The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 119: The Nine Abilities - Part 2

Chapter 119: The Nine Abilities - Part 2

Jay was surprised by reading the notification but he finally understood that his ears were in a bad condition.

The knight might have been telling and asking many things till now but since his ears weren't in any good shape, he could neither hear nor reply as he didn't know what he was asking or saying in the first place.

All he could do war guess his posture and understand what he tried to tell but that was also a futile effort since he was already aware that the knight was quite angry and was intending to kill Jay.

The knight then immediately swung his sword while standing a bit far away immediately after which a yellowish golden slash appeared in midair and travelled towards Jay with haste.


It his his abdomen with a lot of force which wa store than enough to literally destroy a huge solid rock boulder.

Due to the attack, Jay went flying and was slammed to the wall which had a huge crater in it due to the collision.

Jay wanted to at least shout but he failed to even produce any of the sounds. Also, he wasn't able to look at the knight.

In fact everything around him was dark just because he was closing his eyes or rather he was forced to do so.

Suddenly his eyes opened slowly after which he could see things clearly but the moment he opened them, the first thing that he saw was a system notification.


[Activating survival program]

[Every neurons Of the host has been adjusted]

[Power has been amplified or decreased based on the necessities]

[Complete control over the body has been given to the system]

[Analysing threat level]


Just as he was reading this, the golden knight all of a sudden appeared in front of him out of nowhere which was possible thanks to his high agility stats.

He then grabbed Jay's collars and then threw him the other way after pulling him out of the crater.


The throw was so powerful that Jay ended up piercing the other wall which was at the opposite end.

He was again stuck in the same manner and the crater formed this time was much greater in size than before.

The situation was completely unbelievable because he was literally thrown so far just by a single swing.

Jay didn't know what was actually happening to him anymore because he wasn't even able to feel any pain.

In fact he couldn't feel anything! It seemed as if his sense of feeling was taken away from him for a while by the system and the neurons were still being adjusted.

But all of a sudden another message popped up in front of him which made him smile a bit which he was able to do on his own.


[40% of the ruptured ear drum has been healed]

[All neurons have been RE-ADJUSTED according to the threat level: SSS+]

[10% of control over the body is returned to the host]

[90% control of the body would be stimulated by the system until the threat has subsided]


Thanks to the 10% control, he was able to smile.

He started to feel the surroundings too but the feeling was too dim. His other senses did sharpen out and his ears had also healed by 40% due to which he was somewhat able to hear now.

His smile seemed like a taunt tobthe golden knight and immediately the knight rushed towards Jay in order to slash him.

His agility was without a doubt high but for some reason he seemed to be moving in slow motion.

'Huh...? What the...'

It was not only the golden knight, in fact everything around him was moving in slow motion.

It was as if some time skill was used but Jay didn't have anything of that sort so without a doubt it was weird.

'Could it be...?', it seemed as if he had some idea about what was happening.

'The neurons Of my eyes are adjusted in such a way that I am able to read and process the information so fast that everything is looking slow...', was what he thought.

Without a doubt his thinking was right. It did seem that the system had readjusted his sense of seeing in such a way that he could look at the knight's movements clearly since he seemed quite slow to him.

But just because the eyes could keep up with the speed didnt mean that his body would also he able to follow that.

So the only help that he would receive by this was to know the dangers that are upcoming and react ina quick manner.

He wanted to speak and use teleportation, but his mouth too seemed as if it was in slow motion.

His mouth slowly opened immediately after which a lot of blood cane out of it as if it was a water fall.

It seemed that on getting hit earlier, a lot of blood was basically coughed but since his mouth wasn't able to open, it was accumulated and now that it opened, it all gushed out.

'Damn... if I get the hit by his sword then I'll be as good as dead!', he tried his level best in order to escape from the place but it seemed as if he was still unable to control his body.

All he could do was just wait for the attack to reach him. He could literally see death in front of his own eyes and that too approaching in slow motion.

'What do I do....?', when he was thinking that his hands automatically started to move.

'Huh...? M-my hand?'

He could look at his right hand that was moving in slow motion since his eyes could cover a large range.

'W-what's happening!?', it seemed as if the hand was slowly coming in between the sword and his body.

All of a sudden the slow motion world ended as the strain on the neurons yhat cinttolled the Eyes was too high.


There was a huge sound and it seemed as if even deeper crater was formed right now.

But that was only because of the shock wave that was generated from the attack.

"Huh? You...", the golden knight was shocked when he looked towards Jay after the dust that had risen subsided.

"How did you...", he was completely astonished and was lacking words to express his shock.

Jay had literally stopped the sword with the tip of his index and thumb finger. He was basically gripping the blade of the sword.

"Impossible!", the golden knight was getting shocked each time he looked towards his blade.

He had basically swung the sword with almost entire if his current strength but despite that he was easily able to stop the sword with just 2 of his fingers which was indeed something that the golden knight had to be surprised about.

He had already concluded that Jay wasn't the black king or the ruler of darkness and Jay himself was saying that since earlier, but after that when he stopped the sword, it made him suspect again.

The knight became wary when he wasn't able to pull the sword from the top of his fingers.

He had to ultimately withdraw and thus he jumped a few metres back.

He kept on asking himself a few questios in his mind, 'Is he really not any normal human? Is he really the black king?'

The knight was baffled and his eyes were bulged the entire moment after this happened.

It was the same for Jay too. He himself couldn't believe that he caught the sword just like that.

'Wh-what the heck did happen right now!?', he asked himself in his mind.

'I just... grabbed it?', he was awed.

'From where the heck did such strength come from!?', the questions from his end were also not ending and right now both of them were in a state of confusion and were trying to answer their own questions.

'No... this matter can not be taken lightly!', was what the golden knight said.

'I guess it's confirmed that he is indeed the black king since other than him, no one else can catch that sword bare handed!'

What he thought was indeed true. The sword which Jay was holding in between his fingers was a legendary sword.

No one could hold it in their bare hands and if anyone actually held it, it was the golden knight but he too had to wear the special gloves and gauntlets for it.

But only the dark overlord who was having the power of darkness could hold it because the curse couldn't affect the dark since both were or the similar origin!

'Yes... I need to kill those humans first! If he were to gain those abilities then... he would be undefeatable!', was what he thought and decided to immediately kill all of them.

Jay couldn't sense anything but he could clearly see that the golden knight was upto something. He seemed to be looking towards thenhikans who were tied to the pillars.

'Don't tell me... he wants to...', his consciousness was slowly fading and his vision started to become blurry.

But he could still look at the knight since his vision was still a bit enhanced.

All of a sudden the knight vanished and appeared at the top of the pillar that was in the middle.

It seemed as if he was planning to destroy everything. He immediately summoned another sword out of nowhere which was also giving off a golden light.



"You want to kill them!!!?", Jay's anger started to surface slowly.




[ Blood Pressure has risen to abnormal level ]


Jay didn't care about the notification.

"You will kill them? Not on my watch!!!", his anger finally burst out. His eyes were covered with black flames.



[ Control over the body has been forcefully taken away by the host ]

[ Self Healing Has been completes by 95% ]


'TELEPORT!', he said in his mind and immediately appeared where the knight was standing.

"Huh?", the knight barely got anytime to react.

Jay swung the sword which he was holding in his right hand with great force.

His agility had already transcended his stats and were almost similar to that of the knight.

The knight somehow managed to place the other sword in front of him and both the swords collided which not only caused a spark but also caused a huge shock wave which literally cracked the surface of the pillar on which they were standing.

Jay's strength had also transcended his own stats and due to the swords power it had become even more than the golden knight.


The power of hit was so great that the golden knight went flying into the air while piercing the ceiling.

It seemed as if the knight just vanished to thin air because he didn't return for a while.

"Huff... huff...", Jay was panting heavily.

"I... I saved you all...", he said this after raising the sword.




Blood splashed from almost every part of his body and it seemed as if his blood vessels had ruptured.

The fingers with which he held the sword was also swollen and was completely red.

Blood was basically overflowing from his nails too. His eyes were also covered in blood due to overstraining them.

And the last thing which he saw and heard was basically a system notification.



[ You Have comp... ]


And now the sun shined brightly on him as if it was embracing him with the light and warmth.

But amidst this the inscriptions that were present on all the nine pillars started to glow with purplish violet light which was shining brightly.

The inscriptions on the pillar that was in the centre also had inscriptions which also started to shine starting from bottom after which the entire hall was embraced with the purplish violet light which mainly surrounded Jay.


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