Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 524: shoot an ad

Chapter 524: shoot an ad

Chapter 524: Shoot an advertisement

Do you have any explanation about the incident?

No, I cant get through the customer service phone number, and I dont know where to go to defend my rights!

I will never hoard coupons again.

Those merchants who have not received payment for their goods are the worst off

The incident of boss running away continues to grow, and there are more and more rights protection groups. In addition to consumers, the biggest problem is the payment from merchants.

Because of the serious nature of the situation, this matter has been very popular on Tieba and Weibo.

Everyone is waiting for an explanation, but what they are waiting for is not an apology and compensation from , but another piece of news.

24Coupon's business in Xiacheng collapsed. More than 120 employees blocked the door of the company to ask for wages, but the city manager never showed up.

Another runaway!

Group buying is really unbelievable, one after another, its terrible.

I am from the Metropolis Daily. Do you have any inside information? I will follow up on this matter and report it. Maybe I can help you protect your rights!

Those affected websites have also stepped forward and started public relations to regain their credibility.

How many group buying websites are there that you can trust now?

In other words, they directly changed the order of consumption, so that consumers worries that they would be easily cheated by hoarding coupons were directly eliminated.

But its a pity that the effect is not good, because Baidu has no credibility in the minds of consumers...

However, although this approach has merits, it undoubtedly adds high-intensity pressure to its own capital flow and operations.

Dianping went even further and directly launched a use-now-pay-later monthly settlement service.

This is a phishing website. It will give you a discount first to get you to take the bait, and then it will take your money and run away after gaining your trust.

Nuomis approach is similar. They also joined hands with Baidu and invited several top celebrities to shoot advertisements.

If every time something like this happens, you have to laboriously explain it, then this industry wont continue.

directly disclosed the second financing to the media, and also mentioned Alibaba's name, which was regarded as an endorsement of itself by using the other party's credit.

Dianping has also directly won the favor of consumers, and its sales volume has been rising steadily.

The turmoil has not subsided, but another wave has arisen, and the group buying market has begun to become chaotic.

Dont believe anyone from the same family, they are all the same, making discounts every day, but in the end the wool comes out of the sheep!

The prosperity of the market was originally caused by burning money. Now that the money is being burned less and the market has shrunk, naturally some people will collapse, either Tuan Bao or Tuan Bei, either 24 coupons or 25 coupons.

Jiang Qin hopes to establish a strong and strong image for the group, an image that consumers can trust without too much nonsense.

How to put it this way, the thunderstorms of Tuan Bao and 24 Coupons are just a sign that the industry is beginning to stabilize.

What is surprising is Tuan Tuan. During this process, Tuan Tuan has not made any response, and its attention is still on the establishment of the supply chain and the subsequent layout of the sinking market.

Fortunately, I didnt hoard too many coupons. How many people must have been deceived!

How is the supply chain in Shenzhen doing now?

Mom said there are many bad people on the Internet, and it seems true.

It has been set up, and now Zhu Jinfu is taking over the daily operations. Xu Kaixuan is focusing on this aspect of business, and he is doing quite well.

Jiang Qin nodded after hearing this: "One wishes golden blessings, and the other Xu Kaixuan, it's **** unreasonable for Shencheng not to make money!"

Wei Lanlan pursed his lips and smiled for a long time: "Boss, you are already very rich."

"It's not enough. There is still so much money in the world. I can't bear to see it homeless." "The boss is really kind at heart!"

After Wei Lanlan finished speaking, he couldn't help but say: "Boss, do we really not respond to this incident? Tan Qing said that the recent decline in order volume is quite serious."

Jiang Qin picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water: "When a storm breaks out, consumers are easy to take advantage of. I recently saw several fixed IDs in the rights protection group, and they were the ones scolding the most every day. How much do you think they were deceived? "

Wei Lanlan thought for a while: "A few thousand more?"

Not a point!


Jiang Qin thought about it: "They said that although they were not defrauded of money, they were very angry for those who were defrauded of money. They were **** tougher than me."

Wei Lanlan thought thoughtfully: "So when consumers take advantage of it, the response is useless?"

Thats pretty much it. Consumers are not blind. After the storm subsides, they will be able to tell which website is the most trustworthy.

I understand, but I think it would be good if we could shoot an advertisement.

Jiang Qin rubbed his chin and thought for a while: "It's time to update the ads. It can't always be DangDangDang, but it should also be more high-end."

Wei Lanlan nodded: "Our group has never released a very formal advertisement, and we have never hired a spokesperson. We might as well do it this time."

Okay, then Ill leave this matter to you.

Okay, then Ill go find the literary giant to discuss it.

After Wei Lanlan finished speaking, he stood up and left Jiang Qin's office. At this time, Boss Jiang had already logged into WeChat and posted a bunch of pictures in it, all of which were selected by literary figures.

The rhythm of swearing in the group has obviously decreased, and the typing speed of several people has obviously doubled, probably because they are missing one hand to assist.

Damn it, who is this dream of 900 million girls? She posts pornographic pictures every day and doesnt protect her rights. Kick her out!

Its just that if you dont protect your rights, you still make trouble every day!

"Why are you kicking him? I'll kick him as hard as you can!"

Ive been defrauded of my money, but Im still not allowed to see pornographic pictures. Is there any justice in it?!

Brother, please post more, I love watching!

Jiang Qin opened the folder and clicked numerous jade feet. As a result, people in the group gradually began to get busy, and today's rights protection began to come to an end.

At this moment, Dong Wenhao opened the door and walked in: "Boss, I heard from Sister Lanlan that we are going to shoot a new commercial, right?"

Well, Lan Lan and I discussed it and its time to update the advertisement.

Jiang Qin stretched out his hands and made them round: "It's always so DuangDuangDuang, and it can easily cause visual fatigue. There just happened to be a turmoil in the group buying market recently, so shooting a new advertisement can be considered as a side response."

Can you hire a celebrity to be your spokesperson?

Jiang Qin glanced at him: "We have made so much money, stop being so cautious, please two!"

Dong Wenhao immediately became energetic: "Then I'll call Sister Sun from Huaying Entertainment and ask her to help contact her."

Oh, does the literary giant still have such connections now?

The last time we held a school beauty contest, three national school beauties were selected, and they were all signed by Huaying Entertainment through our official authorization.

Okay, Ill leave it to you to shoot the commercial.

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