

After all, with everything that I just found out from this gate alone, it wouldn't matter whether I would attempt to make a portal towards the continent from my stronghold or the main island!

"Shall we go then, ladies?"

Turning myself back to the two step-sisters, I couldn't help but notice just how well the two of them looked together. With the two storms of straight, blonde hair, one of which was in the platinum spectre while the other was closer to the golden yellow, I felt as if I was looking at some sort of picture when a gust of wind suddenly mixed those two colours together.

"What, thirsty for some group play now?"

Noticing my longing stare, Eve was quick on the uptake. Rather than acting all shy and innocent as she used for most of the time before her injury, she clearly was getting wittier and wittier as her power grew!

"Maybe later, for now, I think we should aim to finish our matters off in this place!"

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