The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 929

Chapter 929: Centralization

“What of the people?” brought into the fray, “-what about them?” he asked nonchalantly, “-what would they understand about what it takes to run a kingdom on the verge of collapse. Neither do I blame or wish for them to understand, roles in society are there for a reason – and I’m all for a meritocracy. It’s selfish to bring the unworthy subjects to justify actions. Long as the backlash doesn’t impose on their daily lives; the states serve them well.”

“And under whose authorit-”

“Glad the statement was cut midway,” he glared at duchess Goldberg, “-my lady, Hidros’ foundation is linked to the feudal system. Not much praise to the traitorous nobles, however, I admire them who dared go against the wind and stay a member of the court. To said ends, I’m pleased,” a glance over, “-on matters of today’s gathering, Hidros will hereon become centralized – ministers and leaders dismissed and picked again on merit. éclair and Starix will screen applicants – word’s been put to the public. As we speak now, a broadcast plays,” and as he said, Rosian Media Square, the entertainment hub of Rosespire, lit ablaze. Hectic sideways of hurried pedestrians stopped, each looking onward to the skies at the projected screens and floating airships. Aside from Rosian media square, every channel linked to the crown was ordered to alter its programs. In the forefront of the video sat a man, one known to the public, he who’d remained absent for so long, the king of Hidros, “-good morning people of Hidros, Easel Run Gard and Arda. Announcement of the alliance breaking must have been a shock. Not to us, not the ones who had to deal with the Alphian greed and lust. I speak no ill of the Alphian people, I but blame their leaders – always lusting after power, always wanting to snuff life out of budding new creations. Pains me, honestly, Alphia was and still is a place close to my heart. Thanks to the Alphian people and their open-mindedness, our nations were able to speak and become friends, exchange of cultures bred a more open and inclusive society. I’m glad to have been blessed with patriotic followers – times have been rough and today, sadly, worse than ever, there lays the chance of Hidros’ destruction. A rebellion to the north, Dorchester’s uprising that has wished to give the throne to Queen Eia’s child, a legitimate claim despite my wedded wife’s slanderous ways. It’s no shock,” and he said crudely, “-that the princess isn’t my child. I was offered the throne per the elated Queen Gallienne’s last wishes, my uncle, Staxius Haggard, and her majesty the queen were enemies turned friends. Their stories have painted the pages of House Haggard’s chronicles, their relationship allowed for Hidros to be united. She answered the wish of the late king and soon carried on to her resting place, leaving the crown to me – a simple man who bears the blood of Staxius Haggard. To my people, I ask one question, what doth thee desire? Many will say a safe place to live, others, a stable economy, and even adequate shelter, thus I reply by showing Prime Minister éclair’s humanitarian actions – he made strides towards caring for the elderly, lowering the burden of cost for healthcare, free housing for the disable and impoverished. Bygones are bygones, an act of generosity is not meant for political advancement – sadly, by the way time changes, Kreston was excommunicated by order of the pope. A holy crusade will be upon us, they wish to save followers imprisoned at the hands of Pope Carrigan. Is it safety they’re after or is it to annex both Dorchester and Kreston? There’s no question war will defile Dorchester’s landscape again, the war-torn province unable to heal her wounds sees old scars torn open,” a moment’s rest simultaneously slowed movement around Hidros, proving the king’s authority and way of capturing their focus, “-my people, as king, I have failed to create an atmosphere of peace and prosperity. Alrosia was a curse, one I’m happy we got rid of at the expense of our temporary safety. Listen carefully here and now, as King of Hidros, my responsibilities have now turned to safeguard heritage passed from generation to generation. I will not stop,” he stood, “-I will not cower, I will lead Hidros forward, taking attacks from both enemies and friends, I’m Hidros’s shield, her sword, and her guardian. I haven’t inherited the title Devil King of Hidros for nothing,” a piercing glance at the lens, “-balls in your court, my people, will you stand by my side or be an enemy of the state. To the former, I welcome thee and make no promise of the journey being easy, the latter, thou art free to leave and start again somewhere else. When the time comes for battle, think, could I slay a friend, a family member, or a lover? If the answer is no, then you know what must be done. And if the answer is yes – then the blame and guilt are not yours to bear, I shall carry the burden for you for it’s the kingdom that proved unable to stop friends from killing one another,” intensity in the voice sufficed to skip heartbeats, leaving many wondrous as what was ahead, “-Hidros’ getting ready for war, to those willing to stand by us, present thyself at guilds, military outposts and training grounds. I’m looking for competent people, not just fighters, but thinkers, scholars, and anyone with a skill that may serve their state. Future is ours, and today’s the first step, I henceforth decree centralization of major factions, I will shape the destiny of Hidros and die trying,” he pointed at the camera, “-you, my people, will inherit what we achieve,” fingers curled into a fist, “-TO HIDROS!” shouted the king.

“TO HIDROS!” bellowed across the land, from Rosespire’s Highrise to the cathedral of Kreston – a formal announcement by the king spurred intent within the hearts of many. Vampire charm amplified by a natural ability to lead and guide emotions strengthened his position as well as undermined the legitimacy of the Rebellion’s claim. News stations were quick on the affair, a royal scandal brought to life by the king himself – such a level of openness towards his people, an affair which was detrimental to his claim suddenly grew to be his greatest advantage.

A humble figure perched upon Azure wall, her locks carried on the wind, and her fluttering eyes snuck glances at her right arm, “-Jen, I’m here, your shift is over.”

“Understood,” turned a matured lady crossing into one of the wall’s watchtowers.

“This king man,” gawked a young adult, “-I don’t know how he does it. I mean, you heard the speech just now, yeah? I’m fired up.”


“I know,” she said with a reserved smile, “-Igna Haggard, we were friends once. We met at the academy, look at him now, the king of Hidros,” backpack over her shoulder, “-that’s just how the king is,” she nodded, “-one who turns disadvantages into strength. Don’t be careless out there.”

“Says the one who’s expecting.”


As a hurricane made waves across its target, Igna’s speech painted a positive picture. There are times when weaknesses are best used to sway public opinion. Feeling of care, admiration, and resolve – all focused on the people and their collective home, Igna masterfully spoke his mind and in doing so, rose morale, thus increasing the likely hood of acceptance.

“Pardon?” shuddered the parliament, “-majesty, you did what?”

“I did what I had,” he said, “-justification is simple, unification of Hidros,” he looked at Goldberg, “-my lady, do keep the hatred confined. There is much to come in the few months. The purpose of the meeting is settled – ministers linked to my court will be handpicked. The kingdom moves into a new age, and by all means,” he crossed his legs, “-those unwilling to adhere with said changes are free to leave in the company of lady Goldberg.” *Clop, clop, clop,* a frigid breeze lowered the room’s temperature, “-in view of the reform, here I present the new minister of internal affairs, my big sister, Eira Haggard, she will serve a great part in quelling disorder throughout our kingdom.”

“Empress of Alphia?” fired one of the Gaien council, “-how nepotic-” protested the representative. Insolent tone begone a swift death, the knight stepped inward and plunged his sword through the man’s heart.

“TYRANT!” screamed others, by which multiple other knights rushed and slaughtered those of unequal thoughts.

“It’s one thing to be open-minded,” he narrowed, “-and another being a gullible fool. May this serve as a message. More information will be sent from the prime minister’s office.”

Lady Goldberg rose, not once bothered at the deaths, “-King Igna,” she curtsied, “-with my deepest respect, I bid thee farewell.”

“Farewell, lady Goldberg – may our paths never cross in the field of battle.”

She covered her mouth and politely laughed, “-my dear king, allow me to give a word of advice. Centralization will weight heavy, especially to one renowned for his whimsical nature.”

“And to you,” he quipped, “-a word of warning, keep in mind thy line of succession.”

She stopped and stared, paying mind to Igna’s worrisome words, “-I will,” he nodded and left. Similarly, those present stood, many averted their gaze from the slaughter, “-King Igna,” said those remaining in the Gaien council, “-we shall endeavor to keep people’s mind at ease.”

“Representative of the Gaien Council will fall under Countess Eira Haggard of Elony, once held by the late count Ian.”

“As you wish, my liege,” they swore fealty. By their example, others joined to show their appreciation and willingness to follow their king – in a single day, influence and prestige skyrockets to heights unreached by éclair. A bloodied meeting turned a gathering of familiar faces, “-quite the show,” commented Elon, “-boldly announcing the world of the coming changes. How can we be of help?”

“By staying strong,” he replied ominously, “-Elon’s Dynasty and Phantom are two powerhouses keeping the kingdom afloat in the international market.”

“Don’t leave out Phantom,” winked a passing Asmodeus.

“He speaks true,” a sip slowed the conversation, “-Elon,” they moved to a quieter place, “-I need a favor.”

“Anything, what’s the matter?”

“If the day ever comes where I’m unable to lead the kingdom, I want you to take the helms and get rid of the feudal system, it’s already in my will.”

The man simply watched, “-why me?”

“Because thee see the world in color, the people will need to have the support of a new leader, one charismatic and wise.”

The head shook in disagreement, “-I will try my best.”

“Good, that’s a weight off my shoulder. I should get going, take care, friend, I’m glad you came.”

“You too, friend, and don’t worry, Elon’s dynasty backs the king fully.”

“So long,” thus Igna went circle to circle, exchanging words and giving thoughts on the future. Dusk shortly drew over the castle towers, a calm breeze blew into the king’s office, “-éclair, Yui, Starix, and Alta, I’ve chosen thee to be my closest aid, as such, confidential matters will be divided, and handled amongst you four.”

“Master, might I ask a question?” narrowed Starix, he nodded, “-why us four?”

“Trust is a gamble, asking and receiving trust in itself is what makes the matter such a precious commodity. éclair and Yui have always been at my side, Starix has shown great promise in handling Raven and for Alta, stewardess of Glenda – thy talents have grown exponentially. As such,” he stood and pull an ornamental dagger, “-as a show of my trust, I offer thee the boon of immortality through my blood and heritage as inheritor of the first progenitor.”

“Immortality, master?” blinked Alta.

“Yes,” he said, “-I heard from the Blood-king’s faction. Alta, I know.”

“By all means,” she dropped on one knee, “-please, I wish to become a nightwalker.”

“I must speak these words of warning; he who sips shall walk the night follow the code, and lead the path, willingly or unwillingly.”

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