How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 136: A Short Wintery Visit Interlude

Chapter 136: A Short Wintery Visit Interlude

Mundane, boredom, dull, and tiresome-these were the emotions Liyana Heavens felt whenever she found herself in this place.

The opulence of the Hell mansion, with its grandeur and wealth, did little to captivate her.

To her, it was as uninspiring as the many other gatherings she had attended.

The same monotony, the same forced pleasantries, the same faceless people-everything about this place seemed to echo her feelings of ennui.

Liyana's gaze swept over the room, noting the anxious glances and barely concealed apprehensions of Riley's family. It was a reaction she was accustomed to.

Whether due to her status, her reputation, or something more personal, people always seemed to find a way to fear her.

It was a sentiment she both despised and understood.

Their discomfort around her only added to the sense of disconnect she felt.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, Lady Liyana," Krista said, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Reina is just... a bit overzealous about seeing her brother again. I hope her words of conduct don't leave a lasting impression. She's actually a very kind and good-hearted young woman."

Liyana forced a polite smile, even though her patience was wearing thin. "No, it's quite alright, Mother Krista."

"I understand that Miss Reina didn't mean any harm. I'm more than happy to overlook any indiscretions, especially coming from my future sister."

"Please, don't be too restrained with my presence. I'm just pleased to be here and to reunite with Riley."

As Krista's face visibly relaxed, Liyana's irritation grew.

The relief etched in Krista's features only highlighted how little these people understood her.

They were making efforts to placate her, to ensure she felt welcome and untroubled, but it only served to amplify her disdain for the entire situation.

To Liyana, these attempts at soothing her were both unnecessary and irritating. She didn't care for the pleasantries or the attempts to make her feel at ease.

Hiding the fear, they felt for her through wavering smiles and forced pleasantries was something Liyana had always grown to detest about humans.

To her, such behaviors were as predictable as they were nauseating.

Each time she encountered people putting on false facades to mask their true feelings, it only deepened her aversion to them.

They all seemed like the same, a monotonous chorus of self-preservation and pretense. People operated within trivial systems, much like ants scurrying about their mundane lives. Their actions were dictated by shallow norms and social expectations, often driven by fear or respect rather than genuine emotion. Liyana understood why people feared and respected her —after all, she was the Duke's daughter, a figure of power and influence.

Yet, the constant, insincere reactions grated on her nerves.

It was particularly disheartening when this facade was displayed by those she interacted with closely.

Despite her best efforts to be kind and considerate, Riley's family seemed to regard her with a mixture of fear and formality.

Her own sister-in-law, Reina, was no exception.

This notion that even her kindness could be met with apprehension was something Liyana found difficult to fathom.

Riley, however, was different. He was the only person who had ever broken through her layers of disillusionment with genuine honesty. Where others saw only the mask of her status, Riley saw beyond it.

He treated her with a sincerity that was rare and precious in her world of superficial interactions.

For Liyana, Riley represented the sole bastion of authenticity she needed amidst the mundane and the repetitive.

Of course, that doesn't mean every one of Riley's actions is entirely truthful. Like her mother, Riley was the type to cloak his true feelings behind a mask of polite words and well- constructed facades.

However, what set him apart was not merely the surface-level sincerity but the depth of emotions lurking beneath.

Despite Riley's attempts to shield his true feelings, his demeanor towards Liyana had always been distinct and multifaceted.

There was an unmistakable layer of intense emotions: a blend of aversion, profound respect, and an honest heart filled with both love and pity.

His feelings were raw and unfiltered, contrasting sharply with the usual calculated interactions she was accustomed to.

This complex emotional tapestry was something she had never encountered in anyone else.

Riley's ability to evoke such a wide range of emotions in her was both perplexing and compelling. Even after he left for the academy, she could not help but be intrigued by him. Her rational mind and her heart might have insisted that Riley was nothing more than a passing distraction, a mere pet she indulged in for amusement.

Yet, her body's responses and her emotional turmoil told a different story.

There was a palpable disconnect between what her mind and heart asserted and the powerful reaction Riley stirred within her.

It was as if an unseen force bound her to him, making it impossible for her to completely sever ties with him or fully rationalize her feelings.

The notion of Riley persisted as an inescapable presence, something she couldn't simply dismiss or forget.

Hearing the butler's confirmation and the distinct sound of the carriage outside, Liyana's draconic eyes scanned the surroundings with a practiced air of detachment.

Yet, beneath that calm exterior, her heart experienced an unfamiliar flutter.

Her gaze settled on Riley's approaching form, and she couldn't help but notice the subtle anticipation that grew within her.

It was a feeling she hadn't expected and struggled to understand.

A subtle smile curved her lips, though she was unsure if it was genuine or merely an attempt to mimic the emotions of those around her.

She often found herself at odds with her own feelings, particularly when it came to Riley.

Despite the many interactions and moments they shared, her heart had never truly stirred for him. It was a peculiar contrast to the way she saw others respond with genuine warmth and


'Darling, you really are making me crazy-' she mused silently.

The anticipation she felt was almost unsettling, like an echo of emotion that didn't entirely

belong to her.

As Riley finally entered the room, his presence was both surprising and elevating for everyone


He greeted each family member warmly, acknowledging their presence with a genuine sense of care and attention.

His interaction with the servants was equally considerate, showing the same level of respect and familiarity he always had.

There was a striking familiarity in Riley's behavior-his closeness to his family and the

genuine warmth he displayed.

It was an endearing quality that Liyana had always found intriguing, though it was something

she could never quite fully comprehend.

Before she realized it, her body moved on its own.

The smile on her face was persistent, almost unnervingly so, as she quietly crept up behind


Her arms opened up instinctively, and she embraced him from behind with a familiarity that she had carefully cultivated over time.

"I missed you, darling~ It's been so long, you know~ And you never even replied to any of my letters-well, except for the first one, that is~" she said, attempting to tease him.

She expected his usual indifferent and restrained reaction, the one she had become

accustomed to.

But as Riley began to turn around, the reaction she encountered was far from what she


An emotion she had never seen before erupted in his deep blue eyes-eyes that were usually reminiscent of the tranquil, endless sea.

Instead, they now reflected a profound and unending abyss, filled with raw hatred.

Her smile faltered, and for a brief, disorienting moment, she felt herself paralyzed by the

sheer intensity of his gaze.

The usual warmth and complex emotions she had come to associate with Riley-the love, pity, and respect-seemed to have vanished, replaced by an overwhelming darkness that was

both startling and alien.

'What's going on?' she wondered, her mind racing to make sense of the stark contrast between her expectations and the reality before her.

She had always known that Riley harbored negative feelings towards her, but this was


The cluster of emotions that made him unique, that set him apart from everyone else, was now obscured by an unfamiliar and unsettling void.

As their eyes locked with each other a deep sense of unique darkness' clashed with each other,

one devouring and one never ending.

Riley's hands now gently touched her neck and cheek, his caresses tender and affectionate, as if he were a lover who had been apart from her for a long time.

The delicate touch and the warmth of his hands contrasted starkly with the deep blue abyss of his eyes, creating a dissonance that left Liyana feeling disoriented. "Liyana... It's been a long time. I missed you," he said softly, his voice carrying an intimacy that felt genuine yet out of place given the emotional tumult she had just witnessed.

His words seemed almost too kind, too soothing for the intensity she had seen in his eyes.

"About the letters you see-"

As his voice continued, the words began to blur together in her ears. Liyana's eyes were fixated on him, trying to piece together the conflicting signals.

His appearance was unchanged from the one's she saw through her eyes, his demeanor

outwardly calm and affectionate.

And yet, the sudden shift in his expression and the intense emotions he had displayed before

left her grappling with a profound confusion.

"Liyana?" His voice grew louder, tinged with a hint of concern.

She noticed his face inching closer to hers, his head tilted in a questioning manner as he

awaited her response.

"y-yes?" she managed to stammer, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to navigate the bewildering situation.

Riley's face lit up with a warm smile at her flustered response.

Gently, he enveloped her in a hug, his embrace tender and reassuring.

The sudden closeness and the enveloping warmth of his body created a cocoon of comfort

around her.

Yet, as she settled into the embrace, a profound sense of confusion continued to churn within


The gentle thumping of his heart against her chest resonated deeply, echoing within her own


Each beat seemed to magnify the enigma of the moment, leaving her wondering in the

pounding rhythm, she was hearing....

Her right hand clutched on to her chest.

.... Thump!

An echo upon which she had never experienced before pounded.


'Shit.... That was so close!

If my rational self hadn't returned at the last second, I might have been choking Liyana

instead of hugging her.

The jarring realization brought me back to the present, where I felt the weight of the moment

and the embarrassment of almost letting my anger out on her.

"Hey, you two lovebirds done?" my sister's annoyed shout cut through the tense atmosphere.

I turned around to see everyone watching us, their expressions ranging from amused grins to awkward smiles.

Even Mom looked slightly embarrassed by the public display of affection. Her cheeks were flushed as she tried to maintain her composure.

I released Liyana from my embrace, a nervous chuckle escaping me as I tried to regain my


The warmth that had enveloped me just moments before was now replaced by a cold sense of


My heart continued to race, and I felt a strange mix of confusion and discomfort.

I focused on calming my beating heart, using my mana to steady my emotions and slow down

the rapid thumping in my chest.

Turning my attention back to Liyana, I saw her with her head lowered, a deep blush spread

across her face.

Her reaction was confusing. Why was she so flushed? Was she plotting something again, or

was there another reason for her sudden change in demeanor?

"Liyana?" I called out gently, hoping to get a response and understand what was going on.

Slowly, she lifted her head to face me.

Since I was a few inches taller, she had to look up, her deep red blush making her look even

more delicate and unsure.

Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, there was a flicker of something I couldn't quite place -something that seemed to be a mixture of embarrassment, confusion, and perhaps a hint of vulnerability.

This girl it wasn't the first time she acted so affectionate for me.... Is she planning something


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