Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 94: How and why?

Chapter 94: How and why?

For the rest of the one-hour lecture, Seth remained quiet and entirely focused on the single ornament resting on Haruka's ring finger.

It was unsettling and disturbing enough for Seth to see that ring on her finger that his grim aura alone made his surroundings terrified to no end.

But Seth was in no mind to pay heed to such minor details since his mind was racing through all the possibilities which could have resulted in this outcome yet he could find none.

The reason why Seth was dissatisfied with the novel in the first place was because of how small screen time it gave to the best waifu and such there was not much major information revealed about Haruka which could tell the reason for her sudden engagement.

'I should have been careful.'

Seth clenched his fist under the desk at the thought of being completely carefree about the person he desired the most. It just sounds plainly foolish yet here he was.

The class went longer than he primarily thought since even only an hour was going steadily just because of a simple ornament on Haruka's finger.

Now Seth waited for the moment when he could leave the class and talk with the professor and quench his anxiety as soon as possible.

However, some over-enthusiastic bastard suddenly stood up when Haruka was about to leave and raised a question that darted right through the President's heart.

"Professor Haruka. Is it true that you are engaged to Professor Ethan?"

Hearing the sudden question, Haruka blushed slightly as her eyes roamed around in embarrassment, gaining a loud cheer from the class as the question was well answered by just Haruka's reaction alone.

Seth saw every gesture the older lady showcased and he was far from pleased with what he saw.

In response to the question which students have been hearing fleetingly after the vacation, Haruka responded in a shy tone.

"I...It's not appropriate to ask such a thing students, so please focus on your studies and stop asking such personal questions."

She thought she dodged it but her flustered response along with the redness her ears adapted only made the class fawn at the teacher as they teased the professor for any further information, but to no avail since Haruka left the class soon after.

As soon as Haruka left, a middle-aged guy who was responsible for the subject-related flora entered the class when suddenly Seth stood from his seat, prompting everyone including the professor to froze at their place.

"P-President Seth?"

The middle-aged botany professor asked in a slight stutter while trying to maintain his adult aura as he approached the green-haired boy who was standing there all quiet.

"I am not feeling well, Professor Minwine so I would be resting in the infirmary."

It wasn't a request but just a notice since Seth didn't even wait for a second and proceeded out of the class with heavy steps, making everyone hold onto their short breath.

"Yeah sure..."

In obligation, the professor did give the permission but Seth was already out of the classroom to hear the murmur.


With a happy smile, the famous history teacher of Pristine academy who was known better for her looks rather than her job walked through the corridor while replying to those who greeted her on the way.

Haruka currently had a wide smile and small humms leaving her throat as she made her way toward her office. The reason for her current mood lies in the sudden teasing barrage she was directed by the students about her engagement.

Her fiance and she decided to keep it a secret for now since having a relationship with peers was not something ideal from a responsible adult's perception. Yet it was Haruka's interest to not wear off her ring which made it more so obvious her engagement to professor Ethan more.

And also it didn't help that Ethan was now more talkative toward Haruka during breaks and also sometimes comes to see her in the office where they would talk about things related to studies and sometimes family matters.

She accepts that Haruka herself was a little slow in the matter of romance since this engagement was rather sudden for her and even despite being in her twenties she has only allowed her fiance to hold her hand in the name of the development of their relationship.

Thankfully Professor Ethan was not a forceful man and gave her enough space to adapt to this new add-on in her life as they decided to take things slow and get to know each other first before moving toward more intimacy.

'What am I even thinking... '

Giggling to herself, Haruka shook her head in embarrassment when suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder which naturally brought a sudden halt to her feet as the violet-haired lady turned to face a familiar person.

"President Seth? Do you need me for something?"


'I knew it... '

The reason Seth didn't call Haruka but rather tapped her shoulder lies in the fact that he wanted to run a quick internal checkup of her body to see whether she was alright or not.

Call it his stubbornness or what, Seth couldn't believe that in the span of one month, this much development could occur without him knowing.

And the small purple mist Seth saw in the corner of Haruka's mind was the evidence of what he believed was true and Haruka was not in her sane mind to be making such massive decisions.

Seth was beyond shocked to find 'it' inside Haruka but soon he collected himself and spoke in his usual tone.

"Can I have your ten minutes, Professor? It's something secretive and crucial for both of us so I would prefer an isolated place."

To study the 'thing' inside Haruka, Seth needed to be around her so he could conclude why and how this 'thing' was planted inside of her when 'it' should have never appeared at this point in time.

Hearing Seth's words, Haruka's expression sobered as she understood somehow the severity of the matter that the Student Council president himself had to come and meet her.

In Haruka's eyes, Seth was one of the most responsible people she has ever come across and a very diligent child whom Haruka truly admires and wants her students to be like him.

Definitely, she could never treat Seth as a general student and brush off this request so she offered the best place she had in mind which met Seth's requirements.

"Then please follow me to my office, since no one is allowed inside without my permission. Generally, it isn't allowed for anyone including the Student council to enter the place but since the matter seems rather serious, I would make this exception."

The way she was trying to act mature and be in the role of a professor yet failing adorably, made Seth assured that nothing weird has altered in her true nature.

However, he couldn't settle down without knowing the true reason for this bullshit engagement which never should have existed in the first place.


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