The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 928

Chapter 928: ‘-reawaken what I’ve forsaken.’

“In other words, I must dawn armor and bear the title of anti-pope?”

“For the safety of believers, I afraid so. There’s no fighting against the tide leveled at the pope’s speech – for Kreston to survive as a haven, there needs to be vastness.”

Duke of Kreston saw himself unable to process, the mind lingered in a state of listlessness – water of thought felt muddied and increasingly viscous. “-bearer of wings of an angel,” said the king, “-Hidros will take the brunt of the Alphia-Wracia alliance – the world’s changing at a rapid pace – we who stood as support for the superpowers are now left alone to wander. Before setting my sights on the outworld, we must unite Hidros and the remaining superpowers as one, solidarity is what I expect. Enough said I guarantee we have a few months before the holy crusade reaches our borders. It’s going to be a hard year for Hidros, perhaps a harder decade,” he gritted, “-I’m not opposed to starting again,” stern shoulders dropped, “-seems just.”

“Understood,” rose the pope, “-what are my duties for now?” he asked, hungry for more.

“Sit tight and prepare your army for a defensive battle. If Dorchester is going to raise her army and say tis training, do the same. Increase pressure on the borders; I will have men dispatched to Oxshield and Arda.”

“Didn’t thee mention the cost of war?”

“Oh, it is expensive, however, there are things I can do which people mustn’t know about,” he smirked, “-and my talents are blasphemous to the church’s teaching.”


“Majesty?” blinked the duke, “-is it necro-”

“Enough, pope, we’ve spoken for far too long. I have preparations to see too.” The faded steps returned king Igna’s office to thoughtful tranquility, “-before you leave,” he said shy of a handle click, “-I won’t, and I say this with much seriousness; try not to fall into the trap of schemes. I rather thee focus on thy believers and leave the international affairs in my hand.”

The duke quipped, “-for the king who allowed us to reach such a situation, I rather not heed their majestic advice. So long, majesty.” *Thud,* a pensive moment of reflection, ‘-the pope is right,’ sighed Igna, ‘-been a while since someone dared to criticize my action,’ – therein, inspiration, the fabled lady Eureka coyly winked, “-criticism, the olden truth of a king being as good as his entourage. I’ve been a fool, seriously,’ a chuckle escaped, “-I was lost in the greater picture I forgot what was precious. Happens to the best of us,” he stood, made way to the window, snuck his hands in between closed curtains, and threw one of the layers over his back, revealing a bitter evening, “-rainy season is upon the capital,” he looked at the booming city, ‘-Rosespire, I’ll do what is best to conquer our disagreements. Hidros stands as a multiracial culture of constant improvement, a good foundation to build upon – the populous have made the city more their own – a just judicial system, a just king, and good policies. In times of peace and trade, the established norms would push us towards a prosperous future. The feudal system is still in order despite most decisions being subject to the public and discussed in the parliament. Alas, the current way of doing things is diverse and not centralized; it’s good for the people and bad for the state. Pushing forward stronger policies will be met by backlash and resistance from the populous and ministers. Tyrants have left a distaste in many historians’ mouths. Hailed as evil incarnate – men of power would willingly throw the trust of the people into war. What many don’t speak is of why tyrants turned tyrants; circumstance. Looking at it now, my situation is similar – I have to lead the kingdom through an age of unknown and face risks of total invasion. Religion has no border, the papacy of Leon knows what they’re doing – condemning Kreston bury seeds, kindling who grow and spread, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Let’s play,’ he smiled, ‘-afraid to say, there’s no escaping war and disturbance of Hidros. Might be the end for us,’ he sighed, blinked a few times – an alluring expression of kindness and joy wiped clean, the Staxius’ renowned hubris manifested in stages – he needed to change and to change, there was but one way – return to naught. ‘-control my emotions,’ the eyes closed, ‘-and reawaken what I’ve forsaken,’ two dark masses rose in the shadows, they walked silently and wrapped around Igna, “-are you sure?” asked one, “-calling onto us defeats your purpose.”

“I’m not giving up nor am I defeating any purpose. I’m the devil, and thou art my other-selves. To move forward, I have to give up part of me – which is why-”

“No,” rattled one, “-no forsaking emotions, the latter is why we exist.”

“You don’t have to change,” winked Alfred, “-we don’t have to change – true lords have the power to change and influence the world to move in their favor,” purple jolts flickered, “-and today is the day thee embraces our true capabilities.”

“We’re one of the same,” laughed Staxius, “-isn’t that what thee says all the time?”

“Yes, we are,” he smiled, “-come forth my other selves, be part of me and let’s take on the world!” the two figures swirled into a condensed circle of black outline and purple center, flakes of white stroked with a brush from inside out, a burst of tremendous aura shook the castle crowd, previous bicolored pupils of white and red turned to red and the newer shade of black, purple, and white. Staxius, Igna, and Alfred joined, ‘-power,’ he gritted, forced onto one knee, ‘-how powerful can they be?’ the heart raced, disturbing the very calm layer of mana, “-breathe,” a warm fire lit inside, ‘-my hearts on fire,’ the heart rate settled, ‘-I’m ready.’ A simple tap dusted the outfit, ‘-Hidros will rise, that much I promise,’ amber light of the corridor brightened the room for a moment, Igna’s shadow passed through the doorway and closed, turning most to darkened silence. Castle’s inside reflected Hidros’ financial state – many decorations were taken for a more minimalistic aura.

*Prime minister’s office,* wrote on brass with black, *tap,*


“How goes it, prime minister,” entered the King, throwing éclair into a sudden loop.

“Master?” the head shook, “-I didn’t expect such a late visit,” arms furiously scrambled through paperwork similar to one uninitiated to swimming, “-how may I be of help?”

“Drop the act,” he said and sat on a nearby couch, “-we saw the news.”

“I know,” the tone dropped, “-master, did something happen, you seem rather calm.”

“Pay it no mind, dear éclair. News is definitely bad for the kingdom, with a foreign body on our lands’ tis hard to achieve stability. To win, we must occupy Dorchester and vanquish the opposite faction, else, we ought to bring them onto our side. I can think of a few ways – but then again, our kingdom isn’t much better. Ministers are beyond their age – unable to process the current climate. Prosperity has thrown their guards over the counter and recently, the dissolving of the Alrosian Alliance.”

“About the latter,” sighed éclair, “-I’m happy to report that we’ve severed all ties. I’m free to breathe and aid my master. I apologize for being compromised, if not for my foolishness the whole ordeal could have been avoided.”

“Forget the past,” he rose an open palm, “-time’s nigh for a chance. The Prime minister, call for an emergency meeting of Hidros’ leaders. I want nobles, ministers, and everyone involved directly with us in attendance.”


“I shall explain later, have the meeting set for the 30th.”

Thus, ignorant of his king’s intention, éclair went about calling on everyone involved with the kingdom. Gaien council, Phantom, Elon’s Dynasty, a few weak noble families, and the list of ministers in charge of the military, internal, external, and other affairs. A gathering at the castle inside the parliament room – the guests arrived one by one and soon filled the area.

“Cousin Igna,” exchanged warm embraces, “-my brother, it’s been far too long.”

“Cousin Julius, I’m pleased to see you well. I see age has been kind on you, by all means, how are Malley and the babe?”

“Malley is well and my little angel has grown. Enough about me, where have you been for so long?”

“I was lost,” they spoke for a few minutes – the grand parliament hall was quite a feat in structure. Refurbishing the dance hall to accommodate various members took time, money, and effort, the result speaks for itself; a good open area, desks, and seats placed in an oval arrangement at the center of which sat the leader of designated meetings. The hall grew in mass, parliament members representing the state sat opposite those representing the people, “-I should get seated,” said Julius headed to Phantom’s entourage.

“Igna, friend,” smiled Lord Elon, “-must have been urgent.”

“Yes, friend it was urgent,” in a similar manner, Igna met and exchanged words with those in attendance, there compromised even representatives of Arda in the form of Alta, stewardess of Glenda. The likes of Johny Dyale, Johna Et, and Marie Jude were also present. In a complete shock, Duchess Goldberg carried with her the might of powerful nobles sheltered in the north. A snarky expression and unbothered nature told of the prestige, Plaustan, Totrya, and Easel Run Gard each sent their representative. It would be an understatement to speak of how much power the gathered held. Duke of Kreston kept himself to a corner, ‘-everyone answered my summons,’ the king took center stage, ‘-if it had come from éclair I doubt there would be this many,’ and stood before the chair, he stopped and scanned one side to the other. *Clap,* cut amidst the chatter, “-his majesty, King Haggard,” shouted a knight.

“Very feudal,” whispered across, “-what is the king thinking?”

Igna sat on the chair, giving the illusion of it being a throne – the arrangement of the room, compared to other times was subtly different – guards were stationed behind Igna vested in armor and wielding swords. The crest of the royal family hung on draped banners, take away the chairs and tables and one would be faced by a replica of dated throne rooms.

“Everyone,” he thundered, “-I’m pleased to see the attendance. As thee knows, the worlds in disarray, news of a novel superpower have put into question the fate of Hidros, to that inquiry I say this, tis uncertain. Dorchester has been making moves behind the scene, and as today’s a diplomatic meeting, we won’t take action against the representative of the rebellion. Duchess Goldberg, I count on thy open-mindedness,” she snarled defiantly, causing the knights to glare, “-Hidros’ a good kingdom, there’s no arguing the fact tis miracle chaos hasn’t consumed the growth. To those ends, I have prime minister éclair to thank – he’s led the country admirably in times of crisis and during my absence, took matters into his hand to promote our growth despite Alphia’s constant attacks. Here’s the truth – a fake king headed the kingdom for half a decade; the state was compromised and forced to take severe actions, garnering the anger of fellow countrymen. Today’s not the day to discuss the past, nor will I entertain ideal gossip of reasons, today’s an ultimatum, one in where the fate of Hidros is decided,” shuffles strained the silence, people looked around, throwing shrugs and shaking of the heads, “-what is wrong with him?” they inquired internally.

“And there it is,” whispered Julius, “-lady Elvira, I think cousin has finally decided to play for real.”

“Yeah, I knew there was change on the horizon, especially since he so strongly demanded us to be present.”

*Silence!* cried a knight, “-the reason for today’s meeting is not democracy, tis judgment. By my title of King, I, Igna Haggard, decree centralization.”

“WHAT?” cried the Gaien council, “-what of the people’s will, what of our way?”

A knight ran at the man and rose his blade to inches before the neck, “-no more interjections,” he narrowed, a severe killing intent rose from forward – the king’s authority slammed shut unnecessary chatter.

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