Celestial Peak

Chapter 143: A moniker is earned

Chapter 143: A moniker is earned

As the sun continued to shine without regards to anyone, a shadowy figure of a man with two pairs of wings flew above the Revering Devil Sect. Many of the sect's disciples saw the man and got curious as to who or what it was.

But before they could know. The man motioned and took out a barrel of wine and splashed it around the sect. With a motion of the man, he threw the barrels of wine down and in the process destroyed them with the sword he held in his right hand.

While the wine splashed from above, the man motioned once again and a black flame emerged from his hands. The next thing he did was that the man lit the wine with his flames and because the wine was already scattered in the air, the wines flared up with the black flames, inciting the array around the sect to activate.

The flames that was easily scattered thanks to the help of the wine spread all over the array. Those below watched as the man tried to attack them and laughed at his foolishness.

Especially those elderly who had stayed in the sect for a long time and knew of the barrier's capability.

"You fool, do you think such flames will destroy the [Devil Dome Array]? What foolishness. San San, go and kill that man once this IMPOSSIBLE! Stop it!"

From a disdained look to an anxious stare was made as they witness the barrier they were so proud of slowly destroyed by the black flames.

The four-winged man was, of course, Wang Ling, his Hell Flames was not something a mere barrier can withstand. The essence of the Hell Flames was corruption and destruction, destroying a barrier was a simple feat.

Normally, Wang Ling would have used a lot of qi to spread his flames around the array so he can destroy it, but with the wine scattered about. His job got easier and he managed to save a lot of energy.

Wang Ling sneered as he watched the elderly fly up with terrifying speed. He threw out three more barrels of wine and set it ablaze before getting serious and moving in quickly.

With his Soaring Devil, Wang Ling tore through the air and dove down. He appeared right before the elders coming for him and with a huge grin plastered on his face, he grabbed their faces with his hands and continued diving down.


He crashes through the already damaged barrier of the sect and with the two elders locked in with his steel grip. Wang Ling continued to dive down with breakneck speed.


Two bloody pulps were created as Wang Ling drove the heads of the two elderly into the ground. The ground trembled as Wang Ling appeared in the middle of what seems to be the residential area of the budding youths of the sect.

The young disciples saw what happened and the devil mask Wang Ling made him seem like a true devil. The horns sticking out of the mask and his black wings made him look all the more ominous.

They all trembled and as they did, Wang Ling brought out a sword and without any prompt to it, he moved in for the kill. Whoosh*, he disappeared and reappeared right in front of a disciple who had a stupid look on his countenance.

"Don't worry, your fellow disciples will follow you shortly." Wang Ling said coldly and announced the fate of disciples present. With a move of his sword, Wang Ling separated the body of the disciple into two.

Those who managed to witness what happened did one of two things. They either stayed to fight or fled in fright. Wang Ling did one thing in response, start a slaughter of the devils.

He activated the Retribution and called upon the wind. His sword slowly started picking up the wind. Gusts of wind was being created and his sword was slowly getting faster with his every swing.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Blood and entrails was flying all over the place. Before his targets could even respond, their bodies were split into parts and their death became imminent. Body parts flew all over the place, a massacre devoid of Wang Ling's usual grace was started.

Some disciples managed to get out of the sect, but as they did, a white fox with lightning coming out of its every step lacerated their bodies and killed them as a practice to getting used to her lightning.

"This is not right I need to use it move explosively." Bai Xue commented and flew up to check if other disciples managed to slip past Wang Ling's slaughter.

Bai Xue managed to spot one target running away frantically with her breathing ragged and disoriented. Bai Xue corrected her previous mistakes and with a motion, a loud clap of thunder was heard and she reached the disciples back.


She crashed against the body of the disciple and caused her torso to explode.

"That was too rough. I need to adjust my strength, maybe I'll try to integrate the lightning with the Tiger Form. No, I'll create the fifth form myself, shishi, his own created Martial Technique will be perfected by MY [Fox Form]."

Bai Xue had a wide grin on her face as she killed her helpless targets. As she was going through the happy slaughter, she felt the devilish qi suddenly rise in purity. The devilish qi was the lower quality counterpart of the hellish qi.

Bai Xue observed this and shook her head, "They are idiot trying to use [Devil's Blessing] against him. He's the devil himself!"

Inside the sect.

A tower of black flames appeared as tens of Saint flew over towards the place were Wang Ling was situated. Wang Ling could feel the power coursing through his meridians and veins.

He was a True Devil General, the devil's blessing was not something he should be angered at, because this augmentation was nothing but a great help to him.

Because the augmentation was so great, even greater than the one he encountered in the Azure Skies Kingdom, Wang Ling's cultivation surged up to half-step grand saint.

He experienced three leaps in cultivation strength, but the members of the Devil Revering Sect only experienced two. Wang Ling smiled underneath the mask. The saints who was already at the peak of grand-saint was augmented to early-true saint stage.

There were three people of that strength. Oozing with devil might one of the three-spoke, "You're going to die here. I don't know why you're attacking my sect but you will die here because of your insolence."

Wang Ling stood there and saw the disciples of the Devil Revering Sect with hope plastered on their faces. Some of them even called out, "Sect Master, please kill him for his stupidity. Our brothers have mostly died."

In the head of the sect master, he was already looking at Wang Ling like a dead man. It was already too much that a mere Minor Saint Stage cultivator dared challenge them but that said attacker manage to kill more than half of their forces so swiftly.

If he doesn't kill Wang Ling now, he will never be able to live the shame down.

"You, what is your name? I want to at least know the first foolish person to ever challenge my sect."

Wang Ling didn't answer him, the Sect Master snorted, "Are you too scared to even speak!? Answer me!!" Wang Ling still didn't speak, "Bastard, stop messing with the Blood Seeking Saint Yu Ren!!"

The Sect Master Yu Ren moved and a halberd appeared in his hands. He waved the halberd down and wanted to smash down Wang Ling. But Wang Ling only extended his hands forward and enveloped his body with hellish qi and sword intent.

He grasped the halberd with his left hand and the ground underneath his feet cracked. The Sect Master saw this happen and his expression suddenly sunk. He tried getting his halberd back from Wang Ling but the halberd was stuck for good and was not even moving an inch.

Wang Ling's perfectly refined body was not a pushover that some random nobody will manage to contend with him.

Wang Ling upon grabbing the halberd finally spoke, "You are not deserving of such moniker. You are nothing but trash." Wang Ling's voice was full of disdain.

"The "Blood Seeking" moniker is not something so easily earned." Wang Ling's voice grew cold, for some odd reason, he was starting to get angry as he heard someone with the same moniker as he.

The two-person who was previously beside the Sect Master suddenly moved and tried attacking the unmoving Wang Ling. They appeared from Wang Ling's left and right.

One of them wielded the spear, while the other was a saber. Wang Ling didn't even need to look at them and only spread his Ocean's Lull to grasp their every movement.

Wang Ling used his right hand to parry the one who wielded the saber and split his body into three pieces. The one on the left was burned to death and he did all this with his eyes fixed to the one called Yu Ren.

Yu Ren trembled and was pulled by Wang Ling through his halberd. Stumbling forward, Wang Ling punched Yu Ren on the stomach.

He didn't send him flying and only had Yu Ren gasp for air and vomit blood in front of him. His knees touched the ground and his hands held his stomach.


Wang Ling stepped over his head with a great force enough to shatter the floor.

Yu Ren's head was now buried on the ground. Wang Ling's feet started to burn with flames and the buried Yu Ren was slowly cooked to death. His screams was muffled by the ground, but Wang Ling could feel his pain through the movement of his body.

Wang Ling didn't stop even when Yu Ren's body stopped moving. He continued to burn his body until there was nothing left but ashes.

Harvesting Yu Ren's soul, Wang Ling tortured him some more before erasing his consciousness.

Wang Ling felt his heart become lighter. But his anger was still there, present and still lingering, he turned to the disciples that was watching in terror and just like that, Wang Ling started another slaughter.

Not for the sake of pulling the sect from its roots but to vent his anger.

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