Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 525: Let's be stupid together

Chapter 525: Let's be stupid together

Chapter 525 Lets be stupid together

Pin Tuan has been insisting on word-of-mouth communication since it started nationwide promotion. It does not put in many advertisements and does not have any serious spokespersons.

Until the joint promotion with Alipay began, this was considered a real advertising campaign.

Hence, everyone in the group paid great attention to this advertising shoot.

Because according to the boss's logic, some things should be either not done or done to the best of their ability.

So in addition to contacting Huaying Entertainment to finalize the endorsement stars, Dong Wenhao and Wei Lanlan also contacted several advertising planning companies.

After many discussions, a brand called Lightyear Marketing came into their sight.

This company is quite famous in the industry and has published many popular advertisements. They also participated in the planning of some of Dianpings advertisements, so they have some knowledge of the group buying industry.

So the two parties made an appointment and chatted offline.

The planning manager sent by Lightyear Marketing is named Dai Fei, who is specifically responsible for group projects. He is twenty-seven years old, wearing a black suit jacket with a skirt underneath, and has long hair shawl, looking chic and capable.

Its just that every time a user clicks in, it shows that they are in line. There are indeed some who can actually get their money back, but not many.

However, because from time to time some people successfully refunded their fees, which gave consumers a sense of expectation, so there was not much trouble at the time. It was not until the incident was exposed that it was revealed again.

Wei Lanlan nodded: "Our boss is very picky, and it would be great if Manager Dai could say this."

Hello, Mr. Dong, hello Mr. Wei, my name is Dai Fei, and I am the planning manager of Lightyear Marketing.

After passing the screening, they will arrange a time and place for the group to send people over for interviews and finalize cooperation.

Things on both sides are progressing steadily, and the discussion on the Internet about and 24Quans escape is still continuing, and the scope of influence is gradually becoming wider.

At this speed, that website is enough to start another business, go bankrupt again, and make another round of money.

In addition to this kind of frivolous operation, there are also many cases where merchants are pressed for payment, and there are also many cases where coupons cannot be used.

At the same time, Huaying Entertainment also helped the group to identify several celebrities, and made candidate information sheets and sent them to the group for screening.

However, they did leave a refund portal to tell users that they can refund their membership fees.


This is our duty.

Hello, Manager Dai, please sit down.

Wei Lanlan was the first to get up, while Dong Wenhao was chatting with Dai Fei about the founding process of the group, the current situation of the company, and many advertising needs.

Dai Fei sat in the conference room of the group-joining headquarters: "I have already seen the advertising requirements for the group-joining group, and I will do my best to make the best plan for your company."

Then let me show you around and talk to you about the corporate culture of the group tour.

It was not until five o'clock in the evening that Dai Fei and her two assistants left the group and returned to the hotel.

You must know that at the peak of the entire industry, the number of group buying websites was as high as more than 6,000. They have appeared and disappeared quickly in the past two years, and there will definitely be a lot of disputes.

The main reason is that after this incident was exposed, some previous scandals about the group buying market were also exposed.

This style is not too common, and it gives you the feeling of being at the forefront of fashion.

For example, a previous cosmetics group-buying website collected millions in membership fees before it went bankrupt, and then announced it would close the site.

With the example of , which has been used to boost the popularity, and looking back at the previous cases, the group buying market feels like it is in danger in the eyes of consumers.

Jiang Qin, I see that group buying websites have been having trouble recently.

Actually, those things have been out for a long time, but they are just coming out now, so they are not new.

How is the group fight now?

The business has been affected a bit, but its okay. The group size is large enough, the business chain is long enough, and its as stable as an old dog.

In the school affairs office, Jiang Qin was playing chess with Zhang Baiqing while responding to his questions.

Principal Zhang is Jiang Qins big boss. His interview videos are played in the school cafeteria every day, making Jiang Qin more famous than the principal. Some people say that Linchuan University was originally opened by Jiang Qin...

So the group buying website fluctuated together, and he was more nervous than Jiang Qin.

After all, this guy is the entrepreneurial star of Linchuan University. If does something like that, he will definitely be affected.

But looking at Jiang Qin's appearance, he didn't feel anxious at all, which made him feel relieved.

But even if it goes bankrupt

Jiang Qin suddenly changed the topic: "I can also take out three villas and run away."

After listening to Cecilia, Cecilia Qing quickly waved his hand: "Don't stop, I'm old, I can't hear this kind of thing, you still do it well, don't get something wrong."

You dont want a villa? Okay, its your turn to go.

Forget it, no more playing.

Zhang Baiqing put down the chess piece in his hand: "You have been stealing my chess pieces."

Jiang Qin raised his eyebrows: "When did I steal your chess pieces?" "I can't see that you stole one or two chess pieces. You stole seven of them. Am I blind?"

Jiang Qin threw back the chess piece he had just picked up, exclaiming that it was boring, then turned around and left the school office and went to the classroom for class.

The classrooms of Classes 3 and 4 were very close to each other, but not together. Jiang Qin walked downstairs, thought for a moment, then went to Class 4, and then sat next to Feng Nanshu.

Its all about sleeping anyway, its different where you go to sleep

Feng Nanshu was listening to Gao Wenhui and the others gossiping at this time. When he saw Jiang Qin come in, his eyes suddenly became more vivid, but his cold expression did not change. At the same time, he called "brother" seriously.

Jiang Qin also followed her example and called her sister in her ear. His warm breath made the little rich woman feel itchy and she couldn't help but shrink her head.

During this period, it was quite popular to **** your sister or your brother.

Men and women who are not related by blood have a good impression of each other, but they are not in love, or if one of them has a love interest, they like to call them brother and sister, which is ambiguous and exciting.

Some people even like this feeling. They dont have one partner, but they **** their sisters in groups.

Feng Nanshu has been calling him brother since her freshman year, but Jiang Qin doesn't call her sister very often. The sudden call made the little rich woman happy.

But Jiang Qin, Im not a younger sister, Im an older sister.

"You're an idiot."

Im older than you, please call me sister quickly.

Feng Nanshu was a little arrogant today, and seemed to be a little bit eager to try spanking.

This is probably related to the sense of security. People usually dont even dare to speak loudly when they feel insecure, but once they feel safe, they become bolder.

Sister, you are taller, so call me brother.

Feng Nanshu pursed his lips: "Brother..."

Jiang Qin reached out and pinched her cheek, staring into her eyes for a long time, thinking that this arrogant man seemed to know that he would not be left behind.

Im going to sleep for a while, and youll call me after class.


Feng Nanshu agreed, reached out and picked up his coat and handed it to him.

Gao Wenhui was so busy chatting and gossiping that she didn't notice Jiang Qin's arrival. When she turned around, she found that Jiang Qin had arrived in class 4 and everyone was sleeping peacefully.

Why are you here? Youre going to class with your wife. No, get up and go back to sleep!

I havent seen how the clothes are covered yet. Im seriously short of sugar recently!

Jiang Qin didn't even open his eyes, he made a "get out" mouth shape, then changed his position and fell asleep directly.

When he opened his eyes again, the lecture was still going on, and Jiang Qin saw Feng Nanshu with a blank expression on his face, writing and drawing in the textbook, row after row.

No need to ask, he must be writing his own name again. After all, the two characters Jiang Qin are a learning speed bump for Feng Nanshu.

She often thinks about Jiang Qin during class, and then she cant listen to anything anymore, so she keeps writing his name.

The junior year of college was a period of rapid development for group joining. Jiang Qin was away on a business trip for more than a month, so he took Feng Nanshu's textbook and flipped through it. Almost every page was filled with Jiang Qin.

But as he looked at it, Boss Jiang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The little rich woman always writes three characters before pausing. This means that what she writes is not a two-character name, but three characters!

Jiang Qin's expression suddenly became serious, and he sat up and walked over.

Jiang Ainan, Jiang Ainan, Jiang Ainan

The little rich woman wrote a long line in her textbook, and then she held the pen and looked at it in trance. She felt a breath of wind in her heart, and she felt a little stupid the whole time.

My good friend is bad and wants to give me a baby every day.

Jiang Qin muttered secretly, and then yawned.

Feng Nanshu was distracted when he noticed that Jiang Qin had woken up and immediately closed the page full of Jiang Ainan, confidently covering up his disapproval.

After the two classes in the afternoon, it was time for dinner. Jiang Qin accompanied Feng Nanshu and the others to their dormitory to have dinner.

There were two children in the cafeteria, a girl and a boy. They were about three or four years old, holding a small windmill in their hands. They were running back and forth in front of the window, looking stupid to the two people. I forgot to eat.

Actually, Jiang Qin didn't have much affection for children before, but for some reason, now he gets a little excited just watching them chase them around.

And Feng Nanshu didn't know what he was thinking of, and his eyes kept following the two children.

Gao Wenhui stared at them for a long time and couldn't help but poke Wang Haini next door.

Look, these two are equally stupid.

This is called the appearance of husband and wife.

Jiang Qin came to his senses at this time, coughed, took a piece of braised pork from Gao Wenhui's bowl, and fed it to Feng Nanshu, his expression a little solemn.

To be honest, he had an urge to inquire about the charging standards of the international kindergarten in Shanti Villa.

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