Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 188: Play For Power (X): A Dying Elysium

Chapter 188: Play For Power (X): A Dying Elysium

so aliens have finally invaded, the update hasn't happened yet, but it seems a bunch of things were happening ahead of time, or rather the update was actually already happening, but it wasn't coming suddenly as he had expected, but slowly. Little changes that affected the world in little burst, until when the grand finale was ready to be implemented. It was funny, from what he was told, it was Elysium itself that was trying to wipe out all humans that now lived in here regardless of their race. But it was making small and sudden changes, so that people can quickly and easily get used to and acclimated to the new world that was coming into being.

Apart from that it seems Necron was now a level 5 town, even though his unconsciousness made a bunch orcs and some of his people hang around as they started a slow march towards Necron, it would have been dangerous carrying him through their portals in his comatose state, and even worse due to the storms coming from the desert, the plains pretty much became inhabitable, so they all had to move in the direction of the Kerwood forest, towards the place that was sure to be their new home; Necron. And the moment he became their king, the population requirement was met and surpassed by a large margin, the same way the resources were now way too much than they knew what to do with.

The town upgraded, and while there were somethings Rezar had to come back and take care of himself, on account of being the; now Mayor of Necron, everything was running smoothly. Then he addressed the issue of the Dustin Crowe merchant company, and Gynaika's answer shocked him. There was a fleet of ships sieging Necron as this very moment, however none of them had made any moves and were just contented to wait until Rezar returned to Necron with his hostages in tow, which spoke volumes of how important those two idiots actually were. But Rezar wasn't worried, he was going to Kill Tyrene and Tyrese for their crimes against him and his people, no amount of threat or negotiation would change that, the consequences he would be able to deal with. Two weeks have passed, he just needed to hold on for another two and their fleet wouldn't be a problem.

And then the next problem had to do with the fact that nobody could aces their stat pages anymore, every time they tried with the spires, it kept on showing one word and that was 'Updating'. Everything really was going to change, even the way people grew stronger, there might not even be classes all together, and at this point it was really hard to determine what would change. But Rezar felt that Elysium was about to get a whole lot more real, now it wouldn't be based on stats and skills, but race, insight, and natural ability. He didn't think skills would be removed completely, but now they would actually have to be learnt, trained, felt, and utilized rather than relying on the system. Probably all the stats and skill points and skill combining gems he had now were probably useless, which was a shame.

He had no idea if dungeons were still going to be a thing, obviously the landscape was going to change, that was something Tristian had told him before. Now there won't just be one worlds, but rather many worlds. NPCs would mix in with real people and it would be hard to tell each other apart. No one would remember previous lives as the world outside would no longer matter, all that would be is the world you now find yourself in. earth would literally be forgotten, except by priest, he was cursed by the Necron to forever remember with extreme clarity the details of all his lives. Rezar didn't think the effects and powers of certain weapons and tools would change, in fact he suspected they would extremely important and sought after as powerful reality altering relics of the old Elysium, the one he was currently living in.

Which means he still had to get stronger, to look for the Necron, the book his town was named after, and to protect Vita Gratia, a weapon capable of reaping souls in the hundreds and using it to empower the allies of its wielder. And it could grow stronger and stronger as long as there were souls to feed it. There were more such weapons, Rezar was sure of it, and they would also come into play. It was like Elysium was dying and from the ashes a new world would have to be built, whether it would be a better one than what they currently lived in, it was up for debate. But it was a chance for Rezar to not actually start at the bottom, but from a position of real power, being capable of implementing great change, having a voice that could be heard and having people to fight for him and keep his ass out of trouble. So that he could finally get that house on a beach with a farm close by and live a life of leisure and not give a shit about anybody and the world. wouldn't that be nice.

"Now that you're back on your feet, I'd say we can put a little speed to our movements so that we can get home in time right?" Gynaika asked as stood up from the low stool she had been sitting on besides Rezar.

"Yes we can move, there's still a bunch of thing to keep track of, and Alistair has to go check that outpost we found, I'm sure there's technology he can salvage from there, and with how close to the Breone mountains it is, I'd say it would be nice to have a forward base, especially one so advanced. We should go home and prepare, the world is about to change, and these merchants are the final obstacles of the old world we would need to take care of. I'd rather not start a new life with them polluting my waters. Summon Lenore from the dungeons as soon as possible, and please get me someone to still hungry."

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