How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 135: A Short Wintery Visit 3

Chapter 135: A Short Wintery Visit 3

"You sure have changed, son... in a good way, of course," the Duke said with a broad smile, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.

His right hand rested thoughtfully under his chin as he circled around me, nodding with approval. His gaze was both appraising and proud.

"Thanks, I guess?" I responded, a touch of awkwardness in my voice.

Ever since I entered the academy and was thrust into a series of unexpected events due to my own recklessness, I had made significant strides in my development.

Discovering how to level up had been a pivotal moment.

It wasn't surprising that I had become stronger over the months, especially considering the academy's reputation as one of the finest institutions on the continent.

Reflecting on it, I realized that the concept of leveling up through combat should have been obvious to me from the start.

As someone who had been transmigrated into this world, I should have known that killing was a fundamental method for gaining experience.

In my previous life, as a dedicated gamer, it was second nature to understand that combat equals experience points.

'I could've gotten stronger much sooner if I had figured this out earlier.....'

It seemed almost comical in hindsight-my earlier ignorance of such a basic mechanic in this world.

Despite the mishaps and challenges, I had learned and adapted, and now, standing before my father, I could appreciate how far I had come.

Maybe it was due to my self-reproach for not fully embracing the main scenarios as intended, but there was no point dwelling on the past now.

After all, with Liyana practically around me 24/7, I had limited opportunities for intensive training back then. In fact, she might have found my sudden interest in training rather suspicious.

As my father scrutinized me, he beamed with evident pride. "You've gotten a bit taller since the last time I saw you," he said, his eyes twinkling with approval. "Your eyes are sharper, and most importantly, your muscles!"

He reached out and began to lightly touch my biceps and chest, his grin widening with each assessment. "Hohoho~ I see you've been working out. I guess you're going to follow your old man's way of life now, eh?" he added, flexing his own muscles in a show of fatherly pride.

While I understood his sense of pride, I couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable with how close his face was getting to mine.

His enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming.

"Stop that," I said firmly, gently pushing his head away.

"You're gramps is going to be so proud once he sees you," my father said, a tinge of regret in his voice. "It's a shame he won't be able to come here, though.

There's been a massive ramp-up in wheat prices in the capital. Managing things there must be rough there."

Even if what he said was true, I couldn't muster much pride in my current physical state. While I had trained hard to maintain my physique, the truth was that my body's chiseled appearance wasn't purely a result of physical training and effort.

Unlike my grandfather and father, whose muscles were hard-earned through years of relentless training and heavy workloads managing our lands, my physique was largely a product of upgrading my stats through the system.

"Come, let's go inside. Your mother and the others are waiting for you," he said, his voice brightening as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a snug embrace.

The gesture was somewhat awkward and uncomfortable, given the size difference between us, but there was something endearing about it.

I didn't dislike it, though. I had always viewed myself as separate from the original Riley- someone apart from the character I was in real life now.

But deep down, perhaps I had always wanted to be his son.

The warmth and familiarity of his embrace, even if it felt awkward, reminded me of a simpler, more genuine connection.

It was a small but significant reminder of the family and life I had in this world.


I never thought it would become such a wonderful thing in my life.


Entering the mansion, a wave of nostalgia washed over me.

The familiar scent of polished wood and the subtle aroma of home-cooked meals triggered a deep sense of longing.

It was clear that I had missed this place more than I realized.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, my voice echoing slightly in the spacious hallway.

The absence of servants and the dim lighting were puzzling.

I had fully expected to find Mom and Reina eagerly awaiting my arrival, but the mansion seemed unusually quiet and unlit.

"Judging from your curious look, I guess you already have an inkling of what's going on, right?" Dad said, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he caught my gaze.

It wasn't difficult to deduce what might be happening. Considering the circumstances and knowing Mom's tendency to mix noble customs with her own affectionate touches, it was almost certain she had orchestrated this whole setup.

"Should I act surprised?" I asked, a hint of a smile playing on my lips.

"Please do! They've prepared quite the festivity for you," Dad replied, chuckling heartily. His grin was infectious, and it was clear he was just as excited as I was about the upcoming


I chuckled at his enthusiasm. If a grand welcome was what they had planned, I would give them a performance worthy of the top-three rank I had achieved at the academy.

With a mischievous grin, I decided to fully embrace the role of the surprised and delighted


As we made our way into the dining hall, the anticipated surprise unfolded in a burst of warmth and joy.

"Welcome back, Riley!"

Mom's enthusiastic greeting was accompanied by a dazzling display of fire magic. Small bursts of flame erupted above the ceiling, illuminating the once dimly lit room with a warm,

inviting glow.

The soft crackling of magic and the burst of colors created a festive atmosphere that was both magical and heartwarming.

The room's ambiance shifted dramatically as the lighting brightened, revealing the smiling faces of my family and the cheerful servants who had gathered to welcome me.

Mom, with her usual grace and radiant beauty, approached me with a smile that spoke volumes of her affection.

She enveloped me in a tender hug, her warmth and the faint scent of her favorite perfume a comforting reminder of home.

Behind her, the extravagant feast they had prepared was laid out in all its splendor-dishes from every corner of our family's culinary repertoire, each meticulously prepared and


It wasn't even my birthday yet, but it was clear that they had spared no effort in making this homecoming special.

Did they really expect me to return during the summer break, or was this a spontaneous


Either way, their effort was deeply appreciated.

"How have you been, Riley? Was the academy life okay?" Mom's voice carried a note of genuine concern, her eyes searching mine for any signs of trouble or fatigue.

"It was fine," I replied, my voice carrying a hint of reassurance.

"Fufu, I guess that's to be expected from my boy," she said proudly, giving my shoulders a gentle pat. Her pride in me was palpable, and it warmed my heart to see her so happy. Reina, standing slightly behind Mom, finally stepped into view. Her eyes were fixed on the floor, her cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and excitement.

"Big bro... Welcome back," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Despite the way she often pretended to find me annoying, it was clear that Reina had missed

me. Deciding to tease her a bit, I let a smirk play on my lips.

"Did you miss me, Reina-?" I asked, my tone playful.

Reina's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and she struggled to maintain eye contact. "N-No, not really," she stammered, her voice betraying her true feelings.

I chuckled softly, enjoying the rare moment of sibling teasing. It was good to be home, surrounded by family, and to share in these simple, heartfelt moments.

Although it had only been around five and a half months since I last saw Reina, the changes in

her were striking.

Back then, she was just reaching my shoulder height, but now she stood almost eye-to-eye

with me.

It was a noticeable growth spurt, and it wasn't just in height-she had grown into her features

more gracefully.

Her beauty had matured, and it was clear that she had inherited the family's striking looks.

I couldn't help but notice how our shared genes were evident in her appearance.

Her development was impressive, especially considering that some of my classmates and even seniors at the academy hadn't grown as much or as gracefully.

There was something about the Hell bloodline that seemed to grant a certain level of refinement and beauty, which Reina embodied perfectly.

Her figure had also matured significantly, with her assets now more pronounced.

I must have been staring a bit too intently, as Reina's sharp eyes caught my gaze.

She blushed slightly and gave me a quizzical look.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and slight


Caught off guard, I quickly shifted my focus and tried to cover up my lingering gaze.

"Nothing..." I said, hoping to deflect any further questioning.

Reina's eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't press the issue. Instead, she gave me a sidelong

glance before turning her attention back to the others.

With a sigh, Reina then slowly stepped back and moved toward the empty chair behind her. "Just hurry up with your lovey-dovey greeting with your wife. I'm getting quite hungry," she said, clearly annoyed as she glanced at me with a hint of impatience. "Lovey-dovey greeting?" I mumbled, confused by her words. I had no idea what she was talking about, but before I could process anything further, a sudden sensation made me


A soft, bouncy warmth enveloped me from behind, and I felt the unmistakable sensation of someone hugging me tightly. The hairs on my body stood on end, both in fear and disgust.

"I missed you, darling~" came the sultry voice, dripping with familiarity and something else

that made my skin crawl.

"It's been so long, you know~ And you never even replied to any of my letters-well, except

for the first one, that is~" she grumbled softly, her arms wrapped around me with a possessive warmth.

My body went rigid as her red eyes, with their slit-like pupils, locked onto mine.

'I recognized who it was instantly...'

Liyana Heavens-now practically a constant presence in my life due to our engagement-was

standing right behind me.

As her words settled in, a rush of conflicted emotions surged through me.

My instincts, clouded by a mix of frustration and sense of betrayal, reacted before my mind

could fully catch up.

My hand began to move on its own accord making its way towards her neck.

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