Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 161: The Children Of Medusa (I): Instance Dungeon

Chapter 161: The Children Of Medusa (I): Instance Dungeon

A little ways forward there was an arch of sorts built between the walls of the canyon, the arch itself seemed to be made from the bones of some sort of giant snake that stretched over the air from one corner of the canyon walls to the other. The other Nagas had ran down that path and through the arch, and considering that there was no other path to take, it seems the only way left is forward. Rezar raised his head to observe the ledges that popped out of the canyon walls, basically the Nagas must have carved the entire canyon walls on both sides, expanding it and making the ledges of stealth movements.

It was impressive and Rezar was wondering if he should do the same for Necron, however considering it would just be overlooking his city and not a proper place to lay an ambush, it seems it was pretty much redundant. None the less it was such an impressive tactic to put into play in a battle, some day if he ever gets to rule the whole of Bahrenburg, worrying about invasions from the other side of the Canyons of Toromont would make for an interesting scene. Short of flying over the canyons itself, or going around the sea route in the west and the desert route in the east, the only way forward would be through the canyons itself, and the Nagas had just given Rezar the makings of a rather nasty idea.

Rezar got on top of tiny and moved forwards, Kitagawa and Screet close being their king as they all moved forwards. A confused and thoroughly shaken Roran following close behind, all too scared and shaken to follow them, but even more scared and shaken to stay behind. He scrambled up to his feet, getting on top of the forest wolf that had been given to him for a mount, his body shaken a little too much to stay steady and steer his mount. However the wolf was an undead itself and it didn't need much of a direction to move about.

Rezar rose ahead, his eyes peeled for any other sort of ambush, while the Nagas could barely hurt him, or rather they could hurt him, but In end any sort of damage they could deal was completely superficial in it's entirety. He shook his head again, an action that he seemed to be doing more and more lately, as he drew up to the arch and the walked past it.

[You have entered the lair of the Queen Medusa! You can not escape from this instance dungeon until all the entire have been slain. Exp gain increased by 200%[NULL], Inventory Activated!]

Rezar blinked and looked back to notice that a shimmering curtain had sprang up in the space behind them, they all probably received the same system notification, which meant they were all stuck within this instance dungeon until they had cleared it. Rezar took a deep breath though, he was in a dungeon again after so long, it was weird but he knew the base and true foundation of the strength he now had was born from the time he spent trapped in a dungeon. He had grown more stronger in there in eight months than he would have if he was still outside.

"Sire whatever this Medusa is, this fight would not be easy. There are no low level instance dungeons which means we're in for a very serious fight. We should prepared as those Nagas should probably be the weakest thing we encounter within this dungeon. Though if I have to be honest, I don't think we might get the chance to encounter any Black Wyrms, so there's a very obvious possibility we might fail this gauntlet." Priest said as he moved to stand besides Rezar who was still mounted.

"It doesn't matter Priest, I've already decided that whether I win this gauntlet or not, I'm going to go to the middle of the fucking Horde and Use Vita Gratia's only skill. That should put the fear of the Goddess into them, you don't fuck with death. But that's if we do defeat this instance dungeon and get out of here on time. So out the gauntlet out of your mind old man, and let's go hunt some snakes." Rezar with a smile as he urged Tony forwards, the massive ant skittering across a smooth ground that had been worn down by the constant crawling of the Nagas.

They moved forwards for another 100 meters before they realize that the tunnel were getting a bit narrowed as the canyon walls met themselves before creating a sharp corner. It was worrying as they could be walking into an ambush without being able to see what or who was binding behind the corner, but none of that was a problem for Rezar as he got on top of Tony's back and jumped up.

[Bat Apparition]

His form became nothing more than shadows as he surged forwards and quickly turned the corner, fully prepared to unleash hell on who or what ever he found there. And he did find a trap waiting for him as a hail of energy spears stabbed into his form, and while he was immune to physical damage in his apparition form, that was not to say skills, magic or any sort of energy based skills won't be able to bring him down, at the very least he would take significant damage.

His shadowy form dispersed as he fell to the ground, his knees banging hard on hard concrete floors and busting open. Blood flowed out from his busted kneecaps, as he raised himself fully to a kneeling position and looked at the hundred of Nagas who were arranged in a military formation and ready to attack him. His attention was given to them just long enough for a shadow to start calling on top of his head, he looked up just in time to see familiar yellow eyes as massive snake jaws opened to swallow him whole. And just before that happened, he could read out the name and level of the serpent as it was precariously perched on it's head like a crown.

(Infant black Wyrm King// Level 63 Monster)

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