Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1945: Tomorrow is A Good Day

Chapter 1945: Tomorrow is A Good Day

"I can't help but want to say it! After going through so much, we can finally be together; I've never been so happy before. Once everything settles down and we get married, I'm going to resign from my positions as the Sea God's Pavilion Master and Tang Sect Master. After that, we can go anywhere you like. If you still want to continue as the chairwoman of the Spirit Pagoda, then I'll just be the stay-at-home husband of the Spirit Pagoda's chairwoman; what do you think? Haha!"

Tang Wulin's joy was practically overflowing from his voice.

"You're going to resign? Will everyone else agree?" Gu Yuena asked in a surprised voice.

Tang Wulin replied, "Why wouldn't they? I've already done everything I need to do, and even though no one is going to object to our marriage at this point, we both represent extremely powerful organizations, and I don't want to give the federation the impression that they're under any threat from us. Also, the relationship between our Shrek Academy and your Spirit Pagoda is still a little rocky, and I don't want to further exacerbate these issues. On top of that, I don't want to cause any trouble for Sister Mo Lan, so this was the best decision, and it's already been approved by Elder Long.

"Finally, I'll get to take some time to relax. I've already made a plan with Xie Xie and the others for a joint wedding for all of us, and after that, we'll go on our honeymoons. I'll go wherever you want to go; as long as you're by my side, I'll be happy anywhere."

Tears were already flowing down Gu Yuena's face as she listened to Tang Wulin's excited voice, and she was doing everything in her power to hold back her sobs.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Are you moved by my decision? How about I go and see you now? It just doesn't feel right if a day goes by without seeing you."

Gu Yuena took a moment to compose herself before replying, "I still have a lot of things to do, but we'll have more than enough time to see each other in the future."

"Alright, then I'll go take care of some things as well. By the way, I never had much of a concept of money, and only recently did I discover that I'm super poor. I'm in the process of requesting some salary from the Tang Sect as the Tang Sect Master. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have the money to arrange our wedding, isn't that funny? Haha!"

"You're an idiot." Gu Yuena couldn't help but burst into laughter through her tears.


Tang Wulin took a deep breath as he felt the rich life energy around him.

In his eyes, this world was colorful and vibrant and full of beauty.

The top of the Eternal Tree's massive canopy was very flat and level.

Its thick branches intertwined naturally with one another, forming the basis for a series of wooden buildings at Ah Yin's behest.

Of course, Shrek Academy wasn't going to make any major alterations to the Eternal Tree; they were only going to add some things to the top of the canopy.

It was Tang Wulin's idea to construct the Eternal Sky City. The Shrek Academy bombing had always been his most painful memory, and even in the initial stages of Shrek City's reconstruction, the Sea God's Lake had still been plagued by destructive energy, thereby preventing the reconstruction of the Sea God's Island.

The Eternal Tree was undoubtedly the perfect site to construct the Sea God's Island upon.

The canopy of the Eternal Tree was where the life energy was most concentrated, to the point that it was almost viscous in consistency. In order to scale to the top of the Eternal Tree, a certain level of power was required.

The life energy here was simply too abundant, and if a normal human were to enter this environment, their body would be unable to handle the influx of such a massive amount of life energy.

This was similar to Tang San's concern that Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King bloodline would be nourished by immortal spiritual energy, thereby allowing it to destroy Tang Wulin's body from the inside.

Only powerful beings at the Titled Douluo level or above could reside here on a long-term basis, so the students of the inner court that was going to be constructed on the Eternal Sky City would all have to be of that caliber, and this information had not yet been revealed to the outside world by Shrek Academy.

All of the people currently constructing the Eternal Sky City were naturally powerful beings of Shrek Academy at the Titled Douluo level or above, and all of Shrek's Seven Monsters were among them.

All of them possessed the ability to fly, so it wasn't too difficult for them to transport some materials up from Shrek City.

Xie Xie approached Tang Wulin in an excited manner, and said, "You're smiling so wide that the corners of your lips are about to reach your ears, Boss! Were you speaking with Gu Yue just now?"

"Do you need something? If not, then hurry up and get back to work!" Tang Wulin snapped.

Xie Xie chuckled, "I wanted to ask you when I should propose to Yuanen; I'm really worried that her father won't agree to our marriage. Every time he sees me, it seems he's always really angry."

Tang Wulin replied, "Why are you asking me something like this? Your thick skin is your greatest trait, isn't it? If your proposal fails the first time, then just propose a few more times; it's not like Yuanen will run off with someone else."

Xie Xie's face immediately fell as he said, "Yuanen says that she'll only marry me if I can beat her, but after absorbing so much life energy recently, she's already close to the Limit Douluo level; how would I possibly be able to beat her?"

Tang Wulin chuckled as he patted Xie Xie on the shoulder. "Just pray for a miracle."

"Hey, you can't just abandon me like this! You've got your happily ever after; you have to help me out now!" Xie Xie implored.

"Here's my best advice to you: tenacity is key! I've told Gu Yue that we'll be holding a joint wedding, so that's an excuse, right? Take a look at Zhengyu; he succeeded in his proposal a few days ago. Lizhi is the most shy one among us, and even he's about to get the job done; what excuse do you have?"

A resigned look appeared on Xie Xie's face. "Alright, I guess I'll give it a try; at least Yuanen doesn't really beat me anymore. [1] How about this? What if I rush in while she's bathing one day and do the deed with her?"

Xie Xie couldn't help but gulp as he envisioned the scenario in his mind.

Tang Wulin merely smiled and pointed behind Xie Xie.

Xie Xie immediately stiffened, and without even turning his head, he said in a righteous voice, "That would be absolutely unacceptable, of course! I respect Yuanen so much; she is my goddess! Never in 1,000,000 years would I think of doing something so... Ow, ow, ow, take it easy..."

Yuanen Yehui grabbed onto Xie Xie's ear with a cold smile on her face. "You want to see me bathe again? I think you need to be put in your place."

"Please spare me! Arrrgh..."

Tang Wulin couldn't help but burst into laughter as Xie Xie was dragged away by Yuanen Yehui. It seemed that Xie Xie was destined to twirl around Yuanen's finger for the rest of his life.

Rising up into the air as a streak of golden light, Tang Wulin descended into Shrek City and returned to his office.

He made a call on his soul communicator, and asked, "Are my clothes ready?"

"They are; we can deliver them to you tonight. When do you plan to wear them?"

Tang Wulin smiled, and replied, "Tomorrow."

Tomorrow is a good day.

After ending the call, he turned toward a giant ice statue situated on one side of his office, and a hint of sorrow appeared in his eyes.

Inside the ice statue, Wu Zhangkong stood motionlessly, forever immortalized. Even through the never-melting ice, one could still sense the relief that he had felt right before his death.

"Please give us your blessings, Teacher Wu; I've finally found my happiness. You must be really happy with Mistress Long in the afterworld as well, right?"


The next morning.

It was a beautiful day with no clouds in sight, and even though it was only early morning, the sky was already a pristine blue color.

The fresh air intermingled with the moisture of the Sea God's Lake infused the entire earth with teeming vitality, and Tang Wulin was standing on the courtyard of the academy, looking at the main school building up ahead.

[1] [My God, this is sad LOL]

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