Zhan Yue

Chapter 575: More details

Chapter 575: More details

The next morning, everything was prepared and I was going to go online to grind ranks.


I appeared in Winter Sun City. Although it was late autumn but the Winter Sun City walls were really thick and the cold wind couldnt enter. The sunlight scattered down and it felt really warm.

The moment I went online, my heart shook and my spiritual ruin started to buzz. Heaven Hounds voice spread into my heart, Come back quick, something is about to happen!


I used a City Return Scroll and appeared in front of the Blood Pond. The instance that I appeared, I saw the undead cavalries dashing towards the Darkness God Hall. I asked, What happened?

Li Yang is causing trouble again! One of them looked at me, Young Master quick go take a look!


I kept silent but still charged forwards with my daggers. In a blink of an eye I was ahead of the Darkness God Hall and I saw layers of people on the square. The new master of Land of Reincarnation Long Guo was furious. Behind him was a female corpse on the floor, Elder Dragon, today you have to give us an explanation!


A person flew out, it was Elder Dragon. He held a staff and his body was covered in Darkness Dragon energy. His eyes turned black and he just stared at Long Guo, Did


Long Guo raged, Early in the morning, this disciples corpse was found in the back mountain. She died yesterday and show signs of rape. In the end, her neck was broken. The undead cavalries on duty proved that Li Yang went to the back mountain and he was covered in blood when he came out. The time matches!


Elder Dragon scoffed coldly, Men, bring him out.


The two of them flew out from the hall and they carried Li Yang. Li Yang looked like he was sick and ever since his spiritual meridian was pulled out by me, he was unable to rise once more.

Master, what happened? Li Yang asked.

Elder Dragon pointed at the corpse, Did you rape and kill this disciple?

Disciple Disciple doesnt know!

Li Yangs face was filled with panic.

You want to argue?

Long Guo raged, Last night many undead cavalries saw you enter the back mountain. Moreover, you called her to the back mountain, you dare to say it is not you?


Li Yang fell to the ground and he kowtowed to Elder Dragon, Master This woman was the one who seduced me. I didnt do anything wrong, please forgive me!


Elder Dragon frowned and looked towards the Black Castle higher-ups, King of Darkness, Lady Yun, what do you think? Should we show mercy?

King of Darkness frowned, Li Yang is cruel, this is not his first time. Elder Dragon, we have our rules which is why our Black Castle is still standing. I think we cant show anymore mercy. His evil actions must be punished!

Yun Yue nodded, If we dont punish him this time, Elder Halls reputation in Black Castle will be damaged and everyone wont listen anymore!

Good good good!

Elder Dragons eyes were filled with killing intent, Li Yang did you hear that? King of Darkness and Lady Yun hopes for you to die. This time I cant protect you anymore. You have also lost the spiritual meridian and your cultivation will never return. Lets end it today, let your Master send you off!

Master, no Dont!

Li Yang retreated. Dragon soul energy surged from his body like much of his cultivation had returned. So he had been hiding, acting like a piece of trash. No wonder he could kill that disciple!

Master look!

Li Yangs body shook and two streaks of darkness dragon energy wrapped around his daggers. There was a cruel smile on his face, 30% of my strength has recovered. Just give me some time and I will step into Eternal Realm, I wont let master down!

However, the fierceness in Elder Dragons eyes didnt reduce. He slashed down with his palm to form a giant darkness dragon image, Give you a bit more time to continue your nonsense!?

Master you cant

His body shook and he pushed his arms forwards. The two dragon energies smashed into one another and the entire Darkness God Hall shook. But this clash showed Li Yangs lack of strength. He spat out blood and his arms started to crack.

Ah ah ah ah

Li Yang cried out, Master, you

Return the Dragon Soul to me!

Elder Dragon hollered and his face twisted, You, have no right to control it, hand it over you useless trash!

Elder Dragon descended from above. He opened his mouth and it looked quite exaggerated but it could cover two meters. This wasnt Elder Dragon, his upper body had turned into a black dragon. Kacha, Li Yangs upper body was eaten up. He then raised his head and just swallowed him.

On the ground, Li Yang was just left with his legs toppled. How sad, the top disciple in Black Castle, he should be the pride of Black Castle but ended up in such a tragic state.

Si si---

The moment Li Yang was swallowed, Elder Dragon turned into human form once more. Dragon patterns appeared on his face and neck and his power was climbing. When I used Shifang Flame Wheel Eye, I saw that he wasnt Elder Dragon but a Darkness Dragon that was looking around with its evil violent eyes.


Elder Dragon noticed that I was glancing at him and he scoffed. He wiped off the blood on the corner of his lips, Li Yang isnt kind and has committed so many crimes. I will represent Elder Hall to kill him. From now onwards, Black Castle disciples mustnt repeat their mistakes. Moreover, with him dead, then we should decide who takes over as first seat of the Darkness God Hall, I think July Wildfire is talented and can replace him to be the new young master. Is there anyone opposing?

King of Darkness frowned, Elder Dragon, you mean

Why, King of Darkness doesnt believe that I respect July Wildfire?

No, that isnt what I mean

Then it is settled.

Elder Dragon said solemnly, From now onwards, July Wildfire you are the new young master, Darkness God Halls resources are all prioritised for you.

I didnt feel happy at all, I just cupped my fists, Thank you elder.


He waved his sleeves and flew into the hall. He was probably in a rush to digest the power of the god soul and wasnt free to talk to us.

Not long later, Blood Pond Hall.

Senior Sister waved and placed seals up to seal off the hall from the outside world.

King of Darkness stood with his hands behind his back and frowned, Since Elder Dragon wants to swallow Li Yangs soul power, his ambitions are there for everyone to see.


I nodded, The reason he made me young master is just to calm us down, he definitely has bigger ambitions.

Senior Sister Yun nodded, King of Darkness, inform the two generals at Bright Moon Pass and tell them to prepare a unit to get back to assist.


King of Darkness said solemnly, I will do that right away. Yun Yue calm down the people and contact the five locations. If needed, we might need to use the whole Black Castle to go against Elder Dragon.


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In the end, before King of Darkness left, a golden armored cavalry stepped into the hall and knelt down on the ground, Your Majesty, our eagle scout found information. A day ago, the Flame Army, Twilight Army, Pioneer Army as well as Frost Army has moved out and are heading towards us!


King of Darknesss body shook and he waved to dissipate the world ender, Say once more, four armies?


The undead cavalry frowned, I heard that Fire Demon Queen Soora, Twilight Blade, Pioneer Valen and Frost King, these four lords have moved and they might be attacking us!


King of Darknesss body shook and his eyes were filled with rage, They want to wipe us out?

Your Highness.

Senior Sister Yun said, Seems like the plan has changed. The two generals have to defend Bright Moon Pass as they have to pass through that. If we can block them out, maybe we can buy Black Castle some chance!

King of Darkness said, So you are saying The humans might make a move?


Senior Sister Yun frowned, The Dimension Legion territory made us of the four lords to attack us so it means that Pioneer Forest and the Forst Forest are empty. This is the chance for them to get back land that they lost. With Xuanyuan Ying and Feng Buwens knowledge, they definitely wont give up such a chance. Once the humans attack, we can turn the tides.


King of Darkness nodded, I will send the envoy to Fan Shu City to convince Xuanyuan Ying. As for anything else, lets look at the intent of the heavens!

En, that is all we can do.

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